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Benzos Am I immune to diazepam?


Jul 8, 2012
Hi all, as the title says really, I occasionally use 2x10 mg after a heavy stim night to help wind down, ive always left it at least 2 hours until im feeling little to no affect of what was consumed earlier before I take them, then I wait around 10 minutes and head to bed, this heavenly blissed out floating on a cloud very sleepy feeling washes over me, but unless I time it perfectly it wears off, I'm talking not much over 5 minutes and the feeling has just disappeared, gone.

Years ago I had them for back pain, and although they did relax my spine enough to take the edge off the pain they never hardly made me tired back then either.

Opinions theories and any input welcome.
I used to use a much stronger benzo, Ativan( lorazepam). Valium(10mg) it takes a bunch for me to even feel it in the slighest. Did say after cocaine? Try it when there is no coke in you to see if the coke is affecting it. Also you ever use/abuse any other benzos?
I used to use a much stronger benzo, Ativan( lorazepam). Valium(10mg) it takes a bunch for me to even feel it in the slighest. Did say after cocaine? Try it when there is no coke in you to see if the coke is affecting it. Also you ever use/abuse any other benzos?
Never hammered any benzo ever, and as I say have used it pre coke years and never really did what I expected
Never hammered any benzo ever, and as I say have used it pre coke years and never really did what I expected
Valium is in my opinion, more of a muscle relaxer than a sleeping pill. They are weak. Also if they didn't do much then, why did you think they would bring you down after cocaine?
Valium is in my opinion, more of a muscle relaxer than a sleeping pill. They are weak. Also if they didn't do much then, why did you think they would bring you down after cocaine?
I only had the 2mg ones then, got 10s now.
I only had the 2mg ones then, got 10s now.
I take the 10's also. I am in miserable mood, but hopefully 50mg will relax me.
I used Ativan( lorazepam) 2mg 3x a day for 6-7 years before I found out Benzo withdrawal can kill you, so I switched to a milder benzo. 1mg Ativan is equivalent to 10mg of Valium.
I cut my use in half by accident when I switched to Valium out of fear( thank you Bluelight).
I took a lot tonight because I am in a bad mood.
I know it is hypocritical, but please be careful with the benzos, from the stories I have read they are a nightmare to get off, of.
I didn't know and didn't care because the doctors said I had a year to live. That was 8 1/2 years ago. Now I am screwed, same with two other meds.
Apparently benzo withdrawal can be fatal. I wish the doctor( not my gp) who wrote the initial script would have told me.
^ That's terrifying isn't it !!!!!!!!!!!

That's why I was Here.