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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Alprazolam/12mg) - First Time- xanax horror


May 31, 2013
This was last christmas

It was a very boring day at my grandmothers house, and what better way to ease the boredom then doing drugs? :D
Anyway I knew my grandmother was prescribed xanax, I just had no idea where they were. One day I came across them and decided to try it. I took 1.25mg of xanax and then laid down but unfortunately I fell right asleep. So the next day I wake up and take 1.5mg and wait for a bit and feel nothing whatsoever. So I take 2 more pills, making it now 2mg. Still feel nothing.

Basically I kept popping pills and I have no clear idea how much I took, but I suppose its around 11 to 12.5mg of xanax, because my grandmother said she was missing 50 pills. When I heard that I was shocked because I had no idea I took that many. (They were .25mg pills). Anyway I woke up the next morning in deep shit. Apparently I wet myself twice and almost threw up on my own vomit, had my parents not found me, I might have died.

That's basically as bad as it got. I woke up and tried to lie my way out of it, saying someone might have put roofies in my water that I got before the trip (lol) Anyway there was no way they would buy that, so I had to go to plan B. Now, getting high gets you in trouble, but if you lie and say you were trying to kill yourself, you get a different reaction. So I try to swallow my pride and tell them I tried to commit suicide (even though I wasn't) and I foudn that too hard so I just gave them hand gestures and shit. Then to make it more believable I get a knife and more pills and act like I'm going to stab myself.

I was actually in so much shit, I tried drowning myself in the bathroom to die for real, but realizing that was irrational I didn't do it. Anyway I regretted that lie a day after we came back and they put me into a psychiatric hospital. I was so pissed about that.

Anyway the moral of the story is, don't say you want to kill yourself if you really don't want to, because then they'll send you to a hospital for 3 fucking days and you have to be around a bunch of suicidal crybabies.
Ummm yeah.

Would you really had rather them think you were trying to kill yourself than them know you just took some drugs for the hell of it?

As a mom, I would rather know the truth. Hell yeah I would put you in the psych ward if I thought you were trying to commit suicide!! It would also not hurt me near as much to know my kid was experimenting with drugs than trying to kill himself!

(Oh...and 50 of them?? A little overboard don't you think? I mean if you are going to steal grandmas meds, I could see taking 5 or 6, but 50?)
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The other moral of this story is, you should be ashamed for stealing your elders meds and telling bogus shit lies about it. You got what you deserved, Im not trying to be a dick but for real... stealing your grand moms meds was diabolical.
Done some rude shit like that myself back in the day so I am not passing judge ment ok.
Hope you are well.
Moral of the story, is don't be a fuck head. Don't pop pills like candy , it seriously isn't hard. If you knew the day before the pills worked. Don't start popping that many the next day because you think it isn't working, OBVIOUSLY They are. I know i am probably gonna get another ban for this but yea, i hate idiotic drug users. Use with respect
Hahaha, that is how those and valium go. You buy a 12 pack and plan on sharing and you end up eating them all without remembering. Add in a 12 pack of beer and god damn.
Christ 50 pills! Your username, doublechrist! I hope she didn't need that prescription! Granted they were only .25 so I can see how it would be easy to go through them fast... If they were yours.
Moral of the story, is don't be a fuck head. Don't pop pills like candy , it seriously isn't hard. If you knew the day before the pills worked. Don't start popping that many the next day because you think it isn't working, OBVIOUSLY They are. I know i am probably gonna get another ban for this but yea, i hate idiotic drug users. Use with respect

Actually I didn't know they worked, I fell asleep (which it states.) It's actually very common to continue popping benzos because your judgment is completely fucked.
'...so I just gave them hand gestures and shit. Then to make it more believable I get a knife and more pills and act like I'm going to stab myself.'


Dude... what!? Moral of the story actually is, don't take drugs (from your grandma?)
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Benzos are not recreational by themselves. Don't chase it, you'll only find addiction and hellish withdrawal.
typical with benzos when you're not used to them to "not ffeel anything" keep on taking them, and wake up and have others tell you all the crazy stuff you've done.... lol

glad you're ok though
Benzos won't per say make you "feel something" its more the lack of feel that it brings, in specific anxiety. The only real way for benzos to be of any recreational use is if you have anxiety in which the buzz you may feel is rather a numbing of the anxiety itself/relief from it.
exactly in my opinion they dont realy get you high, ive never heard of.25mg pills just the 1 and 2 mg ones