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Adderall vs Dexedrine

Benzo Guy

May 3, 2010
both therapeutic and recreational which do you prefer currently i take 3x 20mg ir adderall daily and am thinking about switching to dexies
Never done dexedrine but it is generally prefered because it contains only the d isomer of amphetamine. Adderal also has the l isomer, which doesn't get you high, but causes unwanted peripheral affects. That's for recreational purposes, for ADD it may be somewhat different.
Dexedrine is considered by nearly everybody to be more recreational than Adderall. As far as how helpful they are for treating ADHD, I'd say they're pretty much equal in that respect. I'm sure some people find Dexedrine more effective than Adderall for ADHD, & that some people find Adderall more effective than Dexedrine for ADHD, but most people I've known have found that they're pretty much equally effective.
Dexedrine also tends to have less negative side effects than Adderall.

The one downside of Dexedrine is that it's a bit more addictive than Adderall [pretty much just 'cause it's more recreational than Adderall].

All in all, though, they're really not all THAT different.
Dexedrine is better for recreational use, but I have no idea if it's better therapeutically
Thanks for the info it just sounds like adderall minus the side effects plus a better high sounds good
Never done dexedrine but it is generally prefered because it contains only the d isomer of amphetamine. Adderal also has the l isomer, which doesn't get you high, but causes unwanted peripheral affects. That's for recreational purposes, for ADD it may be somewhat different.

levo isomer activates the peripheral nervous system, it is actually quite euphoric. It gives that body high adderall has, yet dexedrine lack. But this also leads to an increased body tenseness. Dex isomer has more of an affinity for the cns
Dexedrine is always better if you have a large amount. If you only have a little and you really want to feel up you might like Adderall better.

I've always preferred Dexedrine but recently came across some Adderall XRs that were really euphoric for some reason, probably just because I hadn't had them in a while.
I prefer dexedrine because it makes me way more focused and feeling like a million bucks without so much of that obsessive compulsive shit and the extra strain on your body.
I guess I'm the black sheep. At recreational doses I find Adderall to be more euphoric. I know that Dexedrine is pure dextroamphetamine which is why I guess the mixed salts effects me more powerful. I find Adderall and Dexedrine to be equal for combating the symptoms of ADHD/ADD.
i guess i disagree with everyone here, dexedrine does not give me euphoria like adderall does. i think the L isomer at correct doses with adderall is beneficial because it gives me the energy, the sexual stimulation, etc...dont get me wrong, too much of the L isomer (taking too much adderall) of course will cause horrible anxiety and bad crash. but to sum it up dexedrine isnt recreational for me, adderall is, exremely. my 2 cents
after 5 years adderall just doesn't give me much euphoria anymore and taking breaks is hard after 5 years of use with withdrawls and all.
On a side note what does op mean? couldn't find anything to explain it and don't want to start a new thread for an easy question like that seeing as almost everyone says it
after 5 years adderall just doesn't give me much euphoria anymore and taking breaks is hard after 5 years of use with withdrawls and all.
On a side note what does op mean? couldn't find anything to explain it and don't want to start a new thread for an easy question like that seeing as almost everyone says it

I'm not sure but in general forum slang all over the internet it is an abbreviation for "Original Poster". It helps if it's in all caps, OP, for clarification.

As for me - I've never tried Adderall as it's not availble here, but I have had racemic amphetamine. I only use orally or nasally, and never discern any serious euphoria from either substance. They both keep me focused, give me energy, make me a blabbermouth, and help me stay awake - and make moving feel good, so that dancing at raves is fun. Pure d-amp was always decidedly more clean and pure-feeling for me, whereas the levoamp brought about nastier side-effects and a "gritty" feeling to it which I did not enjoy.

In a nutshell: neither produces euphoria, both produce stimulation, d-amphetamine produces significantly less side effects and comedowns than the l-amphetamine.