A sobering experience


May 8, 2012
This is my first post and god its been a crazy past 24 hours.

I've been dealing with Research chemicals for the past year. I consider myself extremely cautious. I research everything for weeks or more before making any purchase, I check quality, I have a sub mg scale and I all around take drug use very seriously.

Last night I made a mistake that could have killed myself and a friend. We were doing some 5-ethyl-methylone and decided to redose at 400mg. I weighed out the dose and gave it to my friend and as I was weighing out my dose I glanced down at the bag again to see that it was not 5me but was in fact mxe. The mxe I have is extremely pure and very strong. I've only gone up to 100mg and that was quite an experience. She had already taken the pill so I immediately had her start throwing up and drinking water and throwing it up to try to dilute anything that went in. But we had no idea if the pill came up or not. We called poison control and they told us that throwing up does not work and is dangerous and she needed to get to the hospital immediately. I gave poison control her first and last name so the hospital would be expecting her. We made it their in record time (I've never run so many red lights in my life) and she was starting to feel the effects, we got her checked in with a fake last name but used my real info for billing and such. We did not present any ID or SS#. In the end she was perfectly ok. I've had a lot of experience with MXE and I'd say she couldn't have absorbed more than 20-30mg going by her peak effects. We lefts the hospital against their recommendations and headed home. She did not have any blood drawn or urine samples taken. However we saw that one of the nurses had the note from poison control with her real first and last name. However all the paper work and discharge papers had the fake name we gave them.

At this point she is extremely worried that the military will find out about the hospital visit. I know hospitals are for the most part confidential but I also know that being in the military you waive a lot of your rights. The main concern is that they would figure out her real name and add it to her real records or worse alert the military in some way. Her real name is very generic (tons of people with her first and last on fb) and they had it spelled wrong. The info I gave for billing is correct with my real name, address, and phone number and I intend to pay for all the bills to ensure that there is no reason for them to look any further into it. I realize that with some detective work they could definitely ID her (cameras, association with me, real name on a note) I'd like to know if anyone knows how much risk there is of this happening. I would assume that if the bill is paid they have no reason to waste resources to try to identify her.

All that being said this has been a very sobering experience. As I said I am very careful but it only takes one small mistake. I could have easily have taken the 400mg too and not realized what we had done until it had started to hit and who knows what may have happened. We both could have died, she could have died, I could have been charged with murder. Luckily this was not the case and rest assured nothing like this will ever happen again.

For the time being I'd just really appreciate anyone with knowledge of how ERs are run and knowledge of the military to give some insight into how likely it is that word will get back and she will be screwed. Discharge papers say accidental drug ingestion and have her fake name. I'm also aware there were many things that could have been done differently but in that situation my only concern was to make sure she was ok and I was not thinking of any other repercussions.
Well I'm very glad your friend is okay, and I hope that her military career will be okay too. As for it being a sobering experience, what do you intend to do with this experience? I'm more asking you this as a challenge but you just witnessed the potential that these RCs can kill or affect your life so easily. Calling the hospital was the right thing to do, it's much better to have your friend be in trouble than winding up dead from an MXE overdose.
I haven't read all of the forum rules yet so I'm not sure what activities I'm allowed to talk about. But to put it simply this has been the biggest change in my life since my dad died(not related to drugs or anything, just a huge shocker). I'm done heading down the path I was headed on and she is too. We both already had plans to change that path but who knows when it would have happened. Perhaps this close call has saved both of our lives or freedoms. She plans to stop drug use altogether since its such a huge risk for her career and she was getting far too deep into it. I intend to continue to use but I have never been one to over indulge in them anyways. However I AM done supplying them to friends and others. If they want to use drugs I'll be happy to educate them, make sure they have a safe product, and I'll still use them with them but I refuse to ever be responsible for putting the gun in their hand again. My friends all see me as an extremely knowledgeable source but I am certainly not perfect and can make a mistake just as much as anyone and with them placing so much faith in me that mistake can be even more dangerous than if they got their substances from the average dumb ass dealer whom they trust much less.