A Nightmarishe 11day 24/7 dosing experience on GBL (Possibly Triggering)


Jan 21, 2010
Hello All. I'm posting this for myself as much as for anyone else.

I'm no stranger to GBL. I would often use 4-5ml per week for university discussion classes. I'm a relatively introverted person, so a small dose (1ml) did wonders for my group communication courses. At this point it was something I looked forward, but had not yet sunk its seductive hooks into me yet.

Fast forward 3 weeks ago. I split a split a 500ml bottle with a friend. We had both been looking forward to it, as a pseudo-medication for our mutual generalized/social anxieties. But, I would have no way to predict what happened next...

Things started on a positive note. We received the package, dosed and went out for delicious lunch and walked around town, a truly glorious day. The prior 2 weeks had been filled with all kinds of anxiety, it was a much welcomed relief. My anxiety was/is severe enough that I decided to keep taking it for a couple days on a 24/7 basis. My anxiety disorder pulled a 180, I was walking around campus with new-found confidence and swagger, talking to girls I would normally never approach, even got a couple dates for the near future. I was the person I always wanted to be. Around day 4 the problems began, the effects became more and more sedating and less euphoric. But, the hellish dopamine rebound kept me using, I had a large supply after all. About 2 days ago my supply was beginning to run low, but I just decided to keep using and deal with any dopamine rebound issues as they came.

The first night was hell, I took my last dose around 1am, by 2:30am my heart was jacked, worse even than a bad methamphetamine comedown. Palms and were feet were drenched with sweat, each limb constantly trembled. I couldn't even watch TV, because I over-analzyed every scene and applied it to my own life in some deeply dark manner. I decided that drinking alcohol might help, since they are both GABAneergic. This caused a bizarre reaction. After drinking around 750ml of red wine I felt slightly less tense, but I noticed that I began to have double vision. For example, if I looked at a poster on my wall, it would slowly turn into duplicates. I didn't get this double vision for close-up objects however. I then took another 1ml of GBL hours later and the double vision went away, within 10 minutes/

I went through a second night of this, with the same experience of double-vision after using alcohol. I believe there might be some kind of connection here.

Fortunately my clonazapam prescription came in yesterday, I took a large dose and got some, nice uninterrupted sleep. I'm not a particularly spiritual person. But, when I woke up I felt a profound desire to change my life in a more academic and productive direction. Currently, I'm feeling no WD effects, and am doing quite well.

I know there are the ood GHB/GBL users out there who may appreciate this story.
That sounds like a not-uncommon GHB/GBL abuse story. Mine was similar, albeit more drawn out.

Just so you know, this sort of thing would fit in wonderfully in Blogs. Check out the link in my signature line.