a little Praise, a little Plunder, a little Ploy


Jan 11, 2000
Hey fellow Bluelighters. It's time I speak what's been on my mind for some time now. Try to bare with me.

  • The PRAISE:
  • First of all, I gotta tell you, I love you guys - really. One of the first things that sucked me straight into the scene was the attitude and general feeling of warmth from everyone. I generally believe that ravers are some of the nicest people out there.
    Me and my friends talk all the time about how nasty girls are when they first meet each other. Admit it, we're territorial. We're like dogs marking our spots. We don't want intruders and we're very judgemental. (sucks, right?) Anyway, I don't see this among ravers, boys or girls. And that's an amazing accomplishment.
    It's a really nice feeling of acceptance. You can be who you are and not be afraid to be true to yourself and know that no matter what your true self is, the people that are surrounding you are not going to judge you.
    I could go on forever about how amazing everyone is, especially all you Bluelighters. You truly are special - trying to educate, make friends, better the scene, and just be there for each other - from all across the world! Jesus, people - don't you see how special that is? This is why I am here.

    The PLUNDER:
  • What is happening? If we fought with the same passion against the system that weuse to fight against ourselves, who knows how much better the rave scene could become!?!
    Arguing, bickering, competition - what has happened to us? Where did the P.L.U.R. go?
    We all are different. We have different styles and different ideas on how to have fun. We have different ways of appreciating the scene. We are all unique. That's what makes us special.
    Why can't we all just be mature and appreciate the uniqueness of every one of us instead of trying to conform each other into what each indiviual believes is the right way to be? Isn't rebelling against conformity what got us here in the first place?
    We fight for what we believe in. And, (hopefully) we should be believing in the music. That's what got us here in the first place, right? The ambiance of drugs, style, toys, and etc. are all accesories. Know this.
    The PLOY:
  • Guys.. come on... I hate to see what's happening. We have so much potential. And now that I sound like my Freshman English teacher, I don't know if i can continue trying to advocate this.
    This is what I believe in. I am not trying to force my beliefs onto you. I just want you guys to think back as to why you're here in the first place.
    It's true we are all in danger - and it's because of us! not "them." We do this to ourselves.
    I've said it once and I will say it again, make love - not war.
What does P.L.U.R. mean to you?
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
[This message has been edited by Ro L L er G i r L (edited 18 January 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Ro L L er G i r L (edited 18 January 2000).]
Well, since you asked, PLUR for me has two bits: PL and UR.
PL is an ideal that we al should try to live up to. However, we should always remember that people are falliable, and are not always in a Peace & Love mood, and accept that.
The UR is the practical bit, something that we all CAN do every day. Every human, without exception, is entitled to Respect, even if they don't give it themselves. Just treat people the way that you would like to be treated, and everyone wins.
I also believe in adding a second R to the equation- responsibility. This involves respecting your body, your scene, and your promoters. Take care of yourself, and don't do anything to cause your local scene any undue publicity (since pretty much any publicity towards a scene tends to be negative). Where I live (e-town in Canada), we have a bit of a problem with people trashing venues, especially the washrooms. This results in extra costs and headaches for promoters, and often means that that particular venue won't be hosting many, if any, parties again.
Sorry if that sounded like a bit of preaching, I just get a bit frustrated when I see people floodig sinks/toilets/urinals, leaving god knows what on floors, tagging walls, and so on. Please respect your venues, or you won't have any left (without paying exorbitant fees that is). Sorry, rant done, Dave out

Heh, it doesn't have quite the same ring, but I'm in total agreement witcha, Dave.

~*~ Ashke ~*~