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A Chance Encounter with an Angel and a Demon-A short story


Bluelight Crew
Apr 15, 2010
A Chance Encounter with an Angel and a Demon

This my friends, is a tale I’ve weaved from the supernatural pit of the underworld. It’s about a chance, albeit, friendly encounter with two celestial beings, who came upon me when I was in a dark, abysmal place, and offered me two choices and a riddle. Read on, my dear companion, and be fascinated!

There was, once upon a time, a small plot of dirt underneath a freeway next to the alameda tube in the bay area where a few transients, including yours truly, had set up camp. It was rough living, but sin often drives us in ways that the holy can never keep up with.

On one particular day, your loving antagonist sat in his tent, a horrible squalor, covered in crack pipes and hypodermic syringes. The walls were riddled with blood splatter, because, often in frustration he would squirt coagulated blood there for a gas.

There were good times and bad, to be sure, but on this particular afternoon he was in something of a rut. The sky had a certain foreboding quality, it was blue and cloudless which deeply disturbed hime, as the most foul and horrible of circumstances often occurred on such days.

Anyhow, as was mentioned the man who is I, was sitting in his tent, and as it so happened, he had done too much methamphetamine the night before, as is often the case with such a seducing chemical, but that is neither here nor there. The point is, he was feeling exhausted mentally, and was trying in vein to infuse himself with some tar heroin, when suddenly there appeared two beings from worlds unknown. One shined of light, a golden crown on her head. She was sheathed in a gold and silver robe that was quite flattering, but a little gaudy to be honest. The other was darker in complexion, I do say she was almost red, and wore a black bikini which complemented her endowments in a way that excited the man very much.

“Excuse me good sir, may we have a moment of your time?” Asked the one with the golden crown.

“Well, miss, I am sort of in the middle of something”, said the man, myself, with a little annoyance, “could you not come back in half an hour?”

“No”, replied the darker one, and pushed him down to the ground.

In astonishment he cried, “You bitch! I am trying to reach a dimension of pleasure that your company is certainly not providing, and so I ask you again, please, good ladies, let a man be.”

“Well”, the lighter one said, in a calm voice, “The issue at hand is rather urgent, you see, we need you to answer us a question, and then, I can promise you peace”

“And I,” said the darker one, “can promise you pain.”

With that the man sighed; seeing that the two were quite set on keeping him company for the time being, and said, “Very well then, what is it you’d like to know about? I’m not that interesting. I’m not a man of great value or wealth, what little possessions I own reside in this tent, and I’m afraid all the needles are dulled and infected with the Hepatitus C strain. I have little to offer anyone but my own self, so I can’t imagine what it is that is so urgent that you need a poor junky like myself to answer. Does the fate of the world rest on my shoulders? I should hope not.”

“No, you pretentious bastard,” the dark one cried, “the fate of the world does not rest on your shoulders, this hell on Earth is far too precious for its existence to rely on an irresponsible and intoxicated man such as yourself. Armageddon would arrive too soon, I’d fear.”

“We have come to make you a deal”, The one cloaked in the golden silver robe said, raising her arms in the air. The man yawned. “When we finish our conversation you will accompany one of us into another plane of existence. Dimensions of eternal light or darkness. Based on your life, your selfishness and your lack of contribution to the world of the flesh, we do not know what to do with you, and so the great one has given us the laborious task of letting you decide where you would like to go.”

“You deserve to rot in eternal hellfire”, spat the dark sucubus, and the man nodded as if in agreement.

“Do not make your decision too soon, mortal man,” bellowed the shining priestess, “I can offer you eternal light. No longer shall you be shackled down in chains of chemical slavery, No longer will you know hunger or want of material things. In my world, flesh is shed, you shall become weightless, souls are one in harmony.”
“And in my world”, the dark bimbo said, “flesh is scorched with flame and torn with whips. You will always seek pleasure, but never attain it, you shall see light, but never reach it. You will know only darkness.”

Faced with the question at hand, dear reader-a grave question at that, the man sat in silent contemplation for a minute before asking, “Before I leave, with whichever one of you I choose, may I still do this shot? For I am very dope sick, and have suffered for 16 hours without.”

The light one, crown shining responded, “If you leave with me, then no, you may not.”

“But”, said the dark one, buxom busome heaving, “I will allow you to infuse yourself with that chemical rot, I see no harm in it.”

Again the man was silent. The two beings waited silently for a moment, until again the man spoke.
“Very well then, it seems I have not then, been given a choice at all. I will burn in hell. It is where I belong, I am a sinner and deserve what a sinner gets. Let me rot and suffer for eternity, just please let me do this shot and give me what will be my last sensation of peace.”

The two beings nodded, and then, as if she was never there the light one vanished. The dark one turned her head towards the rig that had fallen to the floor and said, “Go ahead then, do what you must.”

The man grabbed the barrel, and nodded his head, there was a look of surrender in his eyes, a look of deep understanding, but a troubled look none the less. He unbuttoned his trousers and pulled down his boxers exposing his groin. His fingers traced some scars and he pressed down feeling for the artery. Gently, he slid the point directly next to his finger. Drawing back a dark crimson flash, he pushed the trigger.

“It’s time now”, The dark one extended her hand. The man gravely excepted it. He felt himself slide into the deepest, dreamlike nod he had ever known.
“This feels so great”, he said with sadness, he no longer could even keep his eyes open. “A pity I’ll never know pleasure like this again.”

Several moments when by, the man feeling his heart beat slower and slower until finally it seemed to stop. “Open your eyes my friend”.

“But I am afraid”, he replied.
“Do not fear death my boy, for you have chosen wisely.”

With trepidation, the man slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw astonished him. For miles on end he saw beautiful hills, their grassy meadows lined with beautiful naked women, their bushes sprouting crack pipes. Clean hypodermic needles hung from glowing trees, and creaks streamed with pure morphine.

“You cruel temptress, why have you brought me here! I expected misery in hell, but such suffering is too cruel, even for a man who has sinned as I have.”

“You misunderstand me fool, this is not a world just to be gazed upon with want and lust, you shall spend the rest of your days here, engaging in endless pleasures. You will never know want, for you shall always have, you will never know temptation, for here there is no judgement, you shall never know sickness, for our creaks stream with morphine, and our oceans methamphetamine. The dandruff from your skull shall turn to cocaine, and the insects you feared so much in your mortal existence will turn to whatever benzodiazepine you desire simply by touching them.”

“Mercifull angel”, the man weeped, “I see it now, it was all a test! You have brought me to heaven!”
This is REALLY good...you, dear sir, are an excellent writer as well. I read. I enjoyed.
" their bushes sprouting crack pipes. Clean hypodermic needles hung from glowing trees, and creaks streamed with pure morphine."- HAH.10/10 quote my fiend.
*breathes deeply*

It's so refreshing to see narrative driven prose in Words, or anywhere anymore for that matter. Not that there's anything wrong with poetry, in fact, if my mind worked with poetry the way it does with prose, I'd much rather be a poet. Everything I contribute here will likely be prose, unless I feel extra content/confident in a poem I've written.

Thank you, good sir :)