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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(5-MeO-MET / 16mg + 6mg) - First Time - "Moxy meets MET"


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jun 30, 2015
5-MeO-MET - 16mg+6mg - Oral - First Time - "Moxy Meets MET"

Lots of different RC, classical, and oddball psychedelics.

5-MeO-MiPT hasn't been as widely available as I like. It also lasts longer than I sometimes enjoy. It would be nice to find another material in the same category of experience, but with a shorter duration and period of tolerance. Very interested in vaporization, but want to try this at 15mg orally (+booster) first.

Tested this compound at <1mg ten days ago because I couldn't reagent test something this rare. No effects. 7 days since my last psychedelic experience, and that was with a 4-MeO-MiPT, so minimal tolerance expected.
Feeling a little spacey as I always do after an afternoon of involuntary shopping. I ate a healthy, well-balanced breakfast and lunch today. While my last meal was three hours ago, I don't feel hungry. House smells a bit nauseating from cactus tea vapors, but it's not too bad.
I've cut out caffeine in the last couple of days, so I'm feeling extra groggy and am suffering from the beginning of an annoying withdrawal headache. Took 1g of acetominophen at 2pm to head that off at the pass (an unfortunate confounding variable, because it has its own weird cognitive effects on me.) I took 13mg of 3-FMA at 7AM to compensate for the lack of caffeine, and that has worn off, leaving me sleepy. Mood otherwise good. 5-MeO-MET isn't my ideal choice for the day, as I'd rather spend time with a PEA ally, but I needed to make the time to evaluate it sooner rather than later.

2:56 PM - Parachuted 16mg with soda water.
3:01 PM - Alert: a little frisson of energy
3:06 PM - My stomach whispers a secret doubt to itself about what I consumed.

3:12 PM - Think this is onset

3:22 PM - 5-MeO-MiPT-like, but lots lighter. Some suggestion of tension in the solar plexus, some mild nice feels in the body, slightly stoning. Tiny hint of caffeine-like edge at outside the feeling of swaddling comfort. Could stand to bump up the dose now as planned.

3:27 PM - Parachuted 6mg more, along with 400mg of magnesium oxide for what I feel like might be some muscle tension arising. Stimulation is growing, as is a feeling of eroticism, cool like 4-AcO-MET, but straight from the perineum through the genitals and straight up the central channel of the body. Subtle, but very nice. Might not have needed the booster dose. Oh well, hopefully it doesn't make for awful side effects or an obnoxious duration.

3:33 PM - Effects already much stronger. ++ Less euphoric than 5-MeO-MiPT, more stoning, but still very nice. Would love to be involved in erotic endeavors, but that's not in the cards. Think I might be getting hungry, although that could be nausea. Tactile enhancement is getting stronger. I feel like I should be getting visuals now based on the intensity of the body high and the stoniness. Very nice. I'm languid, yet energetic. It has a hint of the positivity of 5-MeO-MiPT, too, but manifesting more as a lightness of spirit rather than as a primal emotional warmth.

4:00 PM - I definitely did not need the booster - I think 15mg might be the sweet spot, close to my 5mg sweet spot with 5-MeO-MiPT. It's stimuating enough that it could be anxiogenic at this level, but hasn't proven to be. It's properly psycholytic, although still superficial and metacognitive rather than cosmic. It feels kind of like meditation--I can easily silence my conscious cognitive processes and inner monologue. Still, I can feel the drug rooting around deeply in my mind, something I associate with psychedelics that provide long-term anti-depressant action regardless of therapeutic insight induction.

I have a little bit of shoulder tension. Still can't tell if I'm hungry or nauseated. Strong ++. No longer super erotic, as I'm tripping pretty hard, like 10mg+ 5-MeO-MiPT terrain. Still enjoyable despite the overstimulation. This is actually a pretty good material, and I'm glad I tested the waters up to here to see what it is capable of, although for most purposes I'll go lower in the future. Nitrous was a wild experience on this, it took me really far out there for a long time.

4:05 PM I vaporize some CBD to try and take the stimulating edge down a notch or two. Glad it's got the 5-MeO-MiPT backbone to prevent anxiety.

4:10 PM - Communication is stil surprisingly easy. Definitely tremory--my hands are vibrating quite a bit. For someone who doesn't like stimulating psychedelics, it's suprisingly...I won't go so far as to call it enjoyable, but it's more than tolerable. I take 10 drops of a highly concentrated sublingual CBD extract.

4:14 PM - CBD already a nice addition. I think this is like 5-MeO-MiPT - starts sensual, eventually becoming psychedelic in a second phase. That's why I ended up redosing too soon before recognizing its potential. That said, if this has a therapeutic afterglow, it might be the least threatening molecule I've yet come across for creating the cognitive disruption needed to help my brain without risking a difficult experience. Apart from the stimulation, this is pretty easygoing.

4:21 PM - I'm a little bummed that my friend chose to take 5-MeO-MiPT instead of this, as I would have enjoyed being in the same space as him (of course I won't tell him that now. I was peaking when he asked, or I might have been able to arrive at this conclusion.) Decided I'm ravenous, so I'm eating some cheezits. I'm still a little jumpy at noises - glad I'm not one to stay adrenalized. I think I've started the plateau. There's still nothing really at all in the way of visuals, except while on nitrous (which were drawn out and unique.) I don't think this would be safe to combine with MXE, sadly, but I bet it would be nice with ketamine or other combination safe dissociatives. Like 4-AcO-MET, the experience is incredibly clearheaded, making me feel like I need to be engaged in an activity rather than passively engaging with the space. While it's not couchlocking, going out and about seems entirely possible, but not fun at this dose. Strangely, it doesn't feel like much of a sensory or experience enhancer in the way that 4-HO-MiPT and 5-MeO-MiPT both are.

4:37 PM - Vaped some more CBD. Stimulation is annoying without a way to channel it. Need to play a video game or something. The CBD is nice, brings back the euphoria. Just put on headphones with some upbeat tunes, which is nice, but not immersive. Walking upstairs feels tired every time I do it--weird, since I usually take the steps two at a time.

4:46 PM - Time dilation in effect for sure. Some light visuals beginning to manifest. At a strong ++. This is exactly what you'd expect the 5-MeO-MiPT version of metocetin to be. It's pretty great stuff. Still wish I'd taken a lower dose. Beginning to contemplate a benzo, not particularly seriously, for the tiresome restlessness. Finding myself feeling a little overwarm and sweaty at times on this material. Strangely, my pupils are still not dilated at all.

4:50 PM I keep flirting with becoming anxious if I write, walk, game or do any of the things my excess energy wants to be unleashed through. I don't really want to lay back and attend to the experience fully, but doing so lets me channel the energy into euphoria instead, letting my mind and internal diagonal disappear into a space of euphoric peace and brilliantly lit expansiveness. I'm getting only a hint of open eye visuals, well other than the feeling that the world outside my house is lit with an astonishing, a magnificent brightness in the evening sun. I'm fairly sure I haven't been able to keep my eyes closed long enough to test for CEVs.

I'm pretty sure I'm ravenous, but can't be bothered trying to prepare a snack. Apart from hunger, there are no side effects other than mild muscle tension, occasional chest tightness, anxiogenesis if not channeled, and mild overheating. That's a remarkably light body load, lighter even than 5-MeO-MiPT. I don't even have any gas!

5:47 PM - Sex was fantastic even though neither of us was in the mood or mindset. I might rate it as highly as 5-MeO-MiPT, although it's not a crowd pleaser. 5-MeO-MiPT produces an feeling of raw and primal physicality, intoxicating tactile pleasure, and emotional connection. Wonderful, but clearly an intoxicating feeling. 5-MeO-MET is much more like 4-AcO-MET: clear, sharp, and unflinching. I enter into intimacy with eyes wide open. All distractions and little subterfuges are blown away, making me a more honest and enthusiastic participant than I've ever been sober. That clarity and honesty is erotic in its own transformative and powerful way. It makes me grateful that I'm sincerely enthusiastic about my relationship. While I feel like 5-MeO-MiPT could enhance mediocre sex between any partners, I got the distinct impression that only honestly good sex could survive the spotlight shown by 5-MeO-MET. Sex either evened me right out finally, or I've past the peak.

I'm still starving, despite eating an entire box of cheezits.

6:50 PM - Been on the downswing, the after-effect plateau ala 5-MeO-MiPT. The two are very similar in many respects. I haven't felt vulnerable (like, gory movies didn't bother me), but I didn't enjoy dystopian stuff, as it was a buzzkill on my lighthearted mood. At this point, I still wouldn't drive, but I could see myself being functional enough to in another hour or two easily.

7:24 PM - Snorted mg of 2C-B an hour ago as a nasal spray. No effect. Honestly, the erotic component of this evoked what I imagined 2C-B to be like before I tried it (and realized it was something else entirely.) It's like adult metocetin, allowing you to be fully clear and present, a total enthusiastic participation somehow more total than achievable while sober. There was nothing clouding or distracting.

8:25 PM - Getting sleepy, mostly down. Keep yawning. I can tell that there is still some feeling of it in the body, but it's not a restless body energy like most psychedelics.

9:30 PM - Went to bed, sleeping by ten despite the body energies. Woke at 6 AM, well-rested, with no afterglow or anti-depressant activity noted (just like 5-MeO-MiPT)

Structural similarities don't predict effects all that often, but in this case they did for me. This felt remarkably like what I would have imagined the moxy version of metocetin to be: crystaline mental clarity, brightly lit vision, cool mental and emotional valences, lightness of spirit, stimulation, lack of depth, pleasurable body sensations, and eroticism. It was a surprisingly nice material, one I think will be worthwhile to me, but eccentric and hard to categorize like its 5-MeO-MiPT twin. Side by side, 5-MeO-MiPT is unquestionably more enjoyable, but I think this is valuable nonetheless.

In the future, I think I will explore this at 10mg, bumping to 15 perhaps. Who knows, maybe I'll be a lightweight and be able to go lower. After one experience with each, I found this to be much more rewarding than 4-MeO-MiPT -- for one, this one was for me undoubtedly psychedelic, if limited to metacognitive realms.

I would have liked to describe my nitrous experience more, as it was amazing. Unfortunately, while I thought it would be nice to add in to a light experience, it actually bridged the two phases of the experience. I went into the nitrous space during the erotic come-up and emerged in the psychedelic portion, as if it were 5-MeO-MiPT. I was too absorbed to be able to record something as amnesiac as a nitrous experience, and had to recalibrate to the new state.

I look forward to vaporizing this. The shorter duration would be nice, as would the easier dose titration. I'm a bit nervous about the rush of stimulation, though; I think the dose will have to be kept very low to start for my comfort.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Sounds exciting, Pfafffed, thank you for this timely publication! :D

Really want to try it too, I think vaporization might be really interesting! 8)

Any "brain zaps" you have noticed when you were going to sleep? I get them quite often with -MET compounds...
Wow, I really want to get my hands on this one. I find the 5-MeO-tryptamines to be such a fascinating and varied class.

Thanks for writing up this (quite detailed!) report!
did you get any fracturing from this? I took 16 mg and got almost lsd level fractures.

You mean fractals? If so, no. I got very, very few open eye visuals except while on nitrous. That could be due to tolerance, as I'd had 4-MeO-MiPT a week earlier. It could be something else; I used to reliably get okay visuals from 5-MeO-MiPT, but I rarely get anything anymore.

Any "brain zaps" you have noticed when you were going to sleep? I get them quite often with -MET compounds...

None, but I'm a bad judge of that, I think. I've only remember getting brain zaps from psychedelics in the DMT family (pharmahuasca, mushrooms, and 4-AcO-DMT.) Neither this substance nor 4-HO/AcO-MET have ever given me brain zaps.

5-MEO-MET 8mg - orally (plus phenibut) - second time

Mood is good. Libido is absent. Slept well last night, with no hangover despite 2 margaritas. Had a good breakfast, but only had coffee and a pain au chocolat for lunch. Despite having only some tea in the morning and coffee around noon, I feel pretty stimulated already. Oh, I forgot that I'd taken a tablet of sublingual b-complex. My blood sugar is low, so much so my hands are cold, and I'm hungry. Going to need to eat soon

2:36 - 8mg 5-MeO-MET fumarate taken orally on an empty stomach. Also, measured out what I thought was 450mg of phenibut FAA for sublingual use because of the stimulation; didn't want anxiety. Was going to take kava, but that can also be stimulating. Accidentally measured out 450mg of F-phenibut. Only held it under my tongue for a little over a minute before I spat it out and rinsed my mouth out. Still long enough for the acid to burn my mouth. Hopefully very little absorbed. Added 400mg of phenibut FAA instead.

5:00 - Comeup was within five minutes of taking the dose. About 5-10min after dosing the phenibut FAA, I swallowed it. I then took a shower and ate a bean burrito, which evened me out. There was a fogginess that I don't know whether to attribute to the blood sugar, the 5-meo-met, or the phenibut FAA. There was very light stimulation, some headspace shift, and some subtle feelings of tactile pleasure. There was no increase in eroticism. The effects were brief, never getting to a ++. This was a bit of an underdose, possible due to some tolerance, possibly not. Right now. my stimulation has worn off, or the phenibut FAA has kicked in. I could take a nap. Nitrous was really underwhelming this time. I actually feel a little down (tiny bit) because it's a gray day and we're staying inside on an underwhelming psychedelic rather than going to party at Pride or see friends or do something more rewarding (or even a more rewarding psychedelic.) I would rather play a board game or something. I considered taking some MiPT as a booster, and still might at some point, but I hadn't really had any interest in taking a psychedelic today, and did so more to keep my friend company. I wouldn't mind taking a more enjoyable one, but am mindful that there could be an unpleasant adverse reaction between them (unlikely.) The sooner this wears off, the sooner we can engage in other activities (because my friend is just riding it out right now, he's not super psyched; at my light dose, the stimulation made me want do do stuff, but he was tripping too hard.) This might be worth vaporizing, but I'm not sure how I'd deal with the intense stimulation.

[My friend had 16mg, thought it could go somewhere interesting and challenging at 10mg higher, found it to be like psychedelic adderall in terms of stimulation, got some neck tension and uncomfortable nausea (a deal breaker.) They really got into doing the dishes. Found it to be a lot like 5-MeO-MiPT, but somehow different; still erotic and pleasurable. Otherwise, my friend felt like it was an enjoyable headspace initially, but didn't like it at the end. It was "swirly" causing nausea. Strong ++. Will not substitute for 5-MeO-MiPT.]

5:40 - Took 10mg of MiPT fumarate orally. My friend is wishing that he had a nice experience after this last one. He's just starting to come down. I figured I'd test the waters of this combo for him first.

6:11 vaped 10mg mipt

11pm: Felt the oral dose kick in around 7, strangely. It was nice, preferable to the vaped dose. Kept me up, though. Very nice experience, if light. I still had pleasant body feels from the MiPT at 10:30, but 2oz of brandy put me to sleep.

5-MEO-MET - 13mg orally - 3rd time

Had 9 days of trying to get a resume and cover letter written. Lots of stimulants (kratom/3-FPM/IPPH/ephedrine/etc), no free time. Today, no stimulants other than a half an energy drink. I don't want to wear myself out. I'm a little hungover, so I had some NAC and some milk thistle extract (which may have been a factor) early in the day. I had a fruit waffle for breakfast and a burger for lunch. A couple hours after lunch, I took my dose. Had 4C-D 9 days before, but it was a strong, long experience somehow. I don't know if this could produce tolerance.

2:45 Take it orally on full stomach

I feel the effects within minutes, and might be up within 20-30 minutes iirc. No OEV/CEV activity. Slight, pleasant stoning. Light, pleasant headspace. Some tactile enhancement. No side effects or discomfort throughout apart from feeling like my body temperature increased. I definitely got a little sweaty and it was a comfortable temperature. Sexuality and intimacy felt forthright and candid--I feel like I might like this even better than moxy for this reason. I had two or three orgasms, but intimacy and empathy and clarity were pronounced. Again, seems like a MET version of 5-MeO-MiPT. Hard to judge, though. This was a nice level for a light dose, but I could have stood to have a bit more just fine. I might try 15mg next time, as I feel like there was a veil to the experience that I couldn't quite pierce through, a feeling I sometimes have with 5-MeO-MiPT to be fair. It just wasn't quite a fullsome experience, but still was very nice. Based on my first experience, I'm surprised even though this was the intensity that I assumed for.

It lacked the sense- and narrative-enhancing quality of 5-MeO-MiPT, or its driven sense of stoney enjoyment. Really all around nice, though. Good material for purposes like this. I'm impressed by the empathy even at this light level. Conversation felt honest and forthright. There was no troublesome stimulation at all, unlike my first experience. Zero anxiety at any point. Perplexing how the headspace can be simultaneously stoning and clean/clear.

5:00 Basically plateau. NO2 had minimal effect.

6:00 Basically down. I would drive, interact, grocery shop.
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Interesting, Pfafffed, thanks for the update. :) I am considering trying this one at 5mg today to get a feel for it. I am extremely sensitive to 5-MeO-MiPT, 2mg is a good light dose that is enjoyable and desirable (though up to 8 or 10mg is also good if I want a full-on trip). I don't have a lot but I do have enough for a low dose and a full dose.
Nice! Bon voyage, @Xorkoth !

For reference, I'm about average in my response to 5-MeO-MiPT. 6.25mg is my sweet spot, and I frequently get mild visuals from it. 5mg is a little low and 7.5mg is a little high. It sounds like we're not too different with that one, with you maybe being a little more sensitive.

Needless to say, I was very nervous about jumping straight in at the recommended common dosage for this one, especially after the ass kickings I've gotten from 2C-B-FLY, 2C-C, 2C-D, and especially 4-AcO-EPT at low and common doses. Fortunately, the dosage recommendations seemed for me to be about right
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No worries!

It's interesting to me that
A) nobody seems to like it orally
B) there are very few posts about trying it orally

I imagine it's going to disappear, all things considered. True, it's not as hedonistic as 5-MeO-MiPT, but personally I still quite like it. Both seem much more similar in character to their base tryptamine than to their four substitutions, and I quite like MET.
Thanks Pfafffed, nice report, seems pretty cool, I actually tried smoking 5-MeO-DALT yesterday but I was pretty drunk and hardly remember anything, but I remember it was nice and had a rush similar to 5-MeO-DMT but less intense and some visuals for 5 minutes or so, kinda stupid to do it just then, but yeah...
I tried this at 6mg rectal, I will publish a report of my next (and last unless I find more) report of 14mg rectal once I do it. I found it similar to 5-MeO-MiPT, but much gentler, milder, less psychedelic. Very nice stuff, and more easygoing than moxy. Quite euphoric, but I definitely think moxy is a better drug. At least at the dosage I took, but I am pretty sure that opinion won't change.