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4-HO-MiPT vs. MET vs. DET


Oct 15, 2012
Hey guys, I am looking for that deep introspective trip that the standard classical psychedelics have to offer, but my access to the 4-HO- series is much more available. I have been let down by various RC psychedelics and empathogens searching for something with depth, and I think this might be a better place to head since these are tryptamines. Really looking for depth and fullness.

Anyway, if anyone can compare 2 of these, or all of them, that would be awesome. I am looking through the Big and Dandy's right now, but it's also important to get a report on the differences from the same mind. You could compare it to psilocybin too if possible.
I have done them all. I'll compare them to mushrooms. I have done 4AcODMT as well but only in the 15mg range, not enough for a real strong trip.

Here goes:

Mushrooms make me feel like I'm a child again. Everything is new. Zero anxiety. Visuals and patterning is definetly there and very enjoyable, but not extremely pronounced. It's more the inner vision that become clear. It's very spiritual for me, and makes me feel I'm a part of something larger. Social interaction is somewhat difficult, because the ability to form coherent sentences can disappear.

4HOMET can be as spiritual as mushrooms for me, but this is not the case for my friends. They trip a few times a year, I do it at least once a month. I think that has to do with it.
It is definetly extremely euphoric and very clear-headed.
It is extremely visual, maybe the most of the 4HO's for me, especially open-eyed. It's also empathogenic, in that it reminds me a bit of MDMA in the case of social interaction.
It makes me look at myself with a smile, seeing all my flaws and at the same time giving me the strength to say "I know what I have to work on, and I'm not afraid to turn it around."
on 50mg I had complete egoloss, seeing only white light with my eyes completely opened. That's when the whole Universe was made clear to me. It's been more than two years and I still feel like this was
a turning point in my life. 4HOMET taught me to just do my best for myself and the people around me, there's really nothing more I can do.
I need LOTS of water on this one.

4HOMIPT is situated between 4HOMET and mushrooms. Let me clarify:
In terms of visuals, it is more visual than mushrooms, yet less than 4HOMET. I also get more CEV on 4HOMIPT and more OEV on 4HOMET.
There is less mindfuck than mushrooms, but more than 4HOMET. Communication is impaired like mushrooms, and it doesn't feel as clear-headed as 4HOMET.
On the comedown of 25mg my ego loosened A LOT (I wouldn't say I lost it) and connected to the inner core of the Universe.

4HODET is something else entirely, IMO. Of course every one of these compounds stands on its own. I don't like it when people call these things "not as good as mushrooms" because they can be, maybe even more so because dose is easier to control.
4HODET feels like my body is brought into a meditative state, where the boundaries of my ego are diffcult to maintain. This is also the case with mushrooms for me but more so with 4HODET.
Visuals are there but not extreme. It lasts not as long as the others 4-5 instead of 6-7hours.

From all these, I find 4HOMET best suited for a "party", few people, listening to music.
Mushrooms are for introspection when being alone.
4HOMIPT is for introspection, with another close friend maybe.
4HODET is when you want to explore yourself, alone, going very deep. I believe this one has the most therapeutic potential. Although they all could be used in that setting, IMO.

** When comparing visuals, I compare it to the feeling of clear-headedness, rather than dose.

All of these combine nicely with MXE, and 4HOMIPT (20mg) with 2C-E (20mg) was a massive visual treat. I watched the clouds for 3 hours or so ;).


This is from a personal file in which I write down general effects of tryptamines. It is not meant as comparison as such, just some extra info.


effects: euphoric, empathic, very visual, very beautiful, cleaner headspace than with mushrooms, cleanest ever, (maybe apart from 25cnbom). at 50mg: massive euphoria, dancing felt won-der-ful, erotic enhancement present :p, synhesthesia. true soul cleanser. 100% human. Very playful and Very deep at the same time. true celebration of being (yourself). be your own jesus ;). just try to do your best.
(stimulant), euphoriant, empathogen, (entactogen)
like psilocin; "funnier", milder on the mind. more up-beat (as where psilocin is more down to earth).


effects: happy, very mushroom-like, intense visuals, synesthesia. marvellous body high (accupuncture-like). headspace between mushrooms and 4HOMET; true sense-distorter/morpher, meditative help. OBE.
(euphoriant), "plastic"
Sense-enhancing psychedelic, slightly stimulating


Psychedelic, more earth-bound and less abstract than LSD.


effects: emotionally neutral, intense, physical, psychotherapy. look at your own mamal/reptilian/rational/sociosexual/... brain/soul
Psychedelic with significant physical side-effects at high doses.
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I've a bit of experience with 4-ho-mipt, 4-ho-met, 4-ho-dmt & Psilocybin mushrooms.

Please be aware that I take extra small doses of Psyches coz I'm very sensitive. Even with no tolerance, you may need to take larger doses than me, to get full effects. But go easy if you arent an experienced trip-head!

So far I've felt that the 4-ho-met was the least deep. It's still pretty clearly a Tryptamine that metabolises into Psilocin because the trip still feels very shroom-like. There's something a little bit less deep, something just a wee bit more recreational about met that makes it my favourite Tryptamine! It's funny & colourful, gentle on the psyche yet rewarding to it. It's soul refreshing in the same way as shroom trips are & like shroom trips & the other 4-subs it produces a glorious after-glow that lingers for days. Heavenly! I've had some pretty good sessions on 25mg, spread into 3 or 4 doses, & I've had shorter sessions on higher doses, but still only 10 or 12mg.

4-ho-mipt & 4-ho-dmt both felt very similar to me. Again, they clearly biodegrade to Psilocin, as the trip was almost indescernably different to Psilocybin. I feel that perhaps the mipt was slightly stronger, weight for weight, & brought a slightly shorter & more intense trip, but that could be anything, set, setting anything. 4-ho-mipt definitely does not seem to last as long as any other Tryptamine. Short, sharp trip, easy comedown. My 4-ho-dmt experience (only had one go on this) was similar but not as intense & not as short. These appeared a little deeper, a little more introspective, but both brought enjoyable, hilarious trips not entirely dissimilar to a Psilocybin mushroom trip.

I have not tried any Tryptamine abbreviated dipt or det, sorry.

I've enjoyed some wildly varying trips on shrooms in my time. Sometimes the heavier trips are related to the genus of mushroom, sometimes they're dosage related, & sometimes it's to do with setting & mind-set. I've had powerful uncotrollable trips that I've absolutely loved, & I've had mild trips in the wrong setting that I've fucking hated. So it' horses for courses, as ever!

On Semilaceata... I've had enough of these, picked 'em myself, hundreds & sometimes many thousands of them so I've been able to explore different doses & under different circumstances. These are the most reliable mushrooms to experiment with. I've also had truffles, various South American breeds, & I've also had the British Cyanescens. None of the non-UK mushrooms I've had were as enjoyable & as recreational as the UK species, even ones I've grown myself. The non-UK varieties always seemed a bit too deep, a bit too heavy, even on small doses. I really look mainly for recreational effects & don't always want to delve into my own subconcious too depply. I'm normally looking for something to enhance the lights & the music when I'm out partying or something to wander around the park in hysterics on. Neither of these settings lend themselves to a really "deep" trip. I have to wonder if other chemicals than Psilocybin might be at play when ingesting mushrooms. Chemicals similar to Psilocybin such as Baeocystin obviously have some effect & the ratio of Psilocybin/Baeocystin may have some variety in the degree, duration & intensity of effect! I suspect that mixing up the various 4 Sub Trypts, we might be able to replicate the experience of different mushroom species! Part of my future experiments with this group could involve mxing various ratio's of them to see if I can draw the experience even closer to that of Semilanceata or Cyanescens.
Wow, i really appreciate the honest and detailed comparisons you guys. It really sounds like these tryptamines are exactly what I'm looking for. So far it seems that -MET is more playful and -DET is the most serious. Those reports were exactly what I was looking for, if anyone else wants to add anything please do.
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Great reports both of you thanks very much. I've been meaning to try these for ages and what you've said confirms that the first one I'll go with will be MET.
I've dabbled with a number of tryptamines myself, including the ones listed above. Of course things vary somewhat from person to person, but in general the following seem to be general consensus & jive with my personal experience as well.

Metocin: mostly swirly fun good times & not too serious. Not to say it can't get that way of the dose gets high enough, but definitely less potent in that regard than some others.

Miprocin: limited experience with this one, but an interesting substance. A bitmore energetic that most 4 sub tryptamines, and not too straining on the mind, under 25mg anyway.

Ethocin: probably the most "serious" orsubjectively deep one mentioned thus far, though I personally find psilacetin to be the gold standard in that regard. Though I have still found this useful for therapeutic purposes, but still versatile enough to also be fun recreationally