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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

4-AcO-MPT (12mg + 4mg at +0:30, orally) - First Time - Golden Child


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jun 30, 2015
4-AcO-MPT - 12mg + 4mg at +0:30 - First Time

Background: A whole lot of weird and different psychedelics

Setting: I did an hour and a half of meditation this morning, but it was low quality. Also, I drank one 8% beer the night before, so sleep was 8hrs but poorly rested. Post zazen, I have both fatigue and jittery anxiety. Discontinued tianeptine yesterday after a week of daily use (recommended therapeutic dosage,) and switched to bupropion yesterday. I suspect the anxiety feeling is actually just the post-GABAergic withdrawal from the 8% beer. Or the extra (3 total) tablets of ashwagandha today. Apart from the ashwagandha and fish oil, I've had no other drugs today, not even caffeine. Libido is low, but not feeling opposed to it either. Had a light bowl of cereal at 7am, then a half a sweet pie at 10:30 , then a little kung pao chicken and rice at 12:30. I took a ten minute nap at twelve, and now feel rested but still a little anxious in the chest. This alone is odd and enough to make me reluctant to take a psychedelic, particularly a new one that might bias me against it. Against my better judgment, I opt to try a new tryptamine.

2:43 Took 12mg after my light meal; also took 2 tablet of magnesium. The anxiety melted away shortly afterward.

2:55 Onset +/-

3:05 Slow, steady ramp. +

3:35 Pleasant space. Still +. Decide to take 4mg booster.

4:15 Light, but it has potential Also, I'm HUNGRY! Experience is a little light. but has the potential to be deep. Not particularly visual at this dosage. Comfortable, calm, and confident in my space. Sex was good. As usual, I want it more now that we're done. Has Golden, warm and dark grixis hues. gold, green, yellow, blue spectra across the dark. Feels like a nice material, warm and inviting, but I don't have enough to have a feel for it yet. Surprisingly clearheaded considering. ++. NO tactile enhancement, extra eroticism, no side-effects. Didnt listen to music, so can't judge that.

Well, for a relatively non visual trip, three hits of bitrous sure changed that. I went into a fully realized CEV 1980s cinematic realm. There was a young teenage black boy and a teenage white girl as the protagonists, and they were involved in some hijinks, possibly pursued by a mall cop. The whole thing had a schlocky, good natured teen movie vibe from the era. I was floating disembodied, watching the entire scene as if it were onscreen, as they were pursued up a flight of stairs. Eventually my view was obstructed at the top of the stairs (the metaphorical pinnacle.) The entire thing was rich in irony and felt produced, composed. The frame collapsed into a portrait frame of a older, white haired matron, hair in an elaborate bun with pursed lips. She had elaborately spiky, militaristic shoulder pads. The background flashed several times between matron and warrior, then thermonuclear warheads started detonating in the background her, and she kept flickering away to profile, screaming hotly. At that point I'd had enough and I opened my eyes. Outside of vaped 5-HO-DMT and DMT, I'm not accustomed to this level of CEV scenery!

Another experience off of a single cannister of nitrous lead to a feeling of eroticisms, narration, a hallucinated taste of tannin, and the general feeling that I would like this material, especially at higher doses. It's not really being given a chance to manifest itself, but I think a proper +++ in a room by myself with music would be incredible, a top notch tryptamine, and a deep one. The imatgery from this nitrous experience was of the interior of my mind being jackhammered away at by little skeletonesque figures, all very good-natured. There was also erotic feminine imagery and personification that transformed into erotic masculine imagery.

5:40 - Just had another orgasm, which was wonderful. I can tell I'm still hungry, as the yogurt drink did not assuage my appetite. Nothing sounded even remotely appetizing except black bean taquitos. Definitely no anorexia, but definite food aversion. Post orgasm, I saw CEVs of dangling neon beads in a gray-scale cavern, which slowly morphed into latticework draping entwined bodies. At some point, I realized that this was again a drug with the potential with significant depth and psycholysis ala psilacetin, maybe on the deeper end than is ideal for some purposes. I got the 'impression' at some point that the drug/spirit was "trying to communicate", playfully but seriously offering up colored pebbles with organic hieroglpyhs on them arranged on a staff, quizzically trying to communicate in language that I would understand. When I got up to get my food out of the oven, I noticed that I could see the porch light on at my neighbor Mac's house from the kitchen window, all the way up the hill and through the forest, if I stood at just the right spot. Strangely, it was only dusk outside, so maybe it was the reflection of the fading light off the setting sun or off of a deer's eye in the forest. After some effort, my friend was also able to spot the glint. After two orgasms, I'm sexually exhausted. Getting an erection was already hard the second time around, but now that I'm done, it somehow seems intellectually appealing again, how I do not know. This is all absent the erotic push or tactile effects that materials like 5-MeO-MiPT provide. This feels transparent.

No pupil dilation noted.

5:50 - As this comes down, I appreciate that this has a bit more cognitive heft than I am accustomed to on plateaus. I do enjoy sitting back into the surf and stillness of a PEA plateau, that tranquil stillness. That's not here. It's the same great space, but solidly here cognitively while it's drifting out. Come to think of it, I would have expected some tryptamine souring towards the end of the experience here, but there's no hint of it so far. Really, this does not appear to have that yin quality of basically all other 4 subs. In this sense, it more resembles 5-MeO-MiPT. But otherwise, I can compare it mostly to 4-AcO-DMT. I can see why some people also compare it to LSD, although I'm not familiar enough to say., This is a proper, respectable molecule in its own right, worthwhile and formidable.

Very colorful and pretty visuals when they appear. Defintely getting crawly OEVs on surfaces like carpet ala mushrooms. The presence here feels very good-natured. I've got a bit of jaw clenching despite the magnesium, but it's not uncomfortable, nor have I felt any uncomfortable stimulation or anxiogenesis. It's actually a very comfortable, confident space. I don't think I would be comfortable in public if I had to interact, but otherwise I wouldn't be uncomfortable I don't think. This, 5-MeO-MiPT, and LSD are about the only psychedelics that I feel that way about.

9:20 - I finally relented and had two glasses of wine over the last couple of hours. The descent was slow and ponderous, with nothing much to remark on. It wasn't unpleasant, but I wished it was over hours ago. I'm still at a + now, but I think I can sleep easily. It's just been that feeling of heaviness in my head. There was a headachy, hangovery quality to it at the end, but it was mild and not unpleasant or concerning. It just served to remind me of what tomorrow would be like if I drank alcohol tonight. I would have preferred kava, but it was too late by the time the trip wore down. All in all, an A+ drug and the first tryptamine that I've taken to in long time. I'm still more than willing to give 4-HO-DiPT some more goes, as it seems promising, but I haven't pushed the dose high enough yet to tell. This stuff I wouldn't hesitate to do again at a higher dose, either 16mg all at once, or 10mg followed by 10mg. Right now, that sounds conservative, but I have to remember the 30min staggered dosage and the fact that neither were on an empty stomach. 4-AcO-MPT seems warm, deep, colorful, recreational, useful, and without the dark side that I associate with most tryptamines. Also, next to no side effects. It's a shame I have so little of it. I don't know how often I will revisit it, but it's one of the few RC psychedelics that I am inclined to elevate to the level of the classics. Sasha missed out on this one. I'm excited to try MPT now!

11:45 - Well, sleep was impossible until now despite the lack of subjective feelings of stimulation. The third glass of wine and a couple more hours finally made it possible.

Next day: slept well, feel refreshed, no afterglow

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Thanks for sharing man, I truly love the -MiPTs, the whole family. Wonderful substances.

Derp, this is about 4-AcO-MPT. Well I feel the same way about the -MPTs, well, not the same, but similar.
I wish I felt the same way about the MiPTs! The 4-AcO is touchy for me and the 4-HO is downright fucked up for me. I love their peaks, but something about their plateaus sends me sideways in a bad way more often than not. I couldn't tell you why, because by all rights they should be beautiful materials, and I adore all their other substitutions (and even unsubstituted MiPT!) It sucks. I almost like 4-HO-MiPT enough to take it, then take a benzo after the peak is over to quell the inevitable onset of the creepy demonic voices. As it is, I just take one of the other MiPTs instead.

4-AcO-MPT, however, had no sinister side that I could detect. Could I end up on the deep end of the pool on accident? For sure. But the space itself seemed entirely good natured.
I was gonna say this in PD social, but your reaction to AL-LAD and the differences between yours and mine sounds like the difference between your and my reaction to 4-HO/AcO-MiPT.

I'm glad you had a friendly good time with 4-HO-MPT though. :) Tryptamines are intense but when they're good, they're good.