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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

2C-B + Ketamine (insufflated) - Experienced - Entertaining and insightful


Oct 11, 2000
I recently acquired some 2c-b. However, I've been working long hours and rarely have time for a 6+ hour trip, so I wondered if was possible to get a shorter trip with less substance if it were taken intranasally (is that a word?).

After some online reading, the consensus seemed to be that the trip will last 1/3 as long, you need 1/3 less substance, and it burns worse than anything else you could ever snort, so it is probably not worth it.

I liked the sound of it, except for the pain. I decided to try mixing the 2c-b with some ketamine, hoping the latter would mask the former and thereby decrease the pain. I tried this combination twice, 5 days apart.


I first measured out 12 mg of 2c-b, mixed with about 40 mg of ketamine, cut into lines. Half the lines were snorted at around 9pm at night. At the time, I estimated I was snorting 6mg of 2c-b and 20mg of ketamine, though I believe I may have gotten less 2c-b this first night.

First, it worked as planned -- I had no pain at all. The effects began in about 5 minutes and built for about 10 minutes. Things got trippy and restless. I was not sure what to do with myself. Did I want to stand? Sit? Watch tv? Listen to music? Curl up in a fetal ball? I did not feel bad, I just felt very unsettled. I was altered, but not in a particularly enjoyable way. Overall, I felt like I had taken too little of either or both, and I was standing on the threshold of an experience, but not quite there, so all I got was restless energy.

After an hour, the ketamine faded, but I did not notice the experience change significantly. Still just a bit out of sorts. After another 30 minutes, 1mg of xanax was taken and I was able to sleep 2 hours after ingestion.

I viewed this as a success, in that I knew I could snort 2c-b without pain, and I knew it provided shorter effects when taken this way.


Five nights later, I decided to deal with the remaining lines, at the time estimated to be 6mg of 2c-b and 20mg of ketamine. I did not want to feel "on the verge" again, but I also did not want to add more 2c-b, so instead I added another 40mg of ketamine and snorted it all up. Again, no burn.

After five minutes, it started to kick in. The 2c-b trippiness seemed much stronger which ultimately made me decide I had not mixed the 2c-b into the ketamine powder well enough the first night, so it was not evenly spread through the lines, and I probably got 3-5 mg the first night and 7-9 mg this second night.

My wife and I started the movie Epic Movie, which neither of us had seen. I had the vague notion it had not been well-reviewed, but I can often appreciate really stupid comedies when tripping, and the trippier the better. Well, for that, I could not have picked a more appropriate movie. I do not know what it is like if you are sober, but for me it was a rollercoaster ride for my brain. The colors from set to set were amazing, the places the plot went seemed incredibly complex, crazy and trippy stuff kept happening, and overall it was just super intense. I did not laugh all that much, but I really felt like some one in charge of that movie had a strong vision and kept the production standards very high, and it really worked for me.

About 15 minutes in, I started to get anxious about my breathing, worrying that I was having trouble breathing, or my chest felt heavy. I took off my shirt, I tried some yoga, nothing was helping. I was in one of those anxiety spirals, worrying that I had to keep making sure I was breathing or I might forget to. My wife and I paused the movie, and I curled up and tried to relax. I started asking mysef: Do I make myself breath, or does the breath just happen? When I finish exhaling, do I have to tell myself to inhale, or does it just happen as a product of physics or something? I started to accept the fact that breathing happens without me having to worry about it, and my breathing was not on the verge of stopping. I relaxed moer and felt better. It had seemed I might be on the verge of a bad trip, but it was successfully averted over the course of about 5 minutes.

I felt the movie was too intense for me at that moment, so instead my wife and I messed around a little. We are both massage therapists, so we instinctively wind up massaging each other when we lie together, and the drugs I was on helped my intuition and creativity in finding and releasing her tense spots. We also began talking, which is something I often do not feel like doing when tripping. However, I was realizing reasons why I loved her, that she had characteristics I admired and wanted to find or develop in myself. We talked about a lot of different things, philosophical and random, but it was all kind of a bonding conversation, too.

After about 20 minutes of that, I felt ready for more of the movie. We started it up again, and it was again like a rollercoaster for my mind. Zooooom!! It was a crazy, intense and wonderful ride. With about 30 minutes left on the movie, I railed another 40mg or so of ketamine (because I felt the effects waning) and that kicked it up a notch and temporarily put me in a little k-pot-hole. Not a full-blown k-hole, but something similar but maybe not as deep. When the movie was over, I was not sure how the movie had ended, but I had an amazing adventure.

I then turned the tv off, and my wife and I had some more random conversations about cool stuff for another half hour. We talked about how the vagina is a taboo area in our society. I noted that something that is "taboo" can be linked to titillation or it can be linked to shame. I decided that life is a rorschach -- it is what it is, but what it means is for each person to decide fo rhim or herself.

I also decided that I like being a psychonaut because it feels like exploring a new frontier. We go exploring, come back, write reports about our trips, and others can use them as maps through the jungle of psychedelic options. I felt a certain pride that I might have been the first person to write a trip report on a certain drug or combination of drugs (or at least one of the first).

I also was thinking that I am drawn to psychedelics because there is a sense that I have blinders on my mind. I don't know how they got there, but the right combination of drugs can take off some of those blinders so that I can see new things or see things from a new perspective. These are not drug-induced lies, but real truths I could not see when sober.

There was a time when I thought I might be on the verge of some kind of ego death or enlightenment. I felt like there were very important insights that I had had before, but had forgotten, and was straining to remember. Then the thought occurred to me -- the unenlightened person chases these insights, thinking they represent enlightenment, but true enlightenment might be the realization that insights come and go such that we do not need to worry about chasing them down.

I did not take any xanax this time, and did not get to sleep until about 4 1/2 hours after I first dosed with the 2c-b/ket combo. The 2c-b seemed fading, but still active, when I finally got to sleep. So it definitely can last more than 2 hours from insufflation.

Overall, I found the second trip to be an amazing and wild ride full of epiphanies and adventures all in my own bedroom and my mind. It was much more than I bargained for or expected. I think the mix of these two substances worked as follows: The 2c-b is great for seeing patterns and details. The visuals on 2c-b are amazingly complex and delicate patterns. The ketamine, as a disassociative, removes one from oneself, creating a more objective mindset (in addition to adding in some wonky trippiness). The result, I think, was a mindset that was a very objective, insightful observer, seeing lots of connections and patterns I might otherwise have missed. And the wonky ketamine trippiness was all tinged with the delicate beauty of the 2c-b experience.

I recommend insufflation of 2c-b with ketamine to avoid the burn if, like me, you want a 2c-b trip, but want it to be shorter. The trip can still last over 3 hours (as it did my 2nd time) or you can cut it short and find sleep in as little as 2 hours after dosing with the help of some xanax. (I would wait until the ketamine has faded before adding the xanax, since both are respiratory depressers.)

Oh, just remembered, I had a nausea / body load issue the first night, but not the second. I had eaten more and more recently on the first night, so I think that was the difference. Anyway, I attribute this to the 2c-b, since I generally do not get nausea on ketamine.

Trip Two was definitely the trip report in all this :)
Nice report dude. Wish i had the balls to hop back into psychedelics.