• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

2-methyl-2-butanol revisited


Dec 12, 2006
So I ordered 50mL of this substance to try it out. It's listed as 99.5% pure. I'm curious as to what contaminants might be present? I'm guessing the RC vendor probably purchased it from a larger chemical supply company like Sigma and just repackaged it. Should I be worried?

Regardless I'm excited about trying this out. From experience reports and old medical journals, seems to have a nice euphoric sedative effect without ethanol's toxic hangover metabolites.
Moisture is considered an impurity in alcohols. Even Sigma's Reagent-Plus brand admits to a maximum of 1% H2O.

Here's the 1H NMR for a >99.5% 2M2B. Besides the expected peaks, you see a tiny singlet at around 1.6, an even tinier one at 2.2, another around 3.15, a little turbulence at roughly 4.7 and another tiny singlet around 7.3. The latter is from non-deuterated chloroform in CDCl3 (the NMR solvent). The action at 2.2 is the unreacted acetone that couldn't be removed. The lazy singlet around 1.6 is just water? Action at around 4.7 is also typical of water, but shouldn't it be more discrete? I'm just 2nd-year O-Chem and these things twist me up.

I have no idea what the tiny singlet just upfield of 3.2 is.

You can also notice what's not there. Methanol, for instance, ain't there (no reason why it would be there if the synth is just ethyl chloride, magnesium and acetone). Notice also that 2-propanol ain't there.
I tried of that same vendors chlorobutanol (1,1,1-trichloro substituted 2-methyl-2-propanol), and didn't like it. But who knows t-amyl might be better...
I'm also curious to try this. I'll be ordering 50 ml (I assume the same vendor) and will report on it. Don't anyone hold their breathe waiting for my trip report though, this and a lot of other things will have to wait on those pell grants and SL's for summer semester. Sounds like a good one but of course everyone though GHB was completely safe until people died. I can see this being taken with G or sold as it. Recipe for disaster perhaps.
Anyone know a decent dosage in ML, i keep seeing people saying grams but its a liquid, im assuming 1ml = 1g?

P.S; 50ml 2M2B @ 99.5% purity. same vendor
Far better if you can get the carbamates of the aliphatic substituted alcohols, if only for dosing purposes. If you like the alcohols though, try 1-ethynylcyclohexanol; solid at room temp (melts at body temp), only requires 500mg as a starter dose and is quite euphoric. Only drawback is that menthol-like aspect to your breath afterwards
Which isoform(s)?

If it does it with CYP3A4 perhaps that could be of use to longterm codeine users, although it would require care with other meds taken, as it is going to be irreversible, correct?
HOLY...! The cytochroms do a bit more than 'just' metabolize some pharmaceuticals. They are at the forefront of small molecule detoxification. You better don't fuck around with 'em, doesn't matter if it would assist with a codeine-high or not.

I really hope Limpety Limp was just kiddin'... :\

- Murphy
there are all sorts of things that do the same, including at least one common birth control pill. I'm not particularly worried about that.

IIRC, even Deprenyl does so.
According to this paper, it spontaneously alkylates CYPs.

Well the carbamate of 1-ethynylcyclohexanol passed phase III trials to become a medicine and in vivo the carbamate is metabolized to the alcohol, so it can't be that significant

I've found some primary literature and case reports on amyl nitrites doing the same thing, but nothing for tert-amyl alcohol. However my understanding is that amyl nitrites break down in vivo to become amyl alcohol + free nitrite.

all aljyl nitrites cause methaemoglobia (even the inorganic ones do, such as used for meat processing), so I think it's safe to say it's the nitrite part that's the culprit, not the t-amyl alcohol
bump. would like to find more about this compound =D ...& HERE, not on that other shitty forum that uses "SWIM" and "SWIY" (as if that will throw off the DEA :p ) ..can find this stuff dirt cheap & am interested in potentially utilizing it (among other candidates) to replace my high butalbital intake... then doing a VERY slow wean