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Opioids 15mg MS Contin anyone know what oxycodone mg this is equal to? When I take the MS Contin I don't feel a thing.


Feb 24, 2019
15mg MS Contin anyone know what oxycodone mg this is equal to? When I take the MS Contin I don't feel a thing. I currently take about 50-60mg daily of oxycodone for nuerapathy and my pain Dr. prescribed the MS Contin 15mg for night time to help with sleep.thx
15mg MS Contin anyone know what oxycodone mg this is equal to? When I take the MS Contin I don't feel a thing. I currently take about 50-60mg daily of oxycodone for nuerapathy and my pain Dr. prescribed the MS Contin 15mg for night time to help with sleep.thx

15mg of morphine is around 10mg of oxycodone equivalent, but they are qualitatively quite different.
MS Contin didn't give me any relief >>what drug (recommend) would be extended release and work the same way oxycodone does?
Yeah morphine is pretty weak and the all the slow release "contin" formulas besides the original oxycontin have a bad rep for releasing really slow and therefor feeling a lot weaker than their advertised dosage. Morphine is also a lot different than oxycodone in terms of effects and pain relief in individuals. I think there is a slow release hydrocodone formula now (zohydro?), so maybe ask your doc to try that.
15mg MS Contin anyone know what oxycodone mg this is equal to? When I take the MS Contin I don't feel a thing. I currently take about 50-60mg daily of oxycodone for nuerapathy and my pain Dr. prescribed the MS Contin 15mg for night time to help with sleep.thx
To me shooting either mg for mg they’re close to one another,orally I don’t know
Oxyneo and oxycontin are both about 2.6 more than the same mg of me contin and other slow release so 15 Ms contin is about 20 of the slow release versions of oxy like oxy neo and oxy contin also oxycontin and oxy cosine goes up quite steeply to peak saturation in about 4.6 hrs and lasts for about 6hrs where's as morphine doesn't go anywhere near as high but last alot longer so you don't feel it like the old recipes so if your looking to get high Ms contin isn't the drug for you but oxyneo and oxycontin have alot more anti diversion things so oxyneo when mixed with water goes super glugy like solid jelly and it's also very very had so is very hard to be powdered and even if it is you just have the same slow release pill but it's powdered so if you cut a 20mg oxy neo in have you now have 2x10mg slow release pills somewhere on here I'm sure you will find a way to get high if your looking for something to sleep at night better maybe it's better to use a valium and a immediate release with naloxone in it something like targin they come in about 4 or 5 strengths I'd suggest going lower and maybe mixing with a valium one to get you to sleep and keep the pain away and one to keep you asleep for 8 Hours if that's the goal also phenergan is a good way to get sleep without adding to you analgesia intake so as not get hyperanalgesia

Everyone is different for instance I can take things like naloxone but I keep it in the house I'm allergic but not fataly and I keep it as a just need incase as throwing up and diarrhea and a rash with welts is preferable to death personally I think Ms contin and anamorph are the best morphines apart from ordine 2mg - 5mg per ml then you can titrate to suit perfectly oxyneo and oxycontin on the other hand seem to be favoured as more for pain yet they are much easier to get dependent on needing more and more and quite fast to acheived the same pain relief and
Morphine if used rite between both liquid or hydrochloride and sulphate morphines so Ms contin at a higher dose for pain say instead of 15mg 30mg maybe the better course and a 30mg anamorph which is hydrochloride and acts faster and you actually use it for pain or sleeping with pain so I'd suggest do some homework and look for a health department 1mg to all the other opiate and opioids conversions worksheet and answers so you can judge what you think may work better for you also I suggest learn as much as possible about the pain you have and what's available for it and also to what you can take so you don't end up sick from a side affect that ruins your lifestyle of painfree if you are or if your close be thankful as it's not easy to get close to painfree these days to many new rules and hoops to jump thru but don't talk to your doctor and tell home what you want ask about the medications learn what's available with this resource blue light and then ask you docter to tell you as alot of the older docters about 40up,have a bit of an issue being told what to prescribe this is a general statement not all docters are like this but better err on side of caution the other thing is the fresh docters who just got there strips to prescribe appreciate an informed patient especially if your older than they are alot kinder and less judgemental and try not to con them as that's what they are expecting drug seekers to do as it's been drilled into them thru there resade tcy and they have seen slot if people come through the ER or ED so be honest and you will get very far and probably get exactly what you need without to many mishaps or dramas but sleep I recommend 1mg/1ml morphine or ordine liquid morphine then you can get it exact and it's immediate release so whalla they also do a liquid for oxy which is generally what is the first prescribed for chronic medium to severe pain mixing morphine for the day and night using the 12hr or 24hrpills and the liquid morphine to get exact pain call vered or use many different oxy immediate release like oxynorm or endone or dailaudiid which is liquid hydromorphone this is what with 4he leis
I took a 30 mg MS Contin by mouth and felt nothing at all. I should have taken the time release coating off and taken it up the nose. But I don't know how much that would have worked either considering I was doing Heroin at the time.