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Policy Twitter Drug War Thread.

He's only saying I work for Newsome because he thinks I like Newsome and California and want to marry and fuck every homeless man whose eyes meet mine. That's their fantasy when they see someone who says "that homeless man is not acting any stranger than the rest of you." Kinda weird but okay.

Like, to the extent that I even care about homeless people it's jut that they shouldn't be a thing. Give them houses. Build them houses. If the NIMBYs start some shit, steal their house with eminent domain and give it to homeless people. Like, just fuck it all, get them off the streets (not to jail -- that's worthless unless they actually are like violent criminal types), because that's where issues arise.

(also apologies if anything is off here, I've mixed three drugs, one of which I've never used before because I am super smart)
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now that i look back i may've taken landrew's comment out of context too.
I had missed that you were offended till just now, yeah I had a schizophrenic tenant once in an SRO trying to build robots and computers and had noting against him or his hobby!

Hower Dahlgren is known to employ lying so this could be a sculpter or a hoax, so who knows.

One of the reasons I made a twitter thread is because there is a lot of good stuff on twitter, some folks can defend themselves quite well,

This is an ongoing war between the founder of Canadian safe supply and a not so bright NIMBY MP who cant stand her.

He's only saying I work for Newsome because he thinks I like Newsome and California and want to marry and fuck every homeless man whose eyes meet mine. That's their fantasy
Bringo! Eat a can of cream-chipped beef and rub your furry dingus all over trash can man name of Zutroy McGillicutty.
So I wanna know what happened to the 8 million or 8 billion dollars that they had to help fix the homeless issue. Cuz it all of the sudden disappeared.. you guys hear about that!? Newscum is a sleezy bastard. Yeah someone's gotta call that out!
this will keep the debunkers busy. [edit] yeah I found some potential bunk when comparing with other surveys, will update.

the survey was from nimby outfit CAMH and this looks fake as fuck - more grade 7 took prescription opiates than grade 12?
As usual no interest in fent ect, not even on the poll..
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Abolish minimum wage so at least some homeless get work. I imagine that would cause a measurable drop in od deaths
They spent it all on a fucking rehab facility? Did it even help? I don't have high hopes for these fucking rehab centers man I don't have enough faith in the assholes that run the place but I could be wrong
Newsom and his ilk from the pacific northwest to alberta indeed think forced rehab will cure ods and homelessness, and cali rehab is engulfed in grift, so its very likely

did it help? to early to say, but its not a recipe to slow od's, but does increase the likelihood due to post rehab fatal relapse, esp in Alberta where they are rolling out forced treatment specifically for chronic relapsers.
Call me a conspiracy nut all you want but I think the war on prescription opiods and shaming opiod users and hugh number of fatal overdoses on fentanyl and similar fake heroin is a way to kill off junkies, and screw the pain patients, like me. We have a bipartisan plan that has made things worse here in America.
Canada's real problem is that it's not possible to build low cost housing and there is no way to change the laws so there will be affordable housing to so many who need it, any time soon.
^ They are killing a lot of 'dabblers' and first time opiate consumers along with the 'junkies' and pain patients, and they dont give a fuck.

While I think you are correct many accept the deadliness of fent to get rid of 'undesirables', many who accept fent and esp tranq are on some 'just say no shit' and think streets full of people nodding out with scabs and missing limbs make for good prevention.

Check out the conference below who banned "Moms Stop the Harm" and then seem to have postponed and moved the event. This event represents US and Canadian Drug War Collusion.

Sounds stalkerish to me:

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^ more on the conference disruption story.

Tyson Singh: They are truly “little bitches” in the face of 14,000 lives lost (and Adam Zivo is lingering outside schools now?!)

Oh no! Adam Zivo found another monster under his bed – this time it’s the scary “radical harm reductionists.”

It’s true, the National Post columnist obtained recordings of meetings where a group of us tried to plan a big, terrifying event. The event in question was planned in response to the right wing-private treatment and recovery PROSPER conference. Our event was set to feature bereaved mothers, armed with critical questions for PROSPER speakers, alongside an outdoor press conference to address media and the public. To symbolize people dying from policies pushed by those at the conference, we discussed drawing chalk outlines and putting temporary red dye in an outdoor water fountain. We collectively decided not to complete the latter.

Zivo put up a series of posts on X, including one where he seems to name me as a radical harm reductionist. (Hi Adam, putting our names into your creepy spreadsheet doesn’t make us your friends!).

It is difficult to decide if a recording of open Zoom meetings is the better “BIG SCOOP” than the time he re-published a press release with similar energy…Dear reader, you can decide.

Zivo, however, did report on one comment accurately. A friend of mine rightly stated that if BC United and Conservative Party leaders were going to whine about chalk on concrete in the face of a eight-year long public health emergency, which has taken thousands of people’s lives, they would look like “little bitches.”

There is no equivalence to be drawn between the violence of the toxic drug crisis and being called out verbally for cowardice.

read more:
Kevin Dahlgren fueling the fire he pretends to be blowing the whistle on and worse by putting people into withdrawal with this quackery. What a jerk!
Kevin Dahlgren fueling the fire he pretends to be blowing the whistle on and worse by putting people into withdrawal with this quackery. What a jerk!

They give it to me free at my pharmacy in America. 3 usually works on a fentanyl OD. 1 on an oxycodone OD
Abolish minimum wage so at least some homeless get work. I imagine that would cause a measurable drop in od deaths

Are you stupid?! I mean what the what -?

The majority of homeless people are homeless because of untreated mental health problems and various disabilities. A large number as well have been living that life for so long they don't know any other way anymore. Very many are heavily addicted. In other words all but a small percentage of that population are not functional in one way or another and are UNEMPLOYABLE without extensive medical treatments / re-integration programmes. 'Pulling yourself up by your boot straps' was a phrase that was coined as a satirical point, precisely because doing so is physically impossible. You can't just pick a person like that up and expect them to be able to work a job ffs.

And whaddaya mean, abolish the minimum wage? The fuck?? That minimum wage is already a slave wage, and there's people at breaking point working two jobs and still unable to make ends meet. And you think that's OK? You think abolishing even that insufficient level of 'security' is gonna get some schizophrenic drunk with a gammy leg clambering to work for... what exactly?

Here's an idea, how about we INCREASE the minimum wage so that you can actually make a decent living from your job. How about people get paid sick leave when they're ill without having to worry about getting fired. How about making it so that an accident or a mental health crisis won't put you at immediate risk of losing everything and landing you on the streets. How about providing temporary accommodation for homeless people, instead of demanding they sort themselves out before they're 'deserving' of the help needed in order TO DO JUST THAT.

In other words how about an economical structure that rewards labour rather than corporate exploitation, and a social safety net that is actually effective and comprehensive.
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