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Cocaine MethylenedioxyCocaine ?


Aug 2, 2023
Well I found something interesting when I was scrolling through Wiki. Apparently there's analogs of Cocaine with Methylenedioxy's attached to them. It makes me wonder what it would feel like if I tried some. It also makes me wonder why I don't see more of it around. Probably because it's too difficult to make. I have one question, have you ever tried it and would you try it ?
At the end of my use of Coke almost 30 year''s ago it had lost it's appeal. Khat was legally available and a much friendlier scene, also friendlier for the wallet and on the nose (you take it bucally).
The high way more euphoric imo then the good quality Cocaine here.

But as Coke is a SRI, you can't help but wonder if that Methylene-Dioxy could push it some further that direction. As I never saw any emphaty among Coked up group's.

And researching for possible other effect's you don't want would take a lot of time. I would never just start with titrating. And is a analogue of a worthless something. So, no I wouldn't take it.
Well I found something interesting when I was scrolling through Wiki. Apparently there's analogs of Cocaine with Methylenedioxy's attached to them. It makes me wonder what it would feel like if I tried some. It also makes me wonder why I don't see more of it around. Probably because it's too difficult to make. I have one question, have you ever tried it and would you try it ?
Man, why not just go for the good old compound? Analogs are super rare to find, I doubt anyone has ever even heard of it. As a Peruvian seasoned user, great quality cocaine can't be compared with anything....the euphoria is unmatchable and also has an incredible destructive power.stsy away from this shit, there's very euphoric and safer drugs out there. Cocaine has only brought up misery and despair upon my life.