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Cocaine 4-Fluorococaine.


Aug 2, 2023
Has anybody ever heard of 4-Fluorococaine ? It's suppose to be as potent as Cocaine, but it has a much stronger effect on the serotonin reuptake inhibitors than Cocaine. What are your thoughts on this ?
Have a mod (ask politely and they do anything) Merge the two thread's. Seem's logical, comparing Cocaine and the analogue's.
I've never heard of it. I've heard of RC benzos, opioids and psychedelics but never one for cocaine.
Hopefully more people chime in because even though I don't do coke it's still interesting
Looks like it's available for sale from several Chinese chemical manufacturers.
I've never heard of it. I've heard of RC benzos, opioids and psychedelics but never one for cocaine.
Hopefully more people chime in because even though I don't do coke it's still interesting
I tried Dimethocaine, even added some 4fma. Still isnt coke though, pales in comparison.

Seems like I do recall some discussion of 4 floro a and it ended up being a flop. Totally off memory of what may have been hearsay so.... try a BL search