💥 Contest 💥 The Greatest Classic Rock Artist

No one cares about my posts, so why would they care about any contests I would come up with? Even a person I thought I got along with on here tried to have me banned for a long time, that is the second time that this has happened, In a short period of time. I would be more active but there are people who will just try to mess with me and I am not going to waste my time and energy when I will just be messed with. It pisses me off but there is nothing I can do. Besides I am terrible with tech.
Don't know about the messing with you stuff.
But you don't need to be tech guru to come up with an idea for a contest. You could just create a poll about any topic you like (ok, almost) and that's it.
Like "What chain has the best burgers" and then list some.
That's all there is to it.
And if you think someone is going to boycott it because it's YOUR poll, then ask one of the mods, or admins, or any other user if they will do that for you.
well, maybe there's a lesson here somewhere?

on topic, david bowie v. loverboy? what kind of lame b.s. is that?


The bracket makers knew loverboy would be too powerful if Bowie didn't snipe them first round
Meant to do them yesterday, but got distracted by the glory that is the fact that I'm able to walk without crutches now... And then by the time I got home my ankle had swollen up to the size of a grapefruit, so was then distracted by that pain.

I'm tallying them up now and have a few down... But will accept votes up til the time I post them.
The Who v. Jefferson Airplane
Crosby, Stills, and Nash v. Neil Young
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