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Cocaine Cocaine everyday? No way, Can Ritalin 10 mgs help me out?

hard to get even down here and I loose it with Ritalin, imagine with Adderall...:)
Totally be out of it, and everyone just grimaces and tries to get away from it. Ideally idc it makes me functional, and I think that reflect them more then it’s me. That said, I need to work with a doctor to find lowest effective dose no bueno
Methylphenidate can sure substitute a cocaine addiction, But you've got to stay on the prescribed dosage and not use extra of it. That's the problem. Otherwise it's a good idea to switch from Cocaine to Methylphenidate. And if you start to get psychotic the doctor will take you off it.
it should help for sure. My doctor at my neighbourhood safe supply site gives me 90 mgs of methylphenidate in the form of biphentin (a Canadian product that releases I believe 40% of the dose IR and 60% ER) per day specifically as an alternative to street stimulants. many people I know also get both biphentin and the instant release 10 mg ritalin tablets for cocaine/crack/crystal addiction. since it sounds like you are in a place where its a little harder to get a prescription (a damn shame if you ask me) but maybe Vyvanse is something more doctors would be willing to prescribe since its supposedly has a little less abuse potential. 3-fluoro-phenmetrazine might be easily obtained online and could possibly be an option as its a bit lighter. perhaps even oral bupropion (wellbutrin) could be an option? If im not mistaken, I think there are some studies indicating treatment with bupropion did lower cocaine use and cravings in addicts
Well... some people can't take Wellbutrin. For instance I can't take Wellbutrin because it makes me hallucinate. Same thing goes for SSRIs they all make me hallucinate. The only Antidepressant I've found that doesn't do that to me is Mirtazapine. For some reason that Antidepressant works differently in my brain.
Thanks for your input guys. Coke ( good SA one at least) it s actually the only stim that "works" and has ever worked with me, I ve tried speed pharma stuff like Ritalin meth and I ve always freaked out. Even with very good blow I need something for the comedown . Actually the only thing that s "working" are my beloved opiates, when I do oxys or even codeine I either don t care about blow or I take way less. I might be wired differently....
Methylphenidate can sure substitute a cocaine addiction, But you've got to stay on the prescribed dosage and not use extra of it. That's the problem. Otherwise it's a good idea to switch from Cocaine to Methylphenidate. And if you start to get psychotic the doctor will take you off it.
Yeah right lol I can’t stop them from giving me scripts and I’m on Adderall XR they give me a lot of trouble about my clonazepam refills 😂
Methylphenidate can sure substitute a cocaine addiction, But you've got to stay on the prescribed dosage and not use extra of it. That's the problem. Otherwise it's a good idea to switch from Cocaine to Methylphenidate. And if you start to get psychotic the doctor will take you off it.
Yeah right lol I can’t stop them from giving me scripts and I’m on Adderall XR they give me a lot of trouble about my clonazepam refills 😂
Ummm….speed of onset, a few seconds to a min at peak serum levels vs slowly 1h onset

Co-ingestion of ethanol produces the INACTIVE metabolite l-Ethylphenidate (NOT d-EPH)

Ethanol is metabolized by the same enzyme that metabolizes d-threo-MPH ……..so more d-MPH is active

Google this and read a few genuine medical journals that outline everything I’ve said. All solid facts.

…..that why people inject heroin and don’t eat it, injection has a rapid onset and you get entire mg dose all at once, packing a heavy punch, rapidly crossing the BBB and binding to the receptor vs having your liver metabolize the drug and slowly entering your bloodstream, much slower and less potent than BANGING it lol …….BOOM hits you like an upper cut from a 19 year old Mike Tyson in his prime
Lol thats why they call it smack!
Try to freebase cocaine Im a heavy hitter and I think I'm getting sick of it already!
Yes it can. There's also Phenyltropanes which are used to treat Cocaine addiction, but yes Methylphenidate is a good substance to treat Cocaine use. Sense Methylphenidate and Cocaine feel similar. As for Amphetamines they don't produce the same effects as Cocaine. So. It doesn't make sense to use an Amphetamine as a substitute.
Try to freebase cocaine Im a heavy hitter and I think I'm getting sick of it already!
I m too lazy and clumsy to cook the thing, I know myself enough, I ll start buying crack instead and that would probably be the end of me!
OP - sorry but you need to stop being a pussy, sweat out the coke comedown and man the fuck up.

I have deducted 10 Bluelight points. Please grow a pair and grow the fuck up.
OP - sorry but you need to stop being a pussy, sweat out the coke comedown and man the fuck up.

I have deducted 10 Bluelight points. Please grow a pair and grow the fuck up.
if you want to see a pic of my balls just ask, no need for this tough love BS....