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Meth beta-Dimethylmethamphetamine.


Aug 2, 2023
Do you think beta-Dimethylmethamphetamine would be just as strong as regular meth ? Or do you think meth is still stronger ? I just want to know if anybody has the answer. Thanks.
Oh, And how much would it make a difference if it was changed to alpha-Dimethylmethamphetamine ?
Is this the "new supermeth" i keep hearing of or is that jut ppl around here slow to catch on to the p2p difference?
Well I'm trying to figure out what kind of stimulant might be stronger than Meth. One idea right now is designing 3,4-DihydroxyMethamphetamine. What do you think ?
Well I'm trying to figure out what kind of stimulant might be stronger than Meth. One idea right now is designing 3,4-DihydroxyMethamphetamine. What do you think ?
This would be a dopaminergic neurotoxin. The two hydroxyl groups can act as a quinone and redox cycle between carbonyl and hydroxyl groups, gaining and liberating an electron with each cycle. That electron will often split water and form free radicals damaging the cell. The non-N-methylated form of this is a metabolite of MDMA which contributes to its neurotoxicity.

The 1950s and 1960s had a lot of research on amphetamine analogs, and nothing really replaced plain amphetamine or methamphetamine. In general, simple analogs of common drugs get tested as drug companies all want to get in on the next big thing, and these kind of modifications are low hanging fruit.
Thank you for your help on this. This is off topic, but what would you think of 4,5-Furan-6,7-Furan-N-dimethyl-2-aminoindane ?
Thank you for your help on this. This is off topic, but what would you think of 4,5-Furan-6,7-Furan-N-dimethyl-2-aminoindane ?
Are you describing 2-ai, with 2 symmetrical furan groups on the benzene meta to the cyclopentyl ring? I have no idea what it would be like, it could be anything from an antipsychotic (the furan:benzene:furan kind of looks like the head of a typical antipsychotic). The N,N dimethyl would keep it from being a psychadelic, and the furan groups are a fair bit different than the dragonfly/fly rings in the 2C family.

I will say that Shulgin found that N,N-dimethyl phenethylamines tend to be weaker as stimulants than their N-methyl counterpoints (being mainly adrenergic). Each N methyl group correspondingly tends to reduce serotonin 2A affinity.

It is really hard to know what you are saying when you refer to these molecular structures. If you included images of these molecules, I think you would get a lot more engagement.
Yes... I'm basically describing 2-AI with two furans. Which kind of makes it look like one of the FLY molecules.
Another thing that was on my mind was 2-AT with two furans as well. Making it look like another FLY molecule.
Dimethyl(meth)amphetamine is said by Alexander Shulgin to be 1/10th as potent as methamphetamine
This would be a dopaminergic neurotoxin. The two hydroxyl groups can act as a quinone and redox cycle between carbonyl and hydroxyl groups, gaining and liberating an electron with each cycle. That electron will often split water and form free radicals damaging the cell. The non-N-methylated form of this is a metabolite of MDMA which contributes to its neurotoxicity.

The 1950s and 1960s had a lot of research on amphetamine analogs, and nothing really replaced plain amphetamine or methamphetamine. In general, simple analogs of common drugs get tested as drug companies all want to get in on the next big thing, and these kind of modifications are low hanging fruit.
Hmmm... Then how about something like 3,4-DiketoneMethamphetamine ?
I misread I think and thought it was about the process which methampetamine is made reflecting different results. Specifically what the p2p thing is about?, now im not asking to talk about synth AT ALL. Just in regards to effects and which is considered superior p2p produced or pseudo pseudo produced, if that is even the right comparison....... Sorry for the sidetrack

haha oh man im in the stix, most of what I have seen personally (not a user) has been trashy homemade biker crank.

I knew one user that was getting the pretty clear shards and she was always askin me to try and hook her up; and it isn't even I couldn't vouch for her as much as what I could find was embarrasing in comparison (pretty sure I caught a contact meth high off that shard *Oh no now im addicted!!!! jp)

You are talking on a whole other level of changing the active molecule to a presumably stronger analog I am thinking? Sounds like something worth pursuing......and Im personally not a meth or meth user fan (the second is unfair and just the ppl I have met perhaps) I remember when that MDPV cathinone washed over the market, now days I hear it is worth a small fortune. Personally I didn't get it, that I did try as availability is king sometimes... Seemed lacking of real dopamine effects in some way? But apparently ppl love it by how it is regarded with such reverence now. (not by me)