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Fentanyl addicts - do you prefer Fentanyl or Herion?

Among current or former fentanyl addicts which do you prefer (Herion or Fentanyl) & why?

  • Strongly prefer fentanyl

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Prefer fentanyl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prefer herion

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Strongly prefer heroin

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Unsure - as I may have never experienced unadulterated herion

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Prefer herion due to better high.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Prefer fentanyl due to better high.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prefer herion due to perceived lower risk of overdose.

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Prefer fentanyl due to other reasons. (Please post below.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prefer herion due to other reasons. (Please post below.)

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


May 22, 2024
Hi fourm.

I'm doing harm reduction research for public policy, and trying to figure out the preferences of Fentanyl addicts regarding Herion (Diacetylmorphine) or Fentanyl. Please see the poll below and feel free to post in more details regarding your own experiences and preferences.

Thanks for your participation!
I prefer the high from heroin because it’s really unmatched against fentanyl which if you do just slightly too much you just sleep it off and wake up a few hrs later without the hrs of bliss that heroin provides.The one thing that the current fent/Xylazine has over heroin it has much longer legs than heroin had,heroin needed you to redose every 6 hrs before you’d start getting sick and it rapidly increased at time went on,with the current fentanyl/Xylazine I can go 12-14hrs before things start to become uncomfortable…

A new concern with using the Fent/Xylazine is that it creates wounds that took two yrs of daily use to first appear but you have to care for them or they go downhill at a rapid pace which will leave limbs bare of skin and expose raw infested flesh which will continue to spread in size and depth till it reaches the bone requiring the limb to be amputated,I found a video yesterday where a care giver mentioned the wounds having maggots is a common sight when treating users…

Fent/Xylazine ruined heroin use as it once was with overdose deaths exceeding 110,000 lives in the USA alone,im to the point where I’ve been an addict long enough that me telling myself I’m going to stop I’m really considering leaving the country so I can continue to use but it’ll be pharmaceutical morphine which is void of the poison being sold in the USA currently….

Here’s a thought that’ll make the current situation change ,if that flesh eating disease that users get makes the jump that it begins to be spread by touch ,human to human or human to an object and someone touches that object and gets infected the government will then step up enforcement and totally shut the industry down,the same way they did away with qualludes and Cibas ( from “Hits” Cibas and codeine) both are just memories and the same could be done With the current situation the USA finds itself in
Hi fourm.

I'm doing harm reduction research for public policy, and trying to figure out the preferences of Fentanyl addicts regarding Herion (Diacetylmorphine) or Fentanyl. Please see the poll below and feel free to post in more details regarding your own experiences and preferences.

Thanks for your participation!
I typically prefer heroin because not only is the high better, but it lasts longer, the high fentanyl is good, but it is way too fast and it has no legs. If you know where to get good heroin, I would definitely stick with heroin over fentanyl, especially because what they’re doing with the fentanyl nowadays you really have no idea what you’re getting, how strong it is, or what it’s cut with. Personally, I think Dilaudid is the best! Or Opana, but it’s so hard to get Opana now a days… I haven’t been able to get it in years sadly… anyway if you can get your hands on good white, China or black tar, I would just stick with heroin over fentanyl any day!
no one wants to be takin fent if diacetyl is an option on the table unless they have ruined their mu receptors to the point they cant even feel it anymore.
I used to be addicted to fentanyl for medical reasons and honestly it sucks for euphoria. Dilaudid and morphine are much better
no one wants to be takin fent if diacetyl is an option on the table unless they have ruined their mu receptors to the point they cant even feel it anymore.

THIS IS YOUR 100 PERCENT TRUTH. Unfortunately with all these new uber potent opi derivatives ALOT of people have shot receptors; as it wasn't all that long ago you could purchase as much u447700 (or w/e the first one was) as well as fent and its analogs in any amount.

Just out of curiousity I saw someone advertising fent (Probably a sham I didnt care) so I sent an email asking the price. The response I got was this verbatim "For a few thousand dollars you could take out everyone in Minnesota" --- Shocked TF out of me. 1. Who thinks like that (besides perhaps an undercover trying to up mailing fent to terrorism) and 2 TF that wasn't even an amount and 3 TF again