Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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Not to mine she hospitalized me four times for minor shit fook da bitch
Yea i feel the same way.My mom is the reason i’ve been to the hospital every time and now look where it got me.
I truly wish you all had great mothers. My heart goes out to y'all. My mother is a great and loving mother. She's one of the reasons I've kept the faith and declared healing throughout this recovery process. :)
@ "God is truly faithful. I had to pray like never before. Ask for healing guys... Healing won’t just show up. In my opinion you have to put in the work." - Kiaf852
@ " will recover from abilify, just pray and exercise." - TonyTonyChopper

I good quote that's agreeable with those words is:

"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you" (Saint Augustine).
I was suicidal yesterday but took some weed and had a wank and after 2 months my sensitivity and pleasure improved soo much. I felt horny and it gave me some pleasure. Still not what it was but it makes me so hopeful to see progress after just 2 months. It gave me feeling i will make 100% recovery.
But still im so fucking traumatised that i been involuntary injected twice aaaa my mother did this to me evil sick witch karma will go back
Btw anyone here was into kundalini and spirituality before this shit? I find it being into this world helps me survive knowing how powerful our mind is. My profile pic is a Gopi Krishna a famous kundalini mystic pioner. He talked about how kundalini was burning his system for years and he almost went insane because of it. I wonder how many people who had kundalini awakening had been put on antipsychotics lmaoooo
@ "...after two months my sensitivity and pleasure improved soo much. gave me some pleasure. Still not what it was but it makes me so hopeful to see progress after just 2 months. It gave me feeling i will make 100% recovery." - Youwillrecover

I'm glad to hear that. I'm happy for you. ❤️👍
@ "...after two months my sensitivity and pleasure improved soo much. gave me some pleasure. Still not what it was but it makes me so hopeful to see progress after just 2 months. It gave me feeling i will make 100% recovery." - Youwillrecover

I'm glad to hear that. I'm happy for you. ❤️👍
Yeah im in good mood now cause if i seen that much recovery in such short time i know i will make 100% recovery. I dont even know why im panicking knowing i recovered from olanzapine after 6 months but yeah
@ "I felt horny and it gave me some pleasure." - Youwillrecover

That's a blessing from God. It's good it's a sign you're recovering. I trust God that you will recover fully.

Peace and love. :)
I want to get this off my chest because it’s really been bothering me a lot…

I feel personally attacked and horrible by how you say you cannot believe me or any other hope stories in front of the public forum because of something I said to you months ago and went on to deflect anything I said. I was going to say something like ok I guess I won’t ever stay on this forum anymore but deleted it because I was trying to be the better person but you chose to ignore any nice gesture I gave to you. I also recall you saying people that have given you hope are “full of it”. As far as I’m concerned, this behavior and mindset is not going to facilitate healing and is downright bullying at times.

Shame on you for being negative towards someone with good intentions only trying to help. You can believe what you want, but you can also be gracious towards others that are willing to discuss things with you, especially those being nice or supportive. Honestly why are you on this site if you don’t want help and hope from others. If all you want to do is complain then you can do that to yourself or your mommy because no one here wants to hear about it if you can’t even accept others input.
I’m just incomprensibly miserable as it’s extremely difficult if not impossible to find hope because I can’t find many people as bad as me. I’m literally in bed 18+ hours a day.
I want to get this off my chest because it’s really been bothering me a lot…

I feel personally attacked and horrible by how you say you cannot believe me or any other hope stories in front of the public forum because of something I said to you months ago and went on to deflect anything I said. I was going to say something like ok I guess I won’t ever stay on this forum anymore but deleted it because I was trying to be the better person but you chose to ignore any nice gesture I gave to you. I also recall you saying people that have given you hope are “full of it”. As far as I’m concerned, this behavior and mindset is not going to facilitate healing and is downright bullying at times.

Shame on you for being negative towards someone with good intentions only trying to help. You can believe what you want, but you can also be gracious towards others that are willing to discuss things with you, especially those being nice or supportive. Honestly why are you on this site if you don’t want help and hope from others. If all you want to do is complain then you can do that to yourself or your mommy because no one here wants to hear about it if you can’t even accept others input.
It’s almost impossible for me to be positive. I don’t know what you want me to say.
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