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Opioids Fentanyl powder into chunks


Apr 28, 2024
I was wondering if anyone knows how to make powdered fentanyl into a solid chunk so it's smokeable with a dabber instead of having to use foil?
Could use a little ball of weed resin (or extract, doesn't matter, for that matter, anything sticky youre willing to smoke) and roll it around in the powder, be careful though, especially if you don't know the dose.
Could use a little ball of weed resin (or extract, doesn't matter, for that matter, anything sticky youre willing to smoke) and roll it around in the powder, be careful though, especially if you don't know the dose.
That would not work at all and idk what kind of an answer that is or if it's a joke.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to make powdered fentanyl into a solid chunk so it's smokeable with a dabber instead of having to use foil?
Drop a few drops of water into your puck or dish and if it's good it will solidify and turn hard to where you can hit it with a nector collector
i wonder if that could be done with dirty m30's ?
Most likely not because of fillers and extra cutting agents making it too dilute, the question was for fentanyl powder, which I wrongfully assumed meant decently pure fentanyl.
Put the powder into a silicone dish or container. Dab away. Just make sure to use the side of the metal dabber a smoke. If you go over the top you will suck up the fetty powder and waste it.
If you really had to ask this question I'd advise you to take up a different hobby. This stuff is the Big Leagues. And Big Leaguers know how to do this without asking. Just trying g to help.
Most likely not because of fillers and extra cutting agents making it too dilute, the question was for fentanyl powder, which I wrongfully assumed meant decently pure fentanyl.
Put the powder into a silicone dish or container. Dab away. Just make sure to use the side of the metal dabber a smoke. If you go over the top you will suck up the fetty powder and waste it.
If you really had to ask this question I'd advise you to take up a different hobby. This stuff is the Big Leagues. And Big Leaguers know how to do this without asking. Just trying g to help.
I was asking this because I have been an iv user for 16 years now and am fed up with shooting up anymore so I've been. Trying to move to smoking fenn. So I'm pretty sure I'm standing with the big leagues on this one thanks
I was asking this because I have been an iv user for 16 years now and am fed up with shooting up anymore so I've been. Trying to move to smoking fenn. So I'm pretty sure I'm standing with the big leagues on this one thanks
Fetty? U slam shine? It doesn't do anything really. Dabbing it doesn't even really do much more than smoking it off of foil. Just use foil. Unless ur scared too cuz aluminum is supposed to give u alzheimers. I've been smoking off foil for a while and I don't have any signs of alzheimers. Ummm....What are we talking about? Brain farther. Jk.
yo big leaguers, what's the best (safest) ROA for pressed Vicodin that tests positive for fent?
never foiled.. never fented.... this bad batch of vic;s got me thinking tho. I'd like to swallow em
A safer route may be to make a cold water extract so you can dose smaller amounts and see how it goes