Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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"VeteransWife's" husband did a detox and shortly thereafter they noticed improvements. After I finish my St. John's Wort bottle, I will do a detox. I will get a bottle of supplements, either the glutathione or the aforementioned "MasterPeace," or something else. :)
Thats why there is fasting in most of religions. They knew body heals and detox itself on empty stomach
I tried to play some online games with friends for the first time in like 7 months and it’s just not what it used to be. I could barely feign interest in both Fortnite and Valorant. I’ve tried playing them by myself a couple times before but still had no fun whatsoever.

With that and the ability to watch TV gone I really don’t know what to do anymore. I’m getting sick of laying in bed all day because I keep waking up early and can’t get back to sleep.

The worst part is my thoughts are always negative, they’re either regret about getting injected and everything that lead up to it, how stupid the world is or wanting to die. I know there’s been a few people kill themselves because of this but I’m too scared I’ll fuck it up and be brain dead or something.

I really don’t know what to do anymore.
God is truly faithful. I had to pray like never before. Ask for healing guys. Do it over and over again. Take time daily and pray for the answers to your questions. Seek and ye shall find. Take a really good multivitamin. Get off this thread and out of the house as much as you can. Healing won’t just show up. In my opinion you have to put in the work. I would think about Invega all day. I would regret ever being injected with that poison. I’d think about how they convinced me to take it. I didn’t have anyone to advocate for me. I just wanted to go home. Comes to find out I never had to take it. I would’ve had to stay in the hospital longer but they didn’t tell me that. They made it seem like I had no other option. I was injected twice in three days. Then they released me back out into society. I knew immediately that something was wrong with me after being injected with that poison. I remember feeling really cold. I felt stiff inside of my body. I couldn’t relax my arms. I couldn’t stop pacing. I had a shuffled walk. No thoughts. I barely talked. That shit should be illegal. I remember the insomnia was horrible. I was up two weeks straight. I tired to listen to music but had no interest. I’ve always loved music. That was odd to me. I cleaned my bathroom but it was like I had to force myself to do it. I’ve always enjoyed cleaning and that was odd to me. I remember my brain felt funny. I felt like a retarted person. I felt like a baby again. I had to force myself to take showers. They never seemed enjoyable. I had to force myself to eat. I had to force myself to drink water. My family would text me encouraging me to eat something. I was around 90lbs. I’m a tall woman. I looked like I was on death door. My back and shoulders was covered with cystic acne. It never went away completely. It’s gone about 96%. I’ll take that over how I looked last summer. I couldn’t even wear short sleeve shirts. I was embarrassed. It made me feel like I had aids or something. Whoever created Invega is a sick person. I’m sure that person has close ties to Satan. That medication is pure poison. How something could stop my natural period for almost two years is mind blowing to me. I only had two injections. I couldn’t imagine if I had four. They tried to tell me that I could get talk therapy if I agreed to continue taking that poison. I refused to take anything. Thank GOD that in America they can’t force you to continue taking it. I’ve completely healed. The small amount of acne I have on my body I don’t consider. I had a small amount before Invega. I’m telling you all to pray like never before. I truly believe that talking to GOD is beneficial in healing. I didn’t want to hear nothing Maymay had to say about Jesus on this thread. I would roll my eyes and scroll past her posts about anything related to religion. I felt like GOD abandoned me. I truly gave up on praying a year ago. I started praying again. I started asking for what I wanted. I stayed off of this thread. I said I’d focus on healing 100 percent. I did just that. I forced myself to go skating again. I started thanking GOD for healing me even though I didn’t feel different. I made sleep a priority. I purchased better multivitamins. I started hanging out with old friends. I started going back to church again. I made laughing a priority. I would purposely find things to make me laugh. Laughter is healing. I started to take myself shopping. I started having gratitude for the littlest things. Gratitude is healing. I have completely healed. I think we have to wake ourselves back up. The medication disables us. It blocks things within us. You beat Invega by doing the opposite of how you’re feeling. Kinda like reprogramming ourselves. Talk to GOD about healing. Thank GOD for healing you in advance. Do it daily. You can’t sit around and wait for healing. You heal faster by pushing yourself to continue living. They created that drug to sedate us. We create a routine out of complaining constantly searching for answers and at the same time doing nothing. We all can heal. We are more powerful than you think. Words are powerful. They don’t teach us that. The more you focus on how horrible you feel the more horrible you will feel. You have to remember the good things. Fake it till you make it. It feels fake. I felt silly claiming healing before I healed. I have healed. I regret not reaching out to Bojana. I will always regret that. We would talk daily sometimes. She would always ask me to call her. I could never get through to her. I went back to living my life again. I forgot all about her. I do think people leave here and don’t come back because they go back to living life again. They forget all about their Invega experience. Nobody can blame them. It’s something out of a nightmare. I just want to give you guys hope. Healing is so possible. It starts with thinking different. I laugh harder than I did before. I cry with more emotion. I have gratitude for every moment now. I’m so happy. I listen to music everyday again. I enjoy it. I take time to pour love into myself. I don’t take shit from no one. I used to be a push over before Invega. Living through that hell made me stronger physically mentally spiritually and emotionally it turned me into a WARRIOR. I will continue to pop in from time to time. I will repeat myself over and over again. You hold the keys to your healing. Don’t give up. Don’t be discouraged. People are being injected with that poison every day. Future Invega sufferers will seek this thread for answers. I just want to say HEALING IS POSSIBLE.
I am free from the torment of pure evil named INVEGA SUSTENNA. I have my life back 😊 You will too.
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What complicates what you’re saying is that I was already a highly anhedonic schizophrenic before all this— who could barely do things.

I wasn’t like a normal person who had psychosis and got misdiagnosed.

It’s so bad right now. I’m gradually losing my will to live every day and doing less and less. Until my body gives me something to give me hope, I cannot believe you or any of the hope stories.
I want to get this off my chest because it’s really been bothering me a lot…

I feel personally attacked and horrible by how you say you cannot believe me or any other hope stories in front of the public forum because of something I said to you months ago and went on to deflect anything I said. I was going to say something like ok I guess I won’t ever stay on this forum anymore but deleted it because I was trying to be the better person but you chose to ignore any nice gesture I gave to you. I also recall you saying people that have given you hope are “full of it”. As far as I’m concerned, this behavior and mindset is not going to facilitate healing and is downright bullying at times.

Shame on you for being negative towards someone with good intentions only trying to help. You can believe what you want, but you can also be gracious towards others that are willing to discuss things with you, especially those being nice or supportive. Honestly why are you on this site if you don’t want help and hope from others. If all you want to do is complain then you can do that to yourself or your mommy because no one here wants to hear about it if you can’t even accept others input.
God is truly faithful. I had to pray like never before. Ask for healing guys. Do it over and over again. Take time daily and pray for the answers to your questions. Seek and ye shall find. Take a really good multivitamin. Get off this thread and out of the house as much as you can. Healing won’t just show up. In my opinion you have to put in the work. I would think about Invega all day. I would regret ever being injected with that poison. I’d think about how they convinced me to take it. I didn’t have anyone to advocate for me. I just wanted to go home. Comes to find out I never had to take it. I would’ve had to stay in the hospital longer but they didn’t tell me that. They made it seem like I had no other option. I was injected twice in three days. Then they released me back out into society. I knew immediately that something was wrong with me after being injected with that poison. I remember feeling really cold. I felt stiff inside of my body. I couldn’t relax my arms. I couldn’t stop pacing. I had a shuffled walk. No thoughts. I barely talked. That shit should be illegal. I remember the insomnia was horrible. I was up two weeks straight. I tired to listen to music but had no interest. I’ve always loved music. That was odd to me. I cleaned my bathroom but it was like I had to force myself to do it. I’ve always enjoyed cleaning and that was odd to me. I remember my brain felt funny. I felt like a retarted person. I felt like a baby again. I had to force myself to take showers. They never seemed enjoyable. I had to force myself to eat. I had to force myself to drink water. My family would text me encouraging me to eat something. I was around 90lbs. I’m a tall woman. I looked like I was on death door. My back and shoulders was covered with cystic acne. It never went away completely. It’s gone about 96%. I’ll take that over how I looked last summer. I couldn’t even wear short sleeve shirts. I was embarrassed. It made me feel like I had aids or something. Whoever created Invega is a sick person. I’m sure that person has close ties to Satan. That medication is pure poison. How something could stop my natural period for almost two years is mind blowing to me. I only had two injections. I couldn’t imagine if I had four. They tried to tell me that I could get talk therapy if I agreed to continue taking that poison. I refused to take anything. Thank GOD that in America they can’t force you to continue taking it. I’ve completely healed. The small amount of acne I have on my body I don’t consider. I had a small amount before Invega. I’m telling you all to pray like never before. I truly believe that talking to GOD is beneficial in healing. I didn’t want to hear nothing Maymay had to say about Jesus on this thread. I would roll my eyes and scroll past her posts about anything related to religion. I felt like GOD abandoned me. I truly gave up on praying a year ago. I started praying again. I started asking for what I wanted. I stayed off of this thread. I said I’d focus on healing 100 percent. I did just that. I forced myself to go skating again. I started thanking GOD for healing me even though I didn’t feel different. I made sleep a priority. I purchased better multivitamins. I started hanging out with old friends. I started going back to church again. I made laughing a priority. I would purposely find things to make me laugh. Laughter is healing. I started to take myself shopping. I started having gratitude for the littlest things. Gratitude is healing. I have completely healed. I think we have to wake ourselves back up. The medication disables us. It blocks things within us. You beat Invega by doing the opposite of how you’re feeling. Kinda like reprogramming ourselves. Talk to GOD about healing. Thank GOD for healing you in advance. Do it daily. You can’t sit around and wait for healing. You heal faster by pushing yourself to continue living. They created that drug to sedate us. We create a routine out of complaining constantly searching for answers and at the same time doing nothing. We all can heal. We are more powerful than you think. Words are powerful. They don’t teach us that. The more you focus on how horrible you feel the more horrible you will feel. You have to remember the good things. Fake it till you make it. It feels fake. I felt silly claiming healing before I healed. I have healed. I regret not reaching out to Bojana. I will always regret that. We would talk daily sometimes. She would always ask me to call her. I could never get through to her. I went back to living my life again. I forgot all about her. I do think people leave here and don’t come back because they go back to living life again. They forget all about their Invega experience. Nobody can blame them. It’s something out of a nightmare. I just want to give you guys hope. Healing is so possible. It starts with thinking different. I laugh harder than I did before. I cry with more emotion. I have gratitude for every moment now. I’m so happy. I listen to music everyday again. I enjoy it. I take time to pour love into myself. I don’t take shit from no one. I used to be a push over before Invega. Living through that hell made me stronger physically mentally spiritually and emotionally it turned me into a WARRIOR. I will continue to pop in from time to time. I will repeat myself over and over again. You hold the keys to your healing. Don’t give up. Don’t be discouraged. People are being injected with that poison every day. Future Invega sufferers will seek this thread for answers. I just want to say HEALING IS POSSIBLE.
I am free from the torment of pure evil named INVEGA SUSTENNA. I have my life back 😊 You will too.
That’s amazing! So glad you’re doing better!!! <3
Mine is a monster and after this last hospitalization i decided to cut contact with her for life. She is narcissistic evil witch that cant stand seeing me happy. All these hospitals was not because i was doing something dangerous. It was because i had too much smile on my face and she didnt liked it. I was raised by a monster and these idiots doctors take my cptsd by being raised in abusive home as paranoid schizophrenia and force me on these neurotoxic drugs even tho i dont need them. Its insane. My dream is to go with this story to the public
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