Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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Believe in recovery, and you'll receive recovery. God will heal you, and God is still with you.

Peace and love!

(re-post, message sent at 12:59 a.m., May 10, 2024, central time)
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I also included a song from Rickie Byars Beckwith, "Om Shanti"

Most people here show signs of reversible damage. I don't care what psychiatrist say they are not real doctors and are teached nonsense and practice lazy medicine. There are many thousands of people worldwide complaining about the same things, side effects from meds. These meds are neurotoxic.

Signs of severe braindamage would be ; anhedonia, complete loss of smell, long term akathesia, severe brainfog, severe memory impairment, complete loss of emotions, long term movement disorders including dyskinesia, blurry vision/ loss of vision, loss of hearing, reduced coordination and reduced nerve sensitivity in limbs or hand(measurable). If you have zero improvement or abysmal improvement in a few years time you probably have long term damage, chances are you get a slight recovery anywhere in 10 years and regaining some function through neuroplasticity where other brain areas take over/compensate the loss of function. Another sign of severe damage is burning brain syndrom where you get encephalitis and brain swelling

Another dramatic symptom of severe braindamage is not able to distinguish between the mental/physical state before the accident and after (wether be kinetic trauma or chemical). People will go around claiming they are cured while having severe symptoms. These people usually have severe behavioural problems you can also notice their grammar is really off, they also can make erratic statements and out of the ordinary religious statements.

However people who don't fully recover but claim to have recovered can also suffer from certain personality disorders such as narcistic personality disorder or avoidant personality disorder. I've seen many people on here that aren't mentally ill but do have personality disorders of any kind. You simply don't know their situation they can have full recovery but are attention seeking and claim they never recovered.

Anyway if you lost emotions and they don't come back after years you definitely got damage. I've seen user invegasucks and AP sucks about burning brain. That's definitely encephalitis. APsucks also said he lost emotions and dirtyinvega said something similar not having improvements after 5 years. I'm truly sorry for those guys

Lately i don't have the energy or motivation to check all kinds of forums because there's so much negativity on them it's not fun reading about problems. Maybe i'm insensitive or simply unable to know because i never experienced what you guys experienced. Most of you are in total panic about not ever getting better. Most of you are just a few months off medication and you're already in total panic you haven't even crossed the 2 or 3 year threshold yet. I've even seen some people improving 7 years off meds.

Another case where someone suffered two years from akathesia because of anti-depressants. Suddenly got better after two years, weird things can happen but things also can suddenly improve the last day.

I know it sucks having these symptoms for such a long time but its nothing compared to trauma induced by severe kinetic accidents where people have such brain damage they are anhedonic for decades. They have such bad anhedonia they cannot even get the newspaper out of the mailbox. If breathing wasn't regulated by the parasympethic system they would've stopped breathing a long time ago.
I agree that psychiatrists are often lazy medically. I mean a lot of mental health patients have no leverage.. no money, no reputation to protect, they are often zonked out. Few people advocate for us consumers of services. And in Australia we have a circumstance where overseas doctors sign up for training in order to get a visa and residency because it's often a last-choice discipline for med students here. This sees psych registrars who's heart isn't in it. Ive often suspected that they also don't relate to 'minority world's problems. They look at an Australian patients problems and they think "I'll show you a real problem. Come to my country (Africa, India etc) and I'll show you a REAL problem. In others words they've often little compassion or understanding. Doing the wrong thing by mental health consumers is standard fare, in my experience. Both as a consumer and as a staff members. The circumstance is aweful.
Checked old invega threads and clicked on people profile. I seen soooo many people recovered yet i still feel sucidal as fuck
Checked old invega threads and clicked on people profile. I seen soooo many people recovered yet i still feel sucidal as fuck
I am also suicidal. I tried suicide twice and missed. My mornings are truly awful. The private clinic is still not answering me. I am hopeless.
I honestly am only waiting for my pssd to go away i feel basically myself. I miss the arousal feeling i would get towards woman and natural hornyness you get as a man 😔 only some will understand but that arousal for women basically confirms you are a man so having that gone makes me feel less of a man but i have a life to live i can’t sit around and do nothing as much as i want to. I believe I will heal and only time can do that many people healed from pssd and other problems so why wouldn’t i heal from just pssd only with 2 shots. It just still is a shock everyday looking at all these beautiful women everyday and not getting aroused/interested at all especially compared to pre-invega hopefully i could get back to exactly how i was
Anyone able to hold down a job after Invega? , i had 9 shots and I feel too retarded that I'd even struggle understanding how to stock shelves , before Invega i had a good desk job but they fired me

Disability keeps denying me here in Canada cuz psychosis isn't a serious disability apparently

I get disability in Canada for chronic pain but i also had temporary psychosis. Try again i am pretty sure you can get disability for psychosis to
Im killing myself soon

You will recover it just takes time. I was fucking hopeless for years but once i got off the invega and abilify i started getting better ad now i am in the best shape of my life working out 6 days a week on weights.

Im on zyprexa now but i can still trip on shrooms and can get high on opiates, benzos and zopiclone and weed
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