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What Was YOUR Nightly Fix? v. Can't Sleep Sober

I dunno if I'm at the tail end of acute opiate withdrawal yet. Was on a 2 month run with them and I'm all out. I'm on maybe day 4 or 5 without anything when I was doing equivalent to around 50mg morphine a day + Kratom...So all I got is paracetemol/ibuprofen, CBD bud (because fuck the French Olympics and all the heat it brings - so no weed/hash), my valium and some seroquel. Hopefully gonna have some Kratom land on Friday to ease the pain and be functional again...eugh

Anyways. Woe is me

Prob 20mg valium, 50mg seroquel and 1000mg paracetemol, 400mg ibuprofen and a spliff of CBD for tonight.
1mg Alprazolam
40mg edible
Bowl of year old weed
25mg Benadryl
10mg Melatonin

Feel much better going back to 1mg Alp. Think I'm going to stick with this dose for awhile. Getting some Bromazolam since I'm traveling soon and am worried about any more run ins with the law. Had some bad experiences with Bromazolam in the past with rebound, but now that I'm a daily user I won't have to worry about that. Anyway today was a good day all around and I'm really proud of me lowering my dosage in such a fast time and sticking to it. Hopefully I can keep it up
I dunno if I'm at the tail end of acute opiate withdrawal yet. Was on a 2 month run with them and I'm all out. I'm on maybe day 4 or 5 without anything when I was doing equivalent to around 50mg morphine a day + Kratom...So all I got is paracetemol/ibuprofen, CBD bud (because fuck the French Olympics and all the heat it brings - so no weed/hash), my valium and some seroquel. Hopefully gonna have some Kratom land on Friday to ease the pain and be functional again...eugh

Anyways. Woe is me

Prob 20mg valium, 50mg seroquel and 1000mg paracetemol, 400mg ibuprofen and a spliff of CBD for tonight.
Fudge broh that sucks. I feel you but respect for troopering on so long and far and with minimal comfort meds it seems. Hang in there brah 👊
So far this evening just smoking some new Jokerz flower I picked up earlier, and ate a 100mg d8/9 pack of pop rocks about two hours ago. But, here's my evening laid out all nice and pretty on the side table:

Starting top left and clockwise: jars of Jokerz and Royal Cream flower, (please excuse my dirty bong lol), 5mg apixaban and 8mg ondansetron, five grams of shrooms I'll be eating in about 3 hours, and last but not least, 1.6mg bupe.

Edit - threw in one more little guy to bring the dose up to a grand total of 5.83g, because that'll leave me with a clean eighth left, and also with the things happening in my life right now and my renewed familiarity with the last few trips, I'm ready and need to go there. And also, FURTHUR. 😉

All the other necessities laid in, snacks, water, ginger ale, music, chill vibes...

"Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance." 😉

Stay safe, y'all

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Dosed .75mg bnz about 30 mins ago. A few puffs of synth hash oil (∆8).
Be out in about an hour or so.
Wanna take a walk and find some trouble but nah can't do it....
Everytime I write that i go out anyways (alleys). One "bar" in this town. Meh
Backstreets and the matrix. Haha
Obv high on the d8 babbling. ;)
1940s radio drama mystery (close my eyes, listen, and hopefully drift into a sweet dream
I will put tv on Hogan's heroes or carol Bernet etc (sometimes: it's a local tv channel) when ads come on I subconsciously close my eyes and go to sleep in the process. Sweet imo
Sick of lookin at a screen tbph
It's the future and pushing buttons....
I will put tv on Hogan's heroes or carol Bernet etc (sometimes: it's a local tv channel) when ads come on I subconsciously close my eyes and go to sleep in the process. Sweet imo
Sick of lookin at a screen tbph
It's the future and pushing buttons....
Good idea, guess I will do same because I'm tired (9 pm here but feel like going to sleep early).
A .glass of wine would be nice, but don't have any. So it's just a cup of tea.
Feel like a grandma!

Good night
Hey peeps. 😎

Chilling, about to put on a video of some sort to carry me to bedtime in a little bit. Had 2.4mL valerian root extract earlier, followed by 1.2mg bupe and 75mg diphenhydramine, much weed in the bong throughout the day - currently some GMO Cookies. Also some Cereal Milk live resin dabs with the nectar collector. Had a few beers earlier as well, think I'll switch it up to some chamomile tea for the nightcap. 😉

Gonna sleep like fuck. 👍
It's 8.45 pm and not feeling great. Just added 0.5 mg clona to the 1 mg I took in two doses since 2 pm because life's getting a lot better, but I'm still too tired of the shit I've been through the last 3 or so years. Don't need crappy feelings over things that aren't really important.
Hope a good night's sleep will chase the bad vibes away.
Tomorrow is another day.
Good night.
What's up guys...

Feeling super mellow, had a big shrimp linguini dinner followed by 1.6mL valerian root extract and 1mg bupe, then the normal, boring scripts. Been smoking some herb and drinking a couple crafts as well, so lids are getting heavy as hell, and it probably won't be long until I pass out for the night. 😴