Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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Almost 5 months since the last shot and nothing has improved it’s just changed or gotten worse. Spending 18hrs a day in bed because I don’t want to do anything. I recently tried to force myself to play games and watch Netflix but I don’t enjoy it at all.

I can’t believe people go to Prison for serious crimes and don’t get injected with this shit yet we all did because of Psychosis or some other diagnosis. I never told the Psychiatrists I was seeing things or hearing voices, all I did was tell them to fuck off because they were annoying me.

I’ll be sure to include the 4 of them that each played a part in ruining my life in my suicide note. I hope they all get fired for malpracrice or some other crap because they never asked any important questions or told me they suspected I had xyz condition.

A pamphlet about Psychosis and it’s symptoms would have been all I needed to realize I wasn’t talking to God or Spirits. Again, I never told anyone i was hearing voices so they misdiagnosed me because I yelled at a few people in my family that had pissed me off.

I don’t believe there’s an afterlife but if I turn into a ghost I’ll be sure to haunt tf out of them.
Please everyone. Start seeking Jesus. I promise he won’t fail you. I had to get up, get out of bed, throw my hands in the air and say hallelujah, by faith I believe that God is working all of this as a miracle in my life. You can do the same. I believe you are all being made into warriors by the one true living God through your experience of suffering.

I promise it’s not in vain. Please don’t give up. I had to Press in. I had to Seek prayer. I had to Be faithful. I had to Get a Bible app and Read the promises in the Bible. “He will never leave you nor forsake you”.

Then my life began to shift. Harry (mucky) has been praying for the last few months and has seen a small turnaround for the first time in the whole journey. For me I started properly healing when I prayed for others who were doing WORSE than me. Only in Jesus name.

In those months where I made an oath to God not to kill myself and to start praying, I didn’t go to another God, I didn’t get into meditation, positive affirmation therapy, any of that new age nonsense that leads people down rabbit holes that ultimately go nowhere or give false healing.

i used my broken voice and my empty thoughts and sang the most basic melody and words I could think of for the Lord. i trusted that this was going to work for his Glory in the end and sang songs of praise to him for carrying me through something that I couldn’t understand.

I didn’t do it just for the FEELINGS. I did it to TRUST him. I knew that if I was just doing it to feel something I would have been worshipping my feelings. I wanted to worship GOD. The only reason I had this conviction is because of the Christian’s in my life who encouraged me, and the multiple sermons I forced myself to watch. Well please let me be an encouragement to you all. Jesus wants your heart. He died to set you free.

This is a verse I really like, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” (James 5:16, ESV).

My life is full of miracles now, I have seen people regain their feeling and movement in plastered arms, watched my taxi driver suddenly be pain free, someone’s knee pain disappear, I’ve witnessed baptisms, transformation, freedom from sin which truly sets people free.

Now that I’ve been through what I’ve been through I am able to empathise so much more with people’s suffering than I ever could. And with Christ in my heart I feel unstoppable. I pray you will all experience the same and even greater than I.

In Jesus’ name. Amen
This whore from CMHA which is an mental health organization which i volunteered for to get my charges dropped, she found out i stopped taking my medication 2 months ago and yelled at me and called me schizophrenic and that i need injections for life and even threatened to meet the psychiatrist and tell him i stopped taking Invega. I'm not on CTO , pissed me off so much blocking her number
This whore from CMHA which is an mental health organization which i volunteered for to get my charges dropped, she found out i stopped taking my medication 2 months ago and yelled at me and called me schizophrenic and that i need injections for life and even threatened to meet the psychiatrist and tell him i stopped taking Invega. I'm not on CTO , pissed me off so much blocking her number
Yeah bro they try to convice us we need these injections for life EVEN IN CASES WHERE WE WERENT PSYCHOTIC AT ALL XDD they are fucking insane
Yeah bro they try to convice us we need these injections for life EVEN IN CASES WHERE WE WERENT PSYCHOTIC AT ALL XDD they are fucking insane
its ridiculous holy shit, yes I had 3 psychotic episodes but all were cuz of high potency thc vape carts and I haven't smoked weed in 7 months. Its not like I'm schizophrenic.
its ridiculous holy shit, yes I had 3 psychotic episodes but all were cuz of high potency thc vape carts and I haven't smoked weed in 7 months. Its not like I'm schizophrenic.
Bro i got 3 olanzapine injections and 2 abilify one forced even tho i wasnt psychotic. I just have ctpsd and strong anxiety. They took it as paranoid schizophrenia
Bro i got 3 olanzapine injections and 2 abilify one forced even tho i wasnt psychotic. I just have ctpsd and strong anxiety. They took it as paranoid schizophrenia

I would just recommend going on the olanzapine pills if your on the injections. Im on 10mg's of zyprexa a day and i get 0 side effects from it. Im in the best shape of my life, weed works fine for me and so does shrooms and other drugs.
Bro i got 3 olanzapine injections and 2 abilify one forced even tho i wasnt psychotic. I just have ctpsd and strong anxiety. They took it as paranoid schizophrenia
Yeah i heard you recently got forced on abilify. You recovered on invega before you will recover abilify . 2025 will be the year we shall recover
I would just recommend going on the olanzapine pills if your on the injections. Im on 10mg's of zyprexa a day and i get 0 side effects from it. Im in the best shape of my life, weed works fine for me and so does shrooms and other drugs.
But why bro i rather stick to weed and psychodelics rather then pharma poisons. Im suprised you actually thriving on that shit. I thought every antipsychotic is shit.
Yeah i heard you recently got forced on abilify. You recovered on invega before you will recover abilify . 2025 will be the year we shall recover
not invega but olanzapine injections, yeah i had good recovery 6 months off thats how long it takes to recover from NEUROTOXINS. now im so fucking traumatised that my parents did this to me again. Piece of shit cunts you will end up in senior house im not your son anymore
I would just recommend going on the olanzapine pills if your on the injections. Im on 10mg's of zyprexa a day and i get 0 side effects from it. Im in the best shape of my life, weed works fine for me and so does shrooms and other drugs.
And im not on injections anymore fortunately cause CTO does not exist here in Poland. These psycho fucks cunts would put me on it 100% if it was legal. All the narrative from mad in america is right. Psychiatry is dangerous and can cause suicides
But why bro i rather stick to weed and psychodelics rather then pharma poisons. Im suprised you actually thriving on that shit. I thought every antipsychotic is shit.

Not for everybody there not. I had cotards syndrome so i am not risking a relapse of that fucking bullshit by going off my meds. I don't get any side effects really so why not keep taking it. My friend also takes zyprexa and shes also in good shape and can trip no problem.

I smoke alot of weed to and take psychs but sometimes they arent enough
Not for everybody there not. I had cotards syndrome so i am not risking a relapse of that fucking bullshit by going off my meds. I don't get any side effects really so why not keep taking it.

I smoke alot of weed to and take psychs but sometimes they arent enough
Maybe you should look into natural ways of healing that like somatic experience and emdr. Trauma can wreak havoc in the mind. I would put off that zyprexa brother
Not for everybody there not. I had cotards syndrome so i am not risking a relapse of that fucking bullshit by going off my meds. I don't get any side effects really so why not keep taking it. My friend also takes zyprexa and shes also in good shape and can trip no problem.

I smoke alot of weed to and take psychs but sometimes they arent enough
holy shit i heard from psychiatry podcasts that cotards is hella rare, glad you don't have it anymore. Btw what strain of weed helps you?
not invega but olanzapine injections, yeah i had good recovery 6 months off thats how long it takes to recover from NEUROTOXINS. now im so fucking traumatised that my parents did this to me again. Piece of shit cunts you will end up in senior house im not your son anymore
6 month recovery is insanely fast

yeah fuck ur parents for treating you like that , they expect us to take care of them when theyre old yet they treat us like shit.
6 month recovery is insanely fast

yeah fuck ur parents for treating you like that , they expect us to take care of them when theyre old yet they treat us like shit.
Yeah 6 months was when shrooms started to give me visuals again and deep trippy feelings. Its actually a best way to check the % damage. Just take shrooms and see how much you tripping
Yeah 6 months was when shrooms started to give me visuals again and deep trippy feelings. Its actually a best way to check the % damage. Just take shrooms and see how much you tripping
At 3 months i was like 30% tripping without visuals all just mental
Yeah 6 months was when shrooms started to give me visuals again and deep trippy feelings. Its actually a best way to check the % damage. Just take shrooms and see how much you tripping
I've never done shrooms before only weed , i really wanna try it. It's really easy to get here in Canada. I can order it from a website in vancouver BC and delivered to Ontario without problems.

I'm just scared if it gives me psychosis D:
I've never done shrooms before only weed , i really wanna try it. It's really easy to get here in Canada. I can order it from a website in vancouver BC and delivered to Ontario without problems.

I'm just scared if it gives me psychosis D:
I was taking big doses each 3-4 days and i was fine. I never had a bad trip on them. Maybe try low dose first and see how that goes
I was taking big doses each 3-4 days and i was fine. I never had a bad trip on them. Maybe try low dose first and see how that goes
Okay I will probably order some in few months when my anhedonia lessens a bit so probably july august I will make my first purchase .

How do you consume it? , do you eat the actual mushroom cuz here I can get them as a chocolate , capsule, drink, gummy bears or other forms
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