Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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It doesent flush the antipsychotics from your brain that is impossible. However for me cannabis certainly helped my anhedonia and other shit i got from invega and abilify.

As for if it's worth risking psychosis again just to smoke weed i don't know. I was informally diagnosed in the psych ward as having weed psychosis but that was just a label they slapped on anyone in there who smoked weed. I smoked weed in the psych ward after i got invega injections,, when i got out and im still smoking it and not once in that time did i go psychotic. However everyone is different and i don't seem to be susceptible to drug induced psychosis in general so don't go by my experience.

Do you think you had weed induced psychosis or did the shrink come yup with that? If it was actually weed induced psychosis i don't know if i would risk more time in the psych ward because fuck those places. I guess you could always have some benzos and a fast acting antipsychotic on hand just in case you do go psychotic from smoking it.

Yeah I'm guna refrain from weed for the time being , I did smoke weed once after my injection where i literally did not get the usual euphoria and head high , just got a body high which isn't worth.

I definitely got psychosis from weed because prior to last year I've been smoking weed for 5 years without issue and i suddenly started smoking 80%-90% thc vape carts from my local dispensary and it led to 3 psychotic episode hospitalizations each time i smoked. so its pretty clear high % thc caused my psychotic episodes.

I'm so scared of CTO and a 3 month long term hospitalization so its probably not worth it, just guna stay sober and wait my time for recovery.
I haven't experienced any withdrawal symptoms since i quit Invega 2 months ago but lately I'm noticing I'm vomiting a lot, is that a withdrawal symptom? , have you guys seen other people mention vomiting's on here?
I don’t know … sorry to hear you are not recovered at all.i personally recovered a lot from running every day, started slow but worked my way up.

But I just want to say is don’t give up hope. Many people find themselves in a hopeless mood and give up, but just have hope because you never know what the future will look like or how things will be a year from now or two years from now, take it day by day getting through one day one step at a time .
What complicates what you’re saying is that I was already a highly anhedonic schizophrenic before all this— who could barely do things.

I wasn’t like a normal person who had psychosis and got misdiagnosed.

It’s so bad right now. I’m gradually losing my will to live every day and doing less and less. Until my body gives me something to give me hope, I cannot believe you or any of the hope stories.
Hey, all! It's slightly over 2 months since I got injected with 2 shots of Invega. February 19th and 22nd (2024). I haven't viewed the forum rules, but I know from reading threads in the past we're not supposed to advise people to take anything, etc. However, if I was any person, I would recommend to myself to do what's worked for me. I strongly believe trusting in God and the prayers prayed for me has helped tremendously. That said, pushups and sit-ups have elevated my condition big time. It was a point where I was moving very slowly. My leg and arm movement was slow. But I pushed through and continued doing pushups and sit-ups daily. And I now move normally. My energy has also increased. I'm pretty much myself in the area of movement and energy. Motivation has also improved. Miraculously I've been experiencing joy at times. Initially, and up till recent, anhedonia and lack of motivation was real high. But the LORD has blessed me. I also memorize quotes and scriptures. I feel it has helped me greatly overcome to a high degree brain fog and short term memory loss due to Invega. I'm 36. I still have ways to go to improve. But I'm not in the suicidal or depressed area (or stage) anymore. If there's any depression still, it's not intense. I also take St. John's Wort. I've been doing so daily, 2 times a day, 2 pills (capsules) a day. I'm choosing to focus on the positive and improve on the negative, so I'm completely healed. I believe and know I eventually will be. I believe there are ways to speed up the process to healing. If I had a treadmill, and was not in an upstairs apartment, it would facilitate my recovery swiftly. I would run and walk fast on it, much throughout the day. I'll provide more information in subsequent posts. I'll include a quote and scripture (as) a part of this message to uplift and inspire you all to recovery:

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us..." (Ephesians 3:20).

"Let just and honest things be ever present to the mind" (Cicero).

What is just, honest, and true is that you will recover. God has given each of you his power and the possibility for anything good is always in your hands because of him.
That is outside of my or this websites purview... We can only be there for people that need someone to talk to or information.

Personally I would be less focused on revenge and more focused on improving your life. It seems like you are, so that's a start. I just don't think getting into extensive legal battles or gunning after psychiatrists is going to be worthwhile.

You could always start a blog, YouTube series, whatever, anything you could publish with your experiences and try to get it out there so people know about it and how to deal with it. Or support someone that does. Help get a wider conversation started. I think that would be more useful than any
I guess you're right.There's really nothing.I could do about it right now. Might as well just try to keep it getting better
I guess you're right.There's really nothing.I could do about it right now. Might as well just try to keep it getting better
I do wish you the best brotha. There are a lot of really intelligent people here. I think if someone started writing about all this shit and relaying their experience, it could maybe do something to get the word out.

I mean could you imagine how influential it would be if when you Google the word "Invega", on the first page is a well thought out and researched article relaying the damage this drug can cause and a multitude of experiences backing this up?

I mean, that could be a really interesting project for someone... It could be something I might be open to at some point if I could get enough people to talk to and relay experiences to me, and did enough research to cite as well.
I haven't experienced any withdrawal symptoms since i quit Invega 2 months ago but lately I'm noticing I'm vomiting a lot, is that a withdrawal symptom? , have you guys seen other people mention vomiting's on here?
Yep. I suffer from intense nausea and things that used to make me sick like motion sickness from video games and driving now make me sick extremely easily.

Also, sometimes I just throw up for no reason.
Hey, all! It's slightly over 2 months since I got injected with 2 shots of Invega. February 19th and 22nd (2024). I haven't viewed the forum rules, but I know from reading threads in the past we're not supposed to advise people to take anything, etc. However, if I was any person, I would recommend to myself to do what's worked for me. I strongly believe trusting in God and the prayers prayed for me has helped tremendously. That said, pushups and sit-ups have elevated my condition big time. It was a point where I was moving very slowly. My leg and arm movement was slow. But I pushed through and continued doing pushups and sit-ups daily. And I now move normally. My energy has also increased. I'm pretty much myself in the area of movement and energy. Motivation has also improved. Miraculously I've been experiencing joy at times. Initially, and up till recent, anhedonia and lack of motivation was real high. But the LORD has blessed me. I also memorize quotes and scriptures. I feel it has helped me greatly overcome to a high degree brain fog and short term memory loss due to Invega. I'm 36. I still have ways to go to improve. But I'm not in the suicidal or depressed area (or stage) anymore. If there's any depression still, it's not intense. I also take St. John's Wort. I've been doing so daily, 2 times a day, 2 pills (capsules) a day. I'm choosing to focus on the positive and improve on the negative, so I'm completely healed. I believe and know I eventually will be. I believe there are ways to speed up the process to healing. If I had a treadmill, and was not in an upstairs apartment, it would facilitate my recovery swiftly. I would run and walk fast on it, much throughout the day. I'll provide more information in subsequent posts. I'll include a quote and scripture (as) a part of this message to uplift and inspire you all to recovery:

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us..." (Ephesians 3:20).

"Let just and honest things be ever present to the mind" (Cicero).

What is just, honest, and true is that you will recover. God has given each of you his power and the possibility for anything good is always in your hands because of him.
I don’t think working out applies to me because I was already debhilitated by the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. I’m glad your faith gives you hope, for others like where me where our only tangible reality is what’s right in front of us (or what our brain is capable of doing), I have little to zero hope. Again, very few people on this forum had schizophrenia before their shot, and it’s impossible for me to have hope when my brain can’t even muster enough energy to leave bed. Literally.

I wish I were spiritual, as I actually used to be, but going through this whole process has made me believe reality is navigated by the brain and purely neurochemical.
Brain cleared up, I just needed to wake up a little more. Felt a little disconnected since I'm concerned about my fertility, I think about it too much. I couldn't be fully present today for my niece.

Looking forward to progesterone therapy to help my period become regular and upregulate GnRH receptor expression in my pituitary gland. I need to take another peep at my testosterone levels in the middle of this month to make sure I don't have hypogonadism. Then I'll be good to go.

I'm going on cyclic progesterone therapy because I actually just got a PCOS diagnosis. (misnomer since I have a case with no cysts and I don't think I ever or rarely had any, but I have hyperandrogenism, a thing I didn't mind because I'm genderqueer) I wonder if it would help everyone struggling with fertility after invega though since progesterone upregulates gonadotropin releasing hormone receptors in the pituitary gland, and invega can directly damage those. Cis men have progesterone too, they'd probably take less.

I think anyone with irregular periods can cyclic progesterone therapy, I don't think you need a PCOS diagnosis. It was offered to me before my diagnosis.

I hope it will also help my PSSD. It could.

Since I know I have PCOS now, I'm a bit scared invega hurt my presumably already struggling fertility. It can impact fertility in PCOS people more than others. But with the right treatments, it's easier than ever for someone with PCOS to have a baby. Of all the people with PCOS I know, none of them had too much trouble having children.

I'm going to be the one who has trouble, it's me. 🙃
Hey, all! It's slightly over 2 months since I got injected with 2 shots of Invega. February 19th and 22nd (2024). I haven't viewed the forum rules, but I know from reading threads in the past we're not supposed to advise people to take anything, etc. However, if I was any person, I would recommend to myself to do what's worked for me. I strongly believe trusting in God and the prayers prayed for me has helped tremendously. That said, pushups and sit-ups have elevated my condition big time. It was a point where I was moving very slowly. My leg and arm movement was slow. But I pushed through and continued doing pushups and sit-ups daily. And I now move normally. My energy has also increased. I'm pretty much myself in the area of movement and energy. Motivation has also improved. Miraculously I've been experiencing joy at times. Initially, and up till recent, anhedonia and lack of motivation was real high. But the LORD has blessed me. I also memorize quotes and scriptures. I feel it has helped me greatly overcome to a high degree brain fog and short term memory loss due to Invega. I'm 36. I still have ways to go to improve. But I'm not in the suicidal or depressed area (or stage) anymore. If there's any depression still, it's not intense. I also take St. John's Wort. I've been doing so daily, 2 times a day, 2 pills (capsules) a day. I'm choosing to focus on the positive and improve on the negative, so I'm completely healed. I believe and know I eventually will be. I believe there are ways to speed up the process to healing. If I had a treadmill, and was not in an upstairs apartment, it would facilitate my recovery swiftly. I would run and walk fast on it, much throughout the day. I'll provide more information in subsequent posts. I'll include a quote and scripture (as) a part of this message to uplift and inspire you all to recovery:

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us..." (Ephesians 3:20).

"Let just and honest things be ever present to the mind" (Cicero).

What is just, honest, and true is that you will recover. God has given each of you his power and the possibility for anything good is always in your hands because of him.
Man, I was recovering well like you were before I was dumb enough to take an SSRI because I thought it would help. When I was injected with invega, I was almost done with my illustration portfolio and I was getting ready to apply for jobs again. I wanted to get to doing that as soon as possible because I had struggled to build a life for myself and the pandemic hit months after I lost my second job, two years out of college, and in the same year I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I have debilitating ADHD (ADHD meds caused my psychosis) and chronic pain made it harder and harder to sit at my desk for hours to work. 2020 was hell for me, I lost a grandparent to covid on top of it. I wasn't able to pick myself up until mid 2022 and then THIS SHIT happens to me, losing another year. My life sucks ass but I just keep going.
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Man, I was recovering well like you were before I was dumb enough to take an SSRI because I thought it would help. When I was injected with invega, I was almost done with my illustration portfolio and I was getting ready to apply for jobs again. I wanted to get to doing that as soon as possible because I had struggled to build a life for myself and the pandemic hit months after I lost my second job, two years out of college, and in the same year I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I have debilitating ADHD (ADHD meds caused my psychosis) and chronic pain made it harder and harder to sit at my desk for hours to work. 2020 was hell for me, I lost a grandparent to covid on top of it. I wasn't able to pick myself up until mid 2022 and then THIS SHIT happens to me, losing another year. My life sucks ass but I just keep going.
I also took an adhd med that caused Psychosis
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