Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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I feel super happy after the news I received this Wednesday, being finally free from injections, what a dream come true.
Now it's time for healing.
I'll keep you guys updated on what's going on with me and my improvements.
Can't wait to return to what I was like last year, at least.
I will smoke that weed for sure and take Lion's mane mushroom too to speed up the recovery.
I hate my family bro for what they did to me. I really contemplate suicide 😭
Why should you suffer and let this doctor get away with what they did to you? Just my two cents. Psychiatry is a useless profession I can tell you this...I am not tolerating what they did to me. I am doing everything legally to get justice.
Why should you suffer and let this doctor get away with what they did to you? Just my two cents. Psychiatry is a useless profession I can tell you this...I am not tolerating what they did to me. I am doing everything legally to get justice.
But it's impossible to prove the damage. How are you going to attack the psychiatrist?
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But it's impossible to prove the damage. How are you going to attack the psychiatrist?
Get an MRI or a Dat scan and when you are done, send me your contact info.I will put you in contact with the PhD, MD that found my damage.
They did an MRI and they didn't see any damage. I thought that neurotransmitters damage can't be seen on medical imaging.
That's because you didn't see the right doctor. Believe me I saw over two dozen neurologists. They said the same shit.Everything is related to the endocrine glands.
That's because you didn't see the right doctor. Believe me I saw over two dozen neurologists. They said the same shit.Everything is related to the endocrine glands.
Can you explain it with more details? Here all doctors are the same. They deny meds damage. They don't even listen.
That's because you didn't see the right doctor. Believe me I saw over two dozen neurologists. They said the same shit.Everything is related to the endocrine glands.
I did stem therapy the other day.I am noticing a difference after two days.Not great.But walking and tremors are getting better.I meeting with a hormone specialist in 10 days to figure how to heal the brain and urinary function.I told them I didn't want one working better than the other or I would go beserk.Baby steps.
That's because you didn't see the right doctor. Believe me I saw over two dozen neurologists. They said the same shit.Everything is related to the endocrine glands.

The neurologist i saw was a really old dude who had the begging of dementia and later was forced to retire because of it. But nothig was chsanged in regards to my meds and i think i was on fentanyl patches or maybe dilaudid at the time.

Can you explain it with more details? Here all doctors are the same. They deny meds damage. They don't even listen.

To many are like that here as well. They are beyond useless
Anyone had mental health issues pre invega?
I have PTSD and worse anxiety. My ADHD is a little worse, but it's less bad than I thought it would end up being.

Wait, duh, that says "pre" not "post". Yeah, I have OCD, a history of depression (managed well by weed and shrooms), ADHD.
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That's the way these assholes handle things. This piece of s*** psychiatrist instead of looking for therapy and finding out what's really wrong.They inject you with some arbitrary medication. I know all I had was anxiety. You can't even imagine how angry and enraged I am with this doctor. they keep hurting people after people. There needs to be some sort of justice system for these people. I just don't know how I haven't recovered like some people who have gotten five or six times about I have gotten. I only got one shot. It's a mystery to me. Anyway i'm not letting this doctor get away with they did to me. Bojanna's death just keeps me finding a way to get legal justice. Why should her psychiatrist continue hurting people the way they did to bojana?
The use of invega needs to be far, far stricter than what it is. I was only on risperidone for like, 8 days, haldol for two, and that somehow counted as "not antipsychotics naive" and "failure of multiple medications"?

I looked at my medical records again and at least it looks like "schizoaffective disorder" was removed from my list of diagnoses. "Delusional disorder" is still on there. That one might be fair, I could actually have that since I had weird fantastical thoughts and anxieties my whole life I believed, and my maternal grandmother could have it. But that's not NEARLY bad enough for me to ever touch an antipsychotic again.
When are we gonna make these psychiatrist pay for what they have done to us???
That is outside of my or this websites purview... We can only be there for people that need someone to talk to or information.

Personally I would be less focused on revenge and more focused on improving your life. It seems like you are, so that's a start. I just don't think getting into extensive legal battles or gunning after psychiatrists is going to be worthwhile.

You could always start a blog, YouTube series, whatever, anything you could publish with your experiences and try to get it out there so people know about it and how to deal with it. Or support someone that does. Help get a wider conversation started. I think that would be more useful than any crusade, imo.
That is outside of my or this websites purview... We can only be there for people that need someone to talk to or information.

Personally I would be less focused on revenge and more focused on improving your life. It seems like you are, so that's a start. I just don't think getting into extensive legal battles or gunning after psychiatrists is going to be worthwhile.

You could always start a blog, YouTube series, whatever, anything you could publish with your experiences and try to get it out there so people know about it and how to deal with it. Or support someone that does. Help get a wider conversation started. I think that would be more useful than any crusade, imo.
I was going to sue my shrink but my lawyer brother told me tht aCanada anyway where we live it's $300 just to file a lawsuit then another few grand to get a shrink from outside the province to look at everything because you cant get one that has any connection to your previous doctor that your suing. Even then there is no guaretee that you will win in court and itmay all be for naught.

The best revenge is to live well imo. Those shrinks that locked me up in solitary are now locked up in those horrible places while im out here smoking weed, lifting weights and bbqing. Thats not a bad revenge imo
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I was going to sue my shrink but my lawyer brother told me tht aCanada anyway where we live it's $300 just to file a lawsuit then another few grand to get a shrink from outside the province to look at everything because you cant get one that has any connection to your previous doctor that your suing. Even then there is no guaretee that you will win in court and itmay all be for naught.

The best revenge is to live well imo. Those shrinks that locked me up in solitary are now locked up in those horrible places while im out here smoking weed, lifting weights and bbing. Thats not a bad revenge imo
Karma will get them
That is outside of my or this websites purview... We can only be there for people that need someone to talk to or information.

Personally I would be less focused on revenge and more focused on improving your life. It seems like you are, so that's a start. I just don't think getting into extensive legal battles or gunning after psychiatrists is going to be worthwhile.

You could always start a blog, YouTube series, whatever, anything you could publish with your experiences and try to get it out there so people know about it and how to deal with it. Or support someone that does. Help get a wider conversation started. I think that would be more useful than any crusade, imo.
To add to this, I don't think invega sustenna should even be illegal since it really helps people with severe schizophrenia that have multiple contributing factors and not just the dopamine/serotonin balance thing. An additional problem with histamine, for example. What needs to happen is it needs to become very very very restricted and never ever given in a first episode psychosis. It already says that in the official instructions, but myself and another patient I socialized with were given it during an isolated first episode psychosis and so were many people in this thread. Something is going wrong here, doctors are not following the instructions they're supposed to when handing out this medication.

My local mental hospital gives it out like candy. I know two other people in my town alone who went through the same thing, they just decided to give it to my bipolar friend and my sister's friend's husband who wasn't even psychotic.
Karma will get them

Exactly. Maybe they will get colon cancer in a part of the world where they havent discovered morphine yet who knows.

But yeah living your best life is the best revenge. They are stuck in that horrible place meanwhile im out here smoking weed,popping benzos and opiates, taking shrooms, lifting weights and chatting with friends.
To add to this, I don't think invega sustenna should even be illegal since it really helps people with severe schizophrenia that have multiple contributing factors and not just the dopamine/serotonin balance thing. An additional problem with histamine, for example. What needs to happen is it needs to become very very very restricted and never ever given in a first episode psychosis. It already says that in the official instructions, but myself and another patient were given it during an isolated first episode psychosis and so were many people in this thread. Something is going wrong here, doctors are not following the instructions they're supposed to when handing out this medication.

My local mental hospital gives it out like candy. I know two other people in my town alone who went through the same thing, they just decided to give it to my bipolar friend and my sister's friend's husband who wasn't even psychotic.

I don't fucking know why the standard protocal for psychosis isnt zyprexa+a benzo. Clonazepam plus zyprexa knocked my psychosis right out last year when i was starting to go psychotic again because the latuda wasent working and was giving me akathisia. didnt give me any meds as per usual hence why i never go there voluntarily. The fucking nurse i was talking to snitched on me
I don't fucking know why the standard protocal for psychosis isnt zyprexa+a benzo. Clonazepam plus zyprexa knocked my psychosis right out last year when i was starting to go psychotic again because the latuda wasent working and was giving me akathisia. didnt give me any meds as per usual hence why i never go there voluntarily. The fucking nurse i was talking to snitched on me
I had a benzo before admission because I really needed sleep and couldn't calm down. As soon as it wore off I got so anxious and I was shaking and delusional again. I think maybe if I had just taken one (I didn't know how much you were supposed to take and I never took one before) I would've have gone to that particular mental hospital, but a less secure and smaller facility where they don't give out invega at all. It's where people go for suicide attempts and bipolar episodes that are less of a risk to themselves. Sometimes people go there for observation in case if they get worse. I would've been able to have private contact with my friends too, and that would've helped me a lot.
Hi everyone , my name is Tony I'm 25 years old and I just made this account on blue light. I'm from reddit antipsychiatry and it's actually my first time using a forum like this so just learning how to get around this site. I've taken Invega 100 mg from July last year to February 29th of this year ( 8 months ). I wasn't under a CTO but in the midst of a psychotic episode I broke a window which resulted in a mischief charge so as part of diversion , I had to take medication and do volunteering which resulted in the charges being withdrawn February 6th. I'm currently experiencing severe anhedonia which I gotten used to , blank brain, no thoughts , no concentration , no motivation , weight gain (20 pounds ) , no emotions , music doesn't sound good etc etc. I've browsed every page of this forum and I'm saddened to see few commit suicide , namely bojana which ive read her comments few times RIP to her. I'm also scared by the fact that few haven't recovered at all which I pray to god that doesn't happen to me. I've actually experienced some improvements in the last 2 months being off the injection. For example , I'm more talkative where as before id only give yes or no answers. I will be active to document my journey and I honestly can't wait for the 6th month mark which should be September. Nice meeting you all and we all will get through this.
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