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Anyone have an experience with Amanita Muscaria mushrooms?


Dec 8, 2016
Also called "Fly Agaric" or "Fly Amanita". They're supposed to have something in them called, "Muscimol", which is supposedly similar to psylocibin — just not as strong.

I had two chocolate bars with Muscimol in them but didn't really get much out of them. First, I ate half of one of the bars and wasn't really feeling anything after an hour, so I ate the other half. It seemed to relax me a little bit, but that's about it. I figured I didn't take enough, so the next day I tried eating the entire bar all at once. Still, very minimal effects: minor relaxation; also, put me in a little bit of a goofy mood.

But has anyone here gotten any of the supposed psychedelic effects from the drug? Just wondering how many milligrams I should take next time.
Yeah, unfortunately you got about the max effects from them. At least that's the most I ever got, and I've heard the same from most. Just massively overhyped.

It's a whole market that basically relies on mis/disinformation that they're akin to psilocybin mushrooms. They're not.
Yeah, unfortunately you got about the max effects from them. At least that's the most I ever got, and I've heard the same from most. Just massively overhyped.

It's a whole market that basically relies on mis/disinformation that they're akin to psilocybin mushrooms. They're not.
Bummer, I thought these things could actually have some potential.

Upon doing research, pretty much every website was comparing Muscimol to Psylocibin; they also stated some of the effects include euphoria, dream-like (lucid) state of mind, out-of-body experiences and synesthesia.

Oh well, guess I'll just have to get my hands on some real shrooms again.
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"Muscimol", which is supposedly similar to psylocibin — just not as strong.
Muscimol is absolutely nothing like psilocybin. It is very unfortunate amanita products are essentially being marketed that way.

Muscimol is nearly identical to GABA itself. It does not touch serotonin receptors. It is much closer to a sleeping pill in effect, like ambien.

Low doses are mildly relaxing
moderate doses are more sedating, and tickles your dopamine receptors
High doses cause delirium and you should avoid them unless you know what you're doing.

Personally, I love muscimol for what it is. It's amazing while coming off harder drugs like alcohol or benzos.

Also, do not buy these amanita products from vape stores. Many of them are not decarboxylated and contain ibotenic acid (extremely neurotoxic). Many of them are laced with synthetic tryptamines. Only buy from trusted online vendors.
Also called "Fly Agaric" or "Fly Amanita". They're supposed to have something in them called, "Muscimol", which is supposedly similar to psylocibin — just not as strong.

I had two chocolate bars with Muscimol in them but didn't really get much out of them. First, I ate half of one of the bars and wasn't really feeling anything after an hour, so I ate the other half. It seemed to relax me a little bit, but that's about it. I figured I didn't take enough, so the next day I tried eating the entire bar all at once. Still, very minimal effects: minor relaxation; also, put me in a little bit of a goofy mood.

But has anyone here gotten any of the supposed psychedelic effects from the drug? Just wondering how many milligrams I should take next time
Yeah, your experience is about like mine. Found them a couple times and they either weren't potent or I didn't have enough. Sad. Was pretty excited, but after I got nothing out of the first half I had the other, still nothing really except a possible placebo slight 'woozy' feeling. Don't remember specific effects, just being disappointed. Was only 1 decent sized shroom each time though, could benefit from increased dosage, but they're also atypical deleriants. Don't really know.
Good point that they are going to be nothing like psilocybin shrooms. I have never taken them but my friend took them and had quite the fucked up trip. She tripped hardcore and she is used to taking drugs like DMT and high doses of blue meanies and LSD so she is used to intense trips.
Muscimol is absolutely nothing like psilocybin. It is very unfortunate amanita products are essentially being marketed that way.

Muscimol is nearly identical to GABA itself. It does not touch serotonin receptors. It is much closer to a sleeping pill in effect, like ambien.

Low doses are mildly relaxing
moderate doses are more sedating, and tickles your dopamine receptors
High doses cause delirium and you should avoid them unless you know what you're doing.

Personally, I love muscimol for what it is. It's amazing while coming off harder drugs like alcohol or benzos.

Also, do not buy these amanita products from vape stores. Many of them are not decarboxylated and contain ibotenic acid (extremely neurotoxic). Many of them are laced with synthetic tryptamines. Only buy from trusted online vendors.
How many MGs would you consider a "moderate dose" to be? I'm going to try them again from this vendor I found online.

Also, are they euphoric at all? Do they uplift your mood or anything — or just relax you?
How many MGs would you consider a "moderate dose" to be? I'm going to try them again from this vendor I found online.
I really couldn't tell you in terms of mg of muscimol. I use these decarboxylated extracts. They are sold as "30x"... but in reality its maybe 2-3x.

1-2g is a nice little buzz, above 4g starts to produce delusions and related hallucinations. I generally like to take 1-2g at a time.

Also, are they euphoric at all? Do they uplift your mood or anything — or just relax you?
it has a mild but very noticeable euphoria, tickles the dopamine receptors secondary to extra GABA. Muscimol replaces GABA at the neuron, so there is a bunch extra floating around in the brain, which in turn leads to superfluous dopamine release. I like to smoke a lot of cigs on muscimol...

It is not really abuseable, though. It is fairly moderate in effect, but can be strongly hypnotic.

overall it's very similar to zolpidem in effect, feels nice and makes you tired, but if you take too much you will become delusional and have some hallucinations (which are kinda neutral/unpleasant IMO)
They are a rip off and do little, those damn gummies, the whole package didn't do much. Waste of money and disappointing.
Can you imagen the molecules of both kinds of mushrooms put together ? Such as 4-Hydroxy-N,N-isoxazole-dimethyltryptamine.
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