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Tianeptine SSRE interaction with phenthylamines/tryptamines?


Mar 6, 2008
Is it safe to dose 2c-x's or tryptamine psychedelics while taking Tianeptine?

The reason I ask is that I am going to be taking 2c-d as a study aid in school, as well as 2c-i/tryptamines on weekends and am also considering starting a regimine of Tianeptine as I have heard just too many good things about it.
Can a mod move this to ADD? Judging from the other threads I see in this forum I don't think I will recieve a useful answer here.
OK so since apparently nobody here knows what tianeptine is I have done more digging. It would seem the only contraindication I would have to worry about is those psychedelics with MAOI activity. So my question now stands as; Do 2c-x/tryptamines act as MAO inhibitors?
I have never noticed any unusual effect from taking tianeptine with 2cx or any tryptamine psychedelics. Proceed with caution though.

Dunno if any of those inhibit MAO.

On a side note. I really like tianeptine and I also really like turmeric extract and pepper if you're curious to try it.

Turmeric has been found to have some MAOI activity btw.
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I found tianeptine to potentiate mushrooms. Imo this stands to reason since tianeptine reduces synaptic serotonin levels and serotonin competes with tryptamines for the 5ht receptors, but I'm just speculating.
I'd imagine there wouldn't be any concern for SS as tianeptine doesn't increase the population of 5-ht in the synaptic clefts (according to this article*, tianeptine causes minimum if any alteration to the 5-ht neurotransmitter network. Doesn't increase firing rates of 5-ht neurons , didn't significantly decrease extracellular 5-ht levels [varies from area in brain i believe], or alter the the activity of 5-ht1a post-synaptic receptors. Essentially it doesn't fuck with the serotonergic system in a significant manner even with prolonged use as a therapeutic agent). Now I'd still be careful with say 2c-t-7 due to it's slight MAOi action, but I'm not sure if MAO's would oxidize tianeptine due to it's long amino-heptanoic chain as I'm not very knowledgeable on the metabolism of molecules via MAOi's. Taneptine also shows no affinity for any other known neurotransmitter receptors and does not inhibit the uptake noradrenaline in the central nervous system. Chronic tianeptine administration did not alter the concentration and affinity of α1A, α1B, α2A, α2B, α2C, β1, β2, 5-HT1, 5-HT2, 5-HT3, 5-HT4, 5-HT5A, 5-HT6, 5-HT7, NMDA, AMPA, kainate, benzodiazepine or GABA-B receptors, but increased the responsiveness of the α1-adrenergic system. Tianeptine does not inhibit MAOa and MAOb activity in the cortex, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. Systemic administration of tianeptine modestly enhanced the mesolimbic release of dopamine. The biological responses to tianeptine are presumably as a result of a cascade of effects, potentially/shown (certain functions) induced by the modulation of glutamate receptors (AMPA and NMDA). Glutamate has broad influence on other receptor systems, but it is thought that tianeptine's induced change in modulation of the glutamatergic system is a "normalization" of synaptic function. So, I couldn't really see it's modulation of glutamate receptors causing potential risks. Fuck, it really seems like it has a lot of potential behind it as very interesting molecule, even purely as a way to look farther into glutamatergic receptors influence on LTP, neurogensis, memory, stress, depression, etc.

So to sum this up, I don't think there would be any sort of interaction with psychedelics, but I'd avoid 2c-t-7 or other potential MAOi acting phenethylamines. I couldn't see it interacting with non-comp nmda antagonist, as it appears to be doing similar long term effects on the NMDAr system as say ketamine, through it's modulation of the receptor. I could even potentially see it being beneficial during a psychedelic experience as it has an inhibiting effect on the glutamate response of stress. Though, I'm just making a conjecture.

Quasimodo: Do you feel you have anything to add in retrospect? Did you proceed with tianeptine + 2c-d?

I would also appreciate if other people with experiences of tianeptine + psychedelics combinations shared their thoughts on this. Any notable observations? Benefits? Risks?
In my experience tianeptine makes phenethylamines feel more adrenergic, increased bp, edginess, etc