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LSD at the Zoo?


Mar 4, 2010

Me and a few of my friends are thinking about dropping acid at the zoo. We're meeting up probably sometime around 9am and there will be a couple sober sitters, a few first timers, and a couple experienced trippers. I have not dropped acid yet, however I've done weed, shrooms, and mdma. Think this is a good idea?
Being around all the sober people at the zoo might kind of freak you out. For your first time you should do it somewhere where you're not going to have to deal with anyone that's not tripping or not your friend, that way you can really enjoy yourself.
About 25 years ago I took acid at the Bronx Zoo. Quite a day. People started looking like animals. There were snakes, gorillas, bats. I will say going into the dark bat cave was scary, but only because we were in the middle of the Bronx in a dark room with strangers. If ever a mugging could take place. =D

The only place to get away and smoke one was the sky tranny from one side of the park to the other. I smoked that car out, got off, and saw other people enter the car. Quite a funny day.

But I do think the main insight is seeing people mirror animals in some ways. How everyone is different. It must mean something.
If you are likely to anyway, start with 1/2 hit, then once you are comfortable with that take the other half, and so on.
Caged animals displayed for entertainment and profit is the last thing I would want to see while on LSD, personally.
^ Bingo!! Fully agree Roger. Humans have pissed me off as I learned how they behave over the years. I remember seeing a polar bear in the Houston zoo dying of the heat. I'll never forget. That poor bear should have been in the arctic.

Save the dose for something better....
Yeah, I would not go to a zoo on or off Acid. Very sad.


Go to the botanical gardens.
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Caged animals displayed for entertainment and profit is the last thing I would want to see while on LSD, personally.

Hell yeah. Fuck that shit.

One of my friends stole a monkey from the Melbourne Zoo years ago- I wonder if anyone remembers that story....The monkey had to be returned of course, but their heart was in the right place.

One thing: don't dose elephants. Ever. At all. Even if they haz cheeseburgers.
Caged animals displayed for entertainment and profit is the last thing I would want to see while on LSD, personally.

I fucking hate zoos. Animals belong in their NATURAL homes, in nature. If someone took me and locked me up in my house for the rest of my life, installed bars and windows so others could watch me....I would want to kill my captors. I feel no remorse for "trainers" killed by orcas, elephants, tigers, etc. Those animals are slaves....they want to live!

I had a "pet" deer when I was ~12...my dad rescued it as a fawn, from being killed by a dog...it never spent a day in a cage. Fed it from a bottle...it only stayed in the bathroom for a week or so, after that it was quite tame to us, and it was free to go in and out of the house. It got too big to be in the house, so it stayed outside, free to go where ever it wanted. We fed it, petted it, played with it. The dogs and the deer would chase each other. It would hear our school bus coming from miles away and be waiting for us to get off the bus at our gate. Fantastic experience! As it got to be 2+ years old, it stayed away longer and longer until it eventually never came back. I hope he did not end up shot.

We lived in the country and had hundreds of acres to play in...but I digress.

Going to a zoo and watching caged animals while tripping would just make me sad, and have a bad trip. I hate zoos.

OP- find something better to do, like take the lsd outside in nature, with no bars, cages, or walls.
Wow, like 10 people starting with Roger beat me to it...
Caged animals displayed for entertainment and profit is the last thing I would want to see while on LSD, personally.

Totally agree! Dependending on your sensitivity on the subject you might not take it well and turn it into a bad trip...
but I think that interacting with other sober people will be the worst of it! For me, at least, the first time, I was so far off that I didn't feel confortable being in that state in front of "other people". It can be a "trip blocker".

I would suggest going to a natural park or somewhere where you are more free and connected with nature and with less chances of dealing with soer people during your trip ;) It will allow you to trip out more (which is good. believe!).
^xikito is right. go to a park, a big ass park with lots of space to run around...scenic...etc..
I'm going to disagree & say zoos can be a very good thing.

A good zoo has decent habitats, keeps the animals in the best conditions possible, works with breeding programs to help the natural population up if endangered, educates the public - which is especially important when it comes to the rarer beasties. The fact is most of these animals were born & bred in captivity, it's all they know, they can't just be turned back into the wild without a lot of work. There are more tigers (& other species) in captivity than in the wild, we need zoos if you want if a chance in all hell of a growing wild population.

Of course there are a lot of bad zoos that just keep animals in cramped tiny cages, but that's no reason to dismiss all of the entirely.

I will say circuses & Sea World or anywhere with trained to preform animals are pretty messed up places. I'd love to see those shut down.
I'm going to disagree & say zoos can be a very good thing.

A good zoo has decent habitats, keeps the animals in the best conditions possible, works with breeding programs to help the natural population up if endangered, educates the public - which is especially important when it comes to the rarer beasties. The fact is most of these animals were born & bred in captivity, it's all they know, they can't just be turned back into the wild without a lot of work. There are more tigers (& other species) in captivity than in the wild, we need zoos if you want if a chance in all hell of a growing wild population.

Of course there are a lot of bad zoos that just keep animals in cramped tiny cages, but that's no reason to dismiss all of the entirely.

I will say circuses & Sea World or anywhere with trained to preform animals are pretty messed up places. I'd love to see those shut down.

I also agree with you. Zoos are necessary because we have destroyed the animals' natural habitat and without them many animals would be exctinct by now... the tigers are a great example!
... but still, i still think that the feelings of seeing the animals captive, and all the sober people around, don't mix well with the acid trip!

I think that the discussion here was tripping in a zoo and not questioning the existence of the zoos themselfs! ;)
I also agree with you. Zoos are necessary because we have destroyed the animals' natural habitat and without them many animals would be exctinct by now... the tigers are a great example!
... but still, i still think that the feelings of seeing the animals captive, and all the sober people around, don't mix well with the acid trip!

I think that the discussion here was tripping in a zoo and not questioning the existence of the zoos themselfs! ;)

My point exactly. If WE had not fucked up their habitats, we wouldn't need zoos! WE are the "bad" party here.

I still say tripping in a zoo = bad vibes, bad idea.
My point exactly. If WE had not fucked up their habitats, we wouldn't need zoos! WE are the "bad" party here.

There's plenty of rare animals around that would be just as rare (or extinct) if humans weren't around.