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I really want to like DXM, I never have, how can I make the experience not hell?


May 20, 2008
Every time I have tried DXM it has been uncomfortable hell. I have tried many doses from 80-600mg of DXM (all gel caps) and each time the experience sucks and I wish I never did it.

It is a cheap readily available drug and I hear so many people love it and say it has intense euphoria and awesome trips so if I could get that effect it would be awesome. However when I do DXM it is always a terrible headache and not being able to move or walk properly, I can't type or read text, there are no visuals or hallucinations, it is just overall unpleasantness. I have never felt euphoric, dysphoric would be more appropriate and at high doses when I was strung out for 10 hours just wanting it to end and go to sleep I couldn't so I stayed up all night and as a bonus I got a nice hangover from it.

What the hell am I missing or doing wrong? I never messed with the syrups that have APAP or any other junk, just the 15mg robo gels. I thought I tried a lot of doses, is there some sweet spot I'm missing? Do some people naturally just hate it and have a bad reaction? Why do I get a headache and overall uncomfortable body sensations (it feels like an alcohol hangover)?

I bought a bottle of robo gels, if these is a better dose or something else I can do to have a good experience and feel what everyone likes I'll give it one last chance.
What did you do wrong? You're just in the majority. If I remember correctly, the DXM FAQ on Erowid estimates that 1/3 hate it, 1/3 like or love it, and 1/3 think it's OK but don't bother with it for more than a few times. You're only really lucky if you like or love it, and also have the self-discipline to control the use of a cheap and readily available compound.

You might try 30 - 50 mgs to potentiate opiates. That'll probably be DXM's greatest value for you. Also, in case you didn't smoke with it, many find cannabis is a must with DXM.
Smoke some weed with it. DXM and Weed has got to be one of the most amazing combos. In the higher doses around 600mg+ I do notice I can't do much besides listen to music and chill. Do this next time you do this combo: Put on some great music, meditate, and prepare to fly through space.
First person shooters on DXM was a quite an experience for me, I lost all sense of my body besides my mouse and fingers and just became the game.
yeah definetly try weed +dxm. even at low doses at around 200-300 mg it causes vivid CEV's
Yeah I don't smoke weed because of drug tests but may check out synthetic canibinoids. Does DXM really potentate opiates?
Meh, its nothing great for me either.

I've done it a couple of times (200~ and 600~) and it just isn't worth doing again - so many other things are sooo much better.

Even with weed it's nothing amazing, other things mix a lot better! Just my opinion.
Try acid and dxm. You'll trip more sack than you could imagine. My first time doing acid, I got impatient for it to kick in, had 20 gel caps in a hot coffee, and a bottle of Robitussin. Let's just say the lsd had eventually kicked in, and so did the DXM. I was gonezo.

But personally, I love DXM trips. But nobody said it better than psood0nym
Try acid and dxm. You'll trip more sack than you could imagine. My first time doing acid, I got impatient for it to kick in, had 20 gel caps in a hot coffee, and a bottle of Robitussin. Let's just say the lsd had eventually kicked in, and so did the DXM. I was gonezo.

But personally, I love DXM trips. But nobody said it better than psood0nym

Yeah I don't have access to acid here or I would be doing it. :(
dxm just isn't for everyone. I happen to be lucky enough to love the shit but posses the self control not to do it every night. I used to do it a lot more than I do now, a few times a week maybe. I went a good 10 months without touching the stuff, and I'd say I've done it 4 times in the past 2 months or so? not bad at all. I love how easy it is to steal from any grocery store or pharmacy (I know I'm bad, but if someone's not guarding their stash it will get taken. I agree with these guys, smoking weed is fun with it. I know you can't do that though.
I hear ketamine is similar but much cleaner and about 10X more euphoric, unfortunately I keep missing the opportunity to get my hands on K.

And I disagree about the not being to do anything but listen to music. I have noticed that at high doses it's hard not walk like a zombie, and everyone can totally see you staring into space, but I tend to like to do things like walk around outside or even somewhere in public like a mall. :)\ I know it's stupid but I think it's fun)

If at my house by myself... yes the music blasts loudly and I roam about the house doing lord knows what and usually end up with some sort of drawing on the walls or strange formations/ arrangements of household items. I have never "tripped" from DXM tho. I don't get any visual or audible hallucinations but I feel very disconnected from both the world and my body. It's a dissociative plain and simple. A messy/ dirty one, but still has those effects. Not everyone enjoys that feeling especially when it's all muddied up.

EDIT: And give syrup a try. CCC's are just plain bad for you, we all know that (and I know that's not what you took) You said you've only taken gelcaps... Everyone says there's not a difference, but I definitely think there is. If you can get past the nasty feeling in your stomach caused by drinking that sludge (which goes away relatively quickly) it is a much better experience in my opinion. Just be sure to get a dose that contains nothing other than dextromethorpan. None of those expectorants or fever reducers.
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It makes me feel really weird in my own skin.... Sensations of touch are strange....

Visually at high doses things get chaotic, my eyes hardly work....

I think if i up the dose once more just to see how far i can go with it.... I don't find it intolerable, and while i feel it is chaotic, i kind of want to go deeper....
DXM trips start getting unpleasant for me when I go higher than 600 mgs

its just the weirdest trip ever and its really overwhelming in the wrong ways

i just like taking 300 mgs or so and smoking some dank :)
If your brain doesn't like it, why try and force it? DXM seems problematic . . . if you poke around this site, you see lots of stories of people becoming megalomaniacal, egomaniacal, antipersonality disorder, etc. after chronic DXM use. Trust your body, it's trying to tell you something.
dxm is my favorite drug, i love feeling utterly insane. are you on any psych meds?
most of them fuck up the dxm experience.
I'm not sure it's a bad thing? It seems to have a nasty hangover, people talk about mid-term side-effects, and it just seems really ghetto to me.

There are so many really wonderful drugs out there, that don't have any of those problems. Some are just as cheap as DXM, and most of them are healthier.
I think the people for whom DXM does very little are the lucky ones. It's horrible for the body and worse for the mind.
Try something other than the gels.

The times I used gels were the only times I puked on DXM.
I think the people for whom DXM does very little are the lucky ones. It's horrible for the body and worse for the mind.

Don't spout bullshit. DXM hasn't been proven neurotoxic or cause damage to the body.

Long term use of course isn't recommend, but what drug is good for you? I've had more issues with long term stimulant use than extended use of DXM.

Give yourself a few months and your back to normal if you have side effects from daily or multi use in a week.
dxm is my favorite drug, i love feeling utterly insane. are you on any psych meds?
most of them fuck up the dxm experience.

Utterly insane? I took ~1000mg and my thought patterns were still pretty standard.