Chicago heroin

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Haha good friend of you. A buddy of mine who lives about an hour away came out to my place to relax and do a bag or two. He's one of those guys that always seems to go comatose and nod off every other sentence. Long story short he had to get his sisters car back to her by morning, so he had to drive. I told him to call me if he started to nod off while driving so I could keep him awake by engaging in conversation. Five minutes after leaving he ended up calling me because he was nodding off and veering off the road onto the rumble strips every 30 seconds or so. So I talked to him for the majority of the hour of his trip home. So, five minutes away from his house he says alright man I'm pretty sure I can make it from here, I ask him if he's sure, and of course he was sure. I get a call from him thirty minutes later saying dude I nodded out and crashed my sisters car about 30 seconds after he let me go. I guess he nodded out straight away after hanging up with me, went off the left shoulder onto the rumble strips, woke up, over corrected, ended up doing a 180 at 70mph on I-90 narrowly missing another car and a light pole, and ended up smashing through a fence off the right side ditch. haha goddamn moron.

Next time I do some blows with him, he shoots a bag and we proceeded to go to the local disc golf course. Well a few minutes into the car ride he nods off as usual- his phone rang and he didnt answer it so I start giving him shit. He didnt respond so I slapped his face, he still didnt respond. So by now I'm getting nervous. I shake him violently and scream his name, still no response. I realize he wasn't breathing.

I quick busted a 180 and start screaming down residential streets going about 65, running red light after red light, and finally get to my house. I run my ass inside and grabbed the narcan I had for such an occasion (never thought I would need it but thank god I had it) Drained the whole ampule into a syringe and jam that shit into his arm. He still wasnt breathing, so I started to breathe for him.

I grabbed another ampule and found a vein on him and got it into his mainline. Finally he started to come to and I get his ass up walking around and splash water in his face and start pulling his leg hair to get him more awake.

Longest and most scary 15 minutes of my life. Of course he didn't believe what just happened because he was out cold for the whole event haha. Needless to say I stopped doin blows with him because he obviously can't handle the shit.

Thank god for narcan.

I totally agree with you on the Thank god for narcan quote. It is my opinion that EVERYONE that does dope should always have narcon with him and if anyone else is present that they are instructed about the narcon and its use. I actually always have one already filled with narcon in case of emergency and I tell people to first just IM that shit into me. Doesn’t matter where, leg, arm, ass, fuckin dick for all I care just get it into me then the second shit (I always tell the m2 shots) is the one where you try to get a vein. I woke up in the back of an ambulance two or three times in my life and trust me if you’ve never been in that situation you really don't want to be. It’s scary as shit. And I’m not one to get scared easily. It's one of those situations where you almost hope that you didn't wake up cause now you'll have to deal with your family knowing exactly what happened.

Anyways one time I was driving back home from the spot so I cook up my shit, tie off, register on a good vein and shoot my shit. Remember that I did this all while driving; yes I even found a vein and inject while driving. Now I scored at the same spot I have been scoring for like the past 6 months. I did the same amount I always used, two bags, well after I shoot the next thing I remember is a cop knocking on my driver's side window. Took me a second to realize that I nodded out and veered off to the left and thank god there was no oncoming traffic but I crashed into the parked cars and I hit them so hard that not only did I total the car I hit I also pushed it back into the car behind it and totalled that car as well. The car behind it was damaged too but at least not totally. My airbag went off obviously and I was unconscious for at least 5 minutes, long enough for the cops to get there. When the cop was knocking on my window all I can think is do I have any dope in the car, well instead of opening the door I dig between my seats in that little compartment and grab my rig and stick it into my pocket. While I’m doing this the cop gets pissed and really starts yelling at me. When I get out of the car he searched me and I swear to God he felt the needle in my pocket and asked me what it is and I said a pen and for some reason I don't understand he bought it and it didn't go further than that. Really fucked up situation.

As you where saying some people are very sloppy when they get high. I call them "sloppy junkies" in that when they do any amount of dope you can tell they are high in like 5 seconds because they are nodding out and drooling and just being complete idiots and making a fool of themselves. Then you have the other type of junkie which is a category hopefully I fall into which is the person that can get really fucked up on dope and still be able to act normally to where people don't know you're all smacked out. I personally hate hanging out with those [people that are very sloppy and looked completely fucked up to the point where the most ignorant and naive person can tell that they are on drugs. Such people endanger you because they put you in a situation where other people know that he's high so that makes you guilty but association as well.
I will post the answer to the question ya'll had about the dope scene from the 60-90's . where it started Ect...

I know what I know but went even future & spoke to my meth director who has been an addict since that time. Started in the early 70's. so will post the 411.

Funny thing is that methadone came b4 heroin on the streets not to be mixed up with morphine from sears from bayer.

Be back after I get my dope

Thank you, i really look forward to see what you have to say, this is one thing i always wanted to know, but could never find anyone that can answer it for me. I figured if there was one person on here that can answer that it would be you. So like i said i'll be looking forward to reading your response. I actually asked a few questions, but the only one that really matters and i'm most interested in is what the dope scene was here going back thru the 80's, 70's, and 60's even.

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Dope scene

Well before my time I did a lil talking w/my meth director on friday morning b/c the question made me think.

I asked as far as the 60's b/c they is way past our time & will have the answer to all questions.
As we were talking he was born around Cabrini Green area & back in the day as NYC has them 5 burrougs, we got Chicago & names of some of the hoods.

West Side allways had an open market as far as was doing dope but he was saying there were just as many tips but 2 things back then it was lines of people coppen there dope so I gues police was not a biggie on heroin back then & they were no where as organized back then as now. Also the black panthers had a hold on the dope back then as well as the gangs out west.

Going a little east he was telling me b4 heroin came to Humboldt park it was being sold out a apartment complex in Wicker park, which is the border town all fixed up with clubs now & (like a fixed up ghetto). As I mentioned b4 was that methadone was sold on the streets b4 dope back in the 60's.

So this will tell you how that as the 70's-till now is no different, the game has allways been there.My question to him was b/c everytime I would hit up a 5day detox I would hear 'ol imers sayen how a bag of dope would get 4 pple high with match stick bumps. As he said just like when you start doing dope for the 1rst time you have no tollernece & the dope has never really changed. I say yea back in the early 90's it was better then now but I was just getten into it daily but just as we all know we hit up great dope & shitty dope & sometimes we say this shit I just tried was best shit in a yr or so.

S.Side was a lil different & will hit that up when I get back.
i just wish i did not just loose my license for dui or else i would still be making my hour and 1/2 roundtrip journey to the chi - get a gram of raw and just go home and be fine for a few days. now im dealing with this kid in the suburb im in and ... fuck him he is the biggest piece of shit in the world. never calls back when he is supposed to. does not have a phone other than a house phone which you cannot call past or before certain times and no fucking useless, however me without a car is pretty useless too haha.

take care all and happy blowin!
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As you where saying some people are very sloppy when they get high. I call them "sloppy junkies" in that when they do any amount of dope you can tell they are high in like 5 seconds because they are nodding out and drooling and just being complete idiots and making a fool of themselves. Then you have the other type of junkie which is a category hopefully I fall into which is the person that can get really fucked up on dope and still be able to act normally to where people don't know you're all smacked out. I personally hate hanging out with those [people that are very sloppy and looked completely fucked up to the point where the most ignorant and naive person can tell that they are on drugs. Such people endanger you because they put you in a situation where other people know that he's high so that makes you guilty but association as well.

I had to babysit another one of my 'sloppy' friends again tonight...totally ruins my buzz haha

also I'm slightly angered, i was supposed to pick up 35 bags, but apparently my guy doesn't know how to count and shorted me one...oh well-im still gettin a pretty damn good deal
I love this thread, as it is very pertinent to my coppin'

same consistantly good stuff, 7.5/10, good count too, offers a good deal the more you spend- clear baggies with a purple seal
Cool story bro..

I'm just chillin at lilC's some blows and the bulls game..should be good night

What's everybody else doin?
You people shooting dope while driving are all assholes. Either find a parking lot or wait till you get home. Even if heroin was legal to buy at CVS it would not and should not be legal to drive while nodding. Pretty fucking selfish...
Yea I don't get that either..I hate gettin high in the car while driving, to me there's notthin
Like gettin home with the dope, kickin off the shoes and get high on the couch in front of the tv
Yea I don't get that either..I hate gettin high in the car while driving, to me there's notthin
Like gettin home with the dope, kickin off the shoes and get high on the couch in front of the tv

I always wate till I get home so I can sit back & not kill my high, but yea never let people shoot while I'm driving either.
Shooting while driving is def. a no-no in my book. If i score I only do enough to get un-sick (parked of course in a random bathroom stall). Its only when I get home can I really get on the nod...that way the only risk I am placing is upon my self, not others. Ya never know what can happen while driving and nodding. I would hate to think of hurting someone else's loved one because I couldn't wait long enough to really get high. I feel this way about everything, except stoned driving because often stoners drive more carefully and slower anyway haha .

I am from WI, the nations #1 drunk state. I do not drink so i feel some what out of place, however I am always a DD to all of my friends- they all know that I will come pick them up no matter where they are or how late they call, and many take me up on my offer. I like to think that I am helping to keep others and my friends safe from something terrible.

Fellow BL- if you ever find yourself in Milwaukee and drunk and need a ride-pm me and I will gladly provide you with a safe drive and a place to crash if needed.

Take care all.
Yea I don't get that either..I hate gettin high in the car while driving, to me there's notthin
Like gettin home with the dope, kickin off the shoes and get high on the couch in front of the tv

Yeah well you wouldn't get it unless you've been strung out and had a serious habit. While I agree that shooting dope and driving is dangerous ( I have gotten into two fender benders because I nodded out, so I know), I'm sure everyone on here whose had a serious dope habit can agree that it takes some serious willpower and discipline not to pull over as soon as you cop to fix, most especially when your sick and kickin. If your a chipper, there isn't that desperation to get well and you can wait to get home to use, but we all know how hard it is to be sick and have dope in your pocket and have to wait to get home to use. Again, I'm not saying that shooting dope and driving is safe, just saying its different when your a take no shit junkie. Shit, I'd get so desperate to get well back in the day when I didn't have a car, I'd take the bus to the hood and cop some bags and literally walk a street over and sit down on the side of the street or in an alleyway and fix up and get well. Just makes you think of all the stupid, ridiculous shit some of us are willing to do and all the risks we're willing to take to keep shooting that shit in our veins.
Your last line says it all..

That's why imma stick to puttin it up my nose.
thats what they tell me..but i dunno ever since i was a kid i had this huge fear of needles and i just cant see me stickin myself.

but im not against it..

do you,imma do me
^^^ I hope you can do it man. The odds are against you, but hey you might be one those few exceptions to the rule. If I could go back I would have never touched the needle knowing just how royally fucked in the ass my life would eventually become. I guess I could say the same about heroin in general but oh well, you live and learn right
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just left the westside and it is hot as fuck, cops are raiding the corners. As soon as i grabbed my jab i had to toss it out the window. The cops ran up on the boys and started shaking them down. i went around the block by then the cops had moved down to the next corner.. i pulled back around the handed me my jab again. Close call, i was shocked the cops ignored me and grateful my hookup was honest and held on to my shit. Most people would have kept the shit for resale.
I thought i was safe when i saw the redtape boys being searched, so i pulled down the cleartape block only to get caught in middle of a raid......close call
like chinky said snorting is the way to go for me. I have been able to do this for a decade.. I also have nothing against needles because i use them for human growth hormone and anabolics. All of my freinds that shot up hit rock bottom and dead broke. It is a lot more expensive snorting cause i can spend a hundred dollars a day. i would be filthy rich if it wasnt for my habit
I thought i was safe when i saw the redtape boys being searched, so i pulled down the cleartape block only to get caught in middle of a raid......close call

It seems like everytime I go down that block, those boys are getting searched or there is a cop driving by. If the cops were smart they would realize that they have a hiding spot and really only handle the bags for about 20 seconds per sale. I'm glad to have a number to call instead of having to hit those blocks all the time. They seem to get hotter and hotter everytime I have to venture down them.
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