Chicago heroin

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Wow, so I go 2 this da "INFAMOUS" red tape spot, lol sunday & if that is what people r running to,,,Hmmmm idk if you guys know what real good chicago dope is. That dope was no different then any other decent spot, nothing special at all. Wanted to give my 2 cents to the people who maybe thought they were missing out. I did my regular 4 bags in 1 shot & nada.

nice size
but reg chi dope
Good in Chi?

I have been getting the VERY BEST I have had in months from a spot on the westside I have been frequenting for a little over 3 years. Got a great batch yesterday and shared with some friends who agreed it was top notch.
lets try to revive this thread with relevant info. I have incountered alot of different dope in the city but i would like to describe some of the best i have gotten.
1. brown dope that was extremly strong, 2 bags made me nod out and crash my car, where 5 bags would get me good of regular stuff but not knock me out by anymeans. This dope cooked up and extremly bitter and brown solution. came in icecream bags that were of discent size.
2. foils off completely white powder. I believe that this was some of the best dope i ever had. it was extremly potent as the size of the foils was not all that big but 1 would put me in a nod for hours and i had good tolerence at the time. there was also absoultly no smell to the dope at all. some would be tempted to tell me this was fent but i know me heroin quite well and the duration and high were not even close to fent. This just extremly pure heroin.
3. Brownish-amberish rocks of raw- little chunks of this stuff that would knock you out with a .1

all of these were copped on the west side in the same vecinity. and if oyu didn;t know heroin is bad for you so dont do it
I just wanna say that none of you guys should fool yourself into thinking you're safe once you're into oak park.

Oak Park is a pretty nice neighborhood and a white person definitely doesn't seem out of place there, hell I wouldn't mind living there. When it comes down to it though, the cops are just as suspicious, and I think they might be even bigger dicks than CPD. I get the feeling that because oak park is a nice neighborhood the cops get pretty anal about this sort of thing. I actually read a news article that a chopped up body was found in an oak park alley and of course people are gonna think it's because of drugs, which probably is the reason anyways. I'm sure you can see why cops can get pissed off over something like this in a place like oak park.

Anyways, I had this shit with a yellow tape and a star sticker on the foil, let's just say 1 bag was enough to put me in the hospital. About a week or so later I get a hold of a couple of the same batch, and one of them had the peculiar distinction of having not one, but two star stickers on it!! Of course at this point I've only been doing half of these at most, well just HALF of this double sticker was enough to make me collapse on the ground uncontrollably, but somehow I pulled myself out of it this time. I don't have the highest tolerance, but when I went to the hospital I still had enough tolerance to be able to handle a double of most mediocre bags out there.

Lately the quality of the shiny star has been dropping a bit as is expected, but still kicks ass.

Oh yeah I also don't go out there myself anymore, I got myself a little delivery service that costs 10 well paid dollars. :)
Its all right to let them in your car if you know they are dealing.. i wouldnt recommend doing it if your scared of them , they could sense that shit and whoop your ass for being a pussy. Never let a fiend in the car so they can show you the dope spot because they will want to hang out and mooch off you

they can sense it no just dont b a pussy about shit like if they were to try and rob you they are in your car drive off with them in that shit and beat there ass

I am a white girl so they could rob me if they wanted to. I just always drive up to the scariest looking mofo standing around and wait for them to come up to my car. They always take me somewhere else to get the dope. I guess I'm careful but not really scared as I've been doing this for a year or so. They also always try to push crack on me. Maybe I've just always had good luck but I've always been treated right and got good shit from random people and they also always give me their # which I lose by the time I go back out again (by lose I mean gets deleted by SO during the week).
I tried using a driver one time..needless to say he still owes me 3bags even though I paid up front
It is what it is

Dope can be poppen one day or for a week & then str8 garbage after that for a long time. Been like that for years & never gonna change.

Why people think dark brown or brown dope is the best ? idk
The most uncutt dope will be white/grey & will cook up the color gold/piss.

As not even going back to red tape b/c it be no different then regular dope, I went yesterday to my side of town & while driving my guy says he got a new batch, & when I start asken for deals he won't really do anything special w/the little that I'm buying like he usually does so I go he runner is running from a block away, pants falling off where he is holding up while running, anyways dope was in solid black clear bags no foils [edit - @E] dope was real good, blew away red tape & red tape had peeps pullen up. But look like I said b4 u can find the same dope in smaller spots
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Well Im sick of the dope game. I got popped 3 weeks ago in Atlanta in the infamous "Bluff". The Red Dog drug squad jumped out on me for no fucking reason and caught me with a corner of a dime bag of raw. So I caught a dope charge, my first one ever. Hopefully it will be dismissed or they will go easy on me because I have no record. I used to cop easy in Chi town but copping in Atlanta is a lil different because it isnt as widespread. Be careful out there guys!
As far as that redtape spot, it seems like certain runners over there seem to come back with better dope than others from their "hiding" spot. I dont know why considering the bags are hard as hell to open but maybe some of dem boys go through the hassle of opening up the next to impossible tape, pinching some and then making there own brand of red tape. I don't know but it pisses me off to get great dope one day and then nothing near as good the next.

Hey chitown I take it that you ended up going to the red tape spot and were less than satisfied with their product. I actually did end up going out west today too, I tried calling your cell but it was late and just got your voicemail. Maybe wednesday i'll be free during the day.

Anyways that’s not the point of this post, I actually have a question about how the scene was way back in the day specifically I think Crook county would be the most qualified and knowledgeable to answer this.

I started heading out west for dope in 1996, maybe early 1997 at the latest. Even in the time since then the scene out west has changed considerably but that’s a whole post in itself which I’m not gonna get into right now unless anyone out thaere actually cares and wants to know.

I did some research in the newspaper archive going back into the 1970's and what I found was that Chicago was primarily a Mexican brown or black tar dope city. Nearly all of the dope was from this one Mexican connect then some time in the 1980's the feds busted this Mexican connection and the market suddenly opened up, this was filled with Nigerians selling southwest and southeast Asian heroin, as well as a significant amount of south American heroin entered the city and brown and tar dope was almost completely replace with white powder.

Also this is when the west side flourished as an open air market. My question is how was the scene before this Mexican connection bust. Specifically I’m asking how did people get dope. Was the west side an open air drug market as it is today or is that something that came about only when the white dope entered the city. I can't find anything in the newspaper stories about there being open air drug spots on the west side until we start getting into the 1990's and thats when mentions of this scene finally started to hit the newspapers.

Was dope bought the way it is now back in the early 80's, or how about the 70's or 60’s? So far what I’ve discovered is that Chicago did not have an open market until the late 80's and early 90's. I can't seem to find information telling me otherwise. Does anyone know or was around the Chicago scene pre-1990.

I would love to know this was always curious, I’m think that it was actually the crack hitting the streets circa 1985 that the west side become a drug paradise and coincidentally the heroin also changed into the white powder form which caused a huge spike in demand cause now the suburban kiddies can snort the dope and don't have to shoot so the use of dope skyrocketed here. It seems that the feds busting that Mexican connect ending up being a great thing for us junkies.

Finally it’s said that all the forms of dope are available in chitown, but personally I ran into brown dope just ONCE since 1996, and never into tar nor met anyone that ran into it either so I have no idea where these two types of dope can be found here (I’m not looking FYI). I'm assuming you have to be tied into the Hispanic community here to find any connects for these forms of dope. So Crook county can you help answer my questions or anyone else here that can answer. Thanks.

PS- While looking thru the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-times i did find an interesting story from i think it was the mid 70's about a coule that was hooked on dope and lived on the streets here in the city. From what i gathered from that story was that dope was sold from dealers out of their homes. Basically these two junkies would call their hook up and then swing by his place to pick up. Thee was absolutely no mention of any outdoor drug buys or of the west side, but it was an intresting read nevertheless. I'll try ti find it and post it up here if i can. It was a pretty big story, it was cut into three sections, i think it ran in three consecutive sunday editions of the paper.
Well Im sick of the dope game. I got popped 3 weeks ago in Atlanta in the infamous "Bluff". The Red Dog drug squad jumped out on me for no fucking reason and caught me with a corner of a dime bag of raw. So I caught a dope charge, my first one ever. Hopefully it will be dismissed or they will go easy on me because I have no record. I used to cop easy in Chi town but copping in Atlanta is a lil different because it isnt as widespread. Be careful out there guys!

My friend got stopped by the cops here after he copped. They couldn't find anything on him but told him that they know he gots shit on him and he has two choice, 1- they can take him into the station and strip search him then send him to county or 2- he can hand over the dope and they'll let him go, sans the dope of course. He had the shit in his long underwear so he pulled out three bags and the cops took it and let him going. Luckily he actually bought 4 bags so he still got away with one bag. I don't understand why the cops wanted the blows so bad and then just let him go once they got it.

Also about this Tuesday and Thursday sweeps that they allegedly do. Well that’s total bullshit, at least in Chicago it is. I haven’t nor have any of my friends seen any evidence of Tuesday and Thursdays being bad days to score blows, this is from about 13 years experience I personally have and my friends have even more years under their belt. I also knew a few cops and asked them about that and they said it’s just an urban myth. Can anyone prove to me that they do these sweeps? Possibly in NYC I heard that they used to do them but definitely not here.

When it comes to the monthly quotas though and the end of the month being hot with the cops, I DO see things to indicate that’s the truth. Once again I was told by cops that they do not have a monthly quota per se, hat they do have is a number of arrests they average every month, now the bosses aren't happy if these number fall so I guess there is an unofficial quota that cops have to meet.

One more thing about the Tuesday, thursday sweeps and the end of month quota thing. There is a website on the chicago police website that is a map that lists the locations and types of arrests made as well as the date and time of arrest. I used this website to see if those two days had more drug arrests and it dioesn't seems so, as to there being more at the end of the month, well theresm just way to many arrests and it would take more time then i'm willing to devote to really see if thats true but that website would definately provide that answer assuming you wanna spend all that fucking time going back months and cou ting the arrest for each week in the month.
It is what it is

Dope can be poppen one day or for a week & then str8 garbage after that for a long time. Been like that for years & never gonna change.

Why people think dark brown or brown dope is the best ? idk
The most uncutt dope will be white/grey & will cook up the color gold/piss.

As not even going back to red tape b/c it be no different then regular dope, I went yesterday to my side of town & while driving my guy says he got a new batch, & when I start asken for deals he won't really do anything special w/the little that I'm buying like he usually does so I go he runner is running from a block away, pants falling off where he is holding up while running, anyways dope was in solid black clear bags no foils [edit - @E] dope was real good, blew away red tape & red tape had peeps pullen up. But look like I said b4 u can find the same dope in smaller spots

I have gotten supposed "raw" dope on the street where it came with a dormin pill in the bag and this dope wa grey which is the only time i've seen grey blows. As to brown blows being the best. There was this one spot thats still around but with a dfferent crew that between january and febuary of this year had blows that looked your normal color, but when you cooked it up it was a very dark brown color and it had the most fuckin wicked rush i ever got off blows, it was probably some of the best shit i found in years, too bad it only lasted like a month or two. same spot that had the grey raw with the dormin. The spot was run by this dude called "V", i mention that because, crook county, it was located near where you are from, your neighborhood that is so maybe you had it and tried it. They had nicks, sawbucks, and dubs. Nowadays they usually have niks, someties sawbucks which are better. Batman bags, used to be dollar signs. Its close to the red tapespot, not the foil red tape, the clear baggy with the little bit of red tape sealing it, also near the "Best" bags spot where they come in clear tape with some green tissue paper strip also in it i guess to make it weasier to open these fuckers up.. Anyone been to that "best" spot.
Boti-I do kind of see tuesday and thurdsay "vices" days as a certain myth because the westside is over run with cops most of the time anyways. But a certain corner that serves yellow bags with a star on them that I have been frequenting on the west side going on 3 years now in which I literally have never see cops roll by (Only ""vice days"") But come Tues. and Thurs. the boys in blue seem to roll by every 5 minutes or so. So I don't know what thats about.
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i miss the old days

when I was in champaign, I had the best connect ever. I'd call, they'd tell me where to meet up, I jump in their car, roll around the block and then get out. and they were real cool, service with a smile. one time i called them, told em I had no $ and was sick, and they actually delivered me a bag in like 15 minutes...of course that was after a year of hitting the mini-ghetto of champaign, gettin ripped, and going thru too many middlemen. but once i got that golden phone number, life was good. Now that im back in chicago, I dont even know where to start. I live in lakeview and I dont know any of the spots. I hate having to resort to copping on the street from a stranger as it is..I'm considering showing up at a needle exchange and making some friends or some shit...I would talk to the folks at my clinic, but i dont wanna get ratted on...
atlien3--sorry to hear about the Bluff thing--years ago I sent friend in there alone (in shirt and tie, on foot), he met someone and hooked up, but must have been a good laugh--30 year old white kid in 'business attire' walkin the Bluff lookin for 'boy'!!! Hope all turns out okay for you..

I will post the answer to the question ya'll had about the dope scene from the 60-90's . where it started Ect...

I know what I know but went even future & spoke to my meth director who has been an addict since that time. Started in the early 70's. so will post the 411.

Funny thing is that methadone came b4 heroin on the streets not to be mixed up with morphine from sears from bayer.

Be back after I get my dope
scored two jabs (30) of some blows. great quality. oddly enough since ive met my guy his stuff has actually gotten better rather than worse over the month i've been frequenting him- clear bags with a purple seal-decent sized bags as well-also has some legs, for some reason whenever i shoot the shit I wont get sick for a good 20 hours-but the crap i used to get in the Mil, I'd shoot right before i went to bed, and I'd be sick by the time I woke up... its totally worth the 90 mile drive to get my blows
I've been gone a few days for a little trip to eastern and didn't have time to pst..

So a fellow bl member stopped by house after scoring and we did some blows..he had a fat sack and we split just a bag..he proceeds to nod off after the one I have met him a few times bit wasn't sure what to do..
I try wakin him and he keeps sayin give me a little time..well after 4times of waking him up I'm like dude just crash at my place..wouldn't have none of it cause he had to get his car home and he wants to drive..I was able to convince him to let me drive his car and I was gonna have
My little brother follow me… I tell my brother he was drunk and took some xanax he's like buddy walks to the car gets in and proceed to fall back asleep before I can pull out of my like high school days I pull onto his block he gets out jumps in the driver seat and drives home like
Nothing..I guess you had to be there cause it was pretty funny...

I won't mention his name bit I'm sure he will read this and fess up..but I won't put him on blast like that lol
So a fellow bl member stopped by house after scoring and we did some blows..he had a fat sack and we split just a bag..he proceeds to nod off after the one I have met him a few times bit wasn't sure what to do..
I try wakin him and he keeps sayin give me a little time..well after 4times of waking him up I'm like dude just crash at my place..wouldn't have none of it cause he had to get his car home and he wants to drive..I was able to convince him to let me drive his car and I was gonna have
My little brother follow me… I tell my brother he was drunk and took some xanax he's like buddy walks to the car gets in and proceed to fall back asleep before I can pull out of my like high school days I pull onto his block he gets out jumps in the driver seat and drives home like
Nothing..I guess you had to be there cause it was pretty funny...

Haha good friend of you. A buddy of mine who lives about an hour away came out to my place to relax and do a bag or two. He's one of those guys that always seems to go comatose and nod off every other sentence. Long story short he had to get his sisters car back to her by morning, so he had to drive. I told him to call me if he started to nod off while driving so I could keep him awake by engaging in conversation. Five minutes after leaving he ended up calling me because he was nodding off and veering off the road onto the rumble strips every 30 seconds or so. So I talked to him for the majority of the hour of his trip home. So, five minutes away from his house he says alright man I'm pretty sure I can make it from here, I ask him if he's sure, and of course he was sure. I get a call from him thirty minutes later saying dude I nodded out and crashed my sisters car about 30 seconds after he let me go. I guess he nodded out straight away after hanging up with me, went off the left shoulder onto the rumble strips, woke up, over corrected, ended up doing a 180 at 70mph on I-90 narrowly missing another car and a light pole, and ended up smashing through a fence off the right side ditch. haha goddamn moron.

Next time I do some blows with him, he shoots a bag and we proceeded to go to the local disc golf course. Well a few minutes into the car ride he nods off as usual- his phone rang and he didnt answer it so I start giving him shit. He didnt respond so I slapped his face, he still didnt respond. So by now I'm getting nervous. I shake him violently and scream his name, still no response. I realize he wasn't breathing.

I quick busted a 180 and start screaming down residential streets going about 65, running red light after red light, and finally get to my house. I run my ass inside and grabbed the narcan I had for such an occasion (never thought I would need it but thank god I had it) Drained the whole ampule into a syringe and jam that shit into his arm. He still wasnt breathing, so I started to breathe for him.

I grabbed another ampule and found a vein on him and got it into his mainline. Finally he started to come to and I get his ass up walking around and splash water in his face and start pulling his leg hair to get him more awake.

Longest and most scary 15 minutes of my life. Of course he didn't believe what just happened because he was out cold for the whole event haha. Needless to say I stopped doin blows with him because he obviously can't handle the shit.

Thank god for narcan.
Damn its been a minute... I have been seein my usual two connects which are both out west. This red tape shit seems very popular, have not seen it. Anyways the shit i get always comes in the same packaging (baggie with staple in the top) but around the end up of the summer it was way diff dope. Might of been the humidity but the shit was way brown and moist, not chalky white like usual.. Im glad its back to the way it is now, you figured it would be good brown but i like the white wayyyyyy better.
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