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injection locations


Mar 12, 2003
does anybody have any tips/suggestions on good places to inject besides the arms which won't be too visible? i'm staying with a relative for about a month or so and i don't want my tracks to be visible.
Welcome to Bluelight :)
I think your best bet is to stick with the veins in your arms, but get very good at your injection technique, so that you leave no bruises or scars.
This is fairly easy to achieve, providing you follow some simple steps, such using a new needle for each shot, as well as applying pressure to the site immediately as the needle is being withdrawn. A cotton bud does the trick fine, but be blood aware.
Also, make sure the needle stays very still inside your vein. Some finer guage needles (29g B&Ds are known for this) can barb when people are mixing up. You may not be able to see it, but the very tip of the neelde can get bent backwards pretty easily. Avoid applying any presure to the needle whie you mix up, because a barbed needle is a guaranteed way to end up with a nasty bruise.
Also, after your shot, don't bend your arm when applying pressure to the site (like some nurses still do). Hold your arm staight up in the air, applying firm pressure for about 5 minutes. This feels like a long time, but the longer you apply pressure, the less bruising.
Also, if you bruise easily, you can then apply an ice pack to the site to reduce bruising even further.
Vit E cream etc also provide another way of helping the site recover but apply this a few hours after the shot, so as not to irritate the site with the chemicals in many of those Vit E cream preparations.
Various kinds of makeup can also easily mask minor bruises. If you are bruising very badly, you need to look at your technique.
The reason I am suggesting your try to stick with the veins in your arm is because many of the other veins commonly used when trying to be stealthy can be quite dangerous.
Don't inject into your feet, toes, or ankles, as these often have fungal infections and odd bacteria hanging around, significantly increasing the chance of things like endocarditis or septacaemia.
The veins in your feet are also very small, meaning the blood flows slowly through them. This gives infections more time to develop. There is also greater risks of vein damage when using these small veins in the feet. Although it is one method that is easily concealable, the health risks are too great. The complications from this can be very serious.
Injecting into the groin is also very dangerous, due to the close proximity of the femoral artery. In some people, the femoral artery is tied around the femoral vein, meaning it is virtually impossible to safely use this method. If you are successful at hitting the femeroal vein, there is then an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis, and more difficult to treat infections. This site should also be avoided.
Another secret place people sometimes inject, yet also extremely risky, is the back of the legs. Blood flow through these veins is also relatively slow, meaning it is harder for the body to fight off any possible infection of the injecting site. It is also very easy to miss the vein by injecting too fast into these veins, as the blod flow is very slow. Don't try to inject into varicose veins either, because they will bleed very badly.
There are some other sites that people use, however these sites are absolutely dangerous, and should never be attempted at all. These include the neck, breast and penis (yep...it does happen). These areas carry very high risks, and should absolutely never be considered.
There are some veins on your upper arm which can be covered by a regular shirt sleeve. You may not be able to see these veins initially, but flexing your muscles, swinging your arm around, applying a warm towel to the site, or even having a warm shower can help raise veins that you may not otherwise see.
Just be aware that stealthy injecting can sometimes come back to bite, when you end up with a really nasty abscess or something.
Good luck :)
[ 15 March 2003: Message edited by: Flexistentialist ]
^^^ yeah, pretty much. i'd just like to add that there are quite a few veins in your arms and if you rotate your injection site every time it will be a lot less noticable. i don't know if i would exactly suggest this but i shoot into the tops of my hands bc it never bruises there for me and the marks aren't visible. the veins are very small though, so you can't fuck up.
good luck.
Going on what staind rose said...the tops of the hand work very well, however these veins are a lot more prone to move around, so while it appears to be in a certain place at one point, once you apply pressure from the needle it can shift. So it just takes a little more patience...I wasn't sure by your post how much experience you have IV-ing drugs, but you may want to get comfortable on some easier to hit veins, because while your hand won't bruise/track as easy, if you happen to miss the vein and inject you'll have a nice sized lump on the top of your hand not to mention pain with basically anything you do involving your hand over the next few days. The only other place I might suggest you consider is your feet, but be cautioned, you want to make sure you clean the area as best you can, with rubbing alcohol at the minimum because your feet are probably the location which is most prone to infection just from the fungus/bacteria (i'm not sure exactly what it is in particular honestly) that is down there.

Hope that adds to your help you've got so far...
i found injecting under my tounge tho HIGHLY painful to be rather effective... anong with your feet( the tops of them) and between you toes.
DietCrakk, in a similar thread which should be easily located, suggested...the head. However, it is quite possible that Mr/Ms DCrakk is currently sharing a room with Syd Barrett, so I don't think I'd try that one unless you're itching to become a statistic...or have to wear a burkaa to hide your track marks.

Hahaha, that was hilarious...I knew someone was gonna mention the "shooting up in the head/neck" thread in this one pretty soon...
I personally would stick with your inner elbow and just wear sleeves that cover them up. If you fuck up on your hands you've got a huge lump or a bruise which is very visable. Um, don't shoot up in your head...