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Am I the only Aussie drug taker who's never smoked weed?

nope - can't say I know anyone that takes drugs (regularly) and hasn't, at the very least, tried marijuana.
I used to smoke it fairly regularly, not because I was into it personally (only actually purchased a bag of weed for myself twice) but my GF and everyone i partied with was, and I'd take it whenever offered just because hey, free drugs, why turn that down?

It did always make me very paranoid and sketchy though. I'd enjoy very low doses, but any more than half a cone would make me really paranoid, I think I was just a lot more sensitive to it than most people.

Had a full blown panic attack on it at one point, it was when I smoked a much larger than normal amount the day after some pills, thought I was dying, the whole nine yards. Eventually passed out, woke up the next day feeling fine.

Around October last year I broke into really bad depression/anxiety/depersonalization, I think much more as a result of my MDMA and meth abuse than the twice a week weed, but weed would set it off (along with caffeine, funnily enough), so I avoided it since.

I've smoked a few times since then. Once at a party in november, had too much, had a pretty bad panic attack. Once again, a miniscule amount in february, made me kind of edgy, but enjoyed it somewhat.

Also went through a phase a month or two ago where I smoked it for a week or so, at first in low quantities (often cooked into food instead of smoking) and actually really enjoyed it for the first time, but after a week or so of daily smoking the old anxiety came back in a bad way and I stopped again. Will be quite happy to never smoke it again, some people just don't mesh well with certain drugs I guess.

I have a family history of mental illness, no full blown psychosis, but my grandfather was a pretty heavy alcoholic, apparently my grandmother (on the other side) was very weird and very paranoid, I'm pretty sure my mum suffers some form of intermitted depression and my brother has severe depression, so along with my own issues with depression/anxiety/depersonalization, I figure it's just not worth gambling with my mental health for a high I only enjoy half the time anyway.
I am sure there are others out there that weed doesn't work for them.

personally throughout my teenage years from around 14-17 i was smoking pot most days along with the occasional acid trip.Then at 17 I had a psyhotic episode with severe persecution delusions ,scary hallucinations etc.this finally ended by being bought to hospital by ambulance with a smashed patella(knee cap) and two broken arms as well as a very screwed up disorded mind to boot.
The strange thing waS i was not smoking pot or taking acid in the weeks before the onset of the episode so at the time alot of terms were thrown up in the air drug induced psychosis ,depression ,anxiety disorders even schitzophrenia at 1 point.

For the next 10 years 1998-2008 I did not touch a drug in any way i think i was so freaked out about what had happened to me I convinced myself it was the pot that did it and nothing else but looking back in hindsight they were many other contributiing factors my father dying from motor neurone disese, a recent long term break up, i believe all added to tip me over the edge

I would have a beer maybe once a month if that !

but within the last year I tried for the first time ecstacy ,speed ,even heroin (one time) ,and have been smoking pot on again off again also ... I am taking an antispychotic (abilify) but i do not get paranoid like i used to on pot and still love acid when i can get it sooo......

is it the medication thats keeping me from another episode? or was it not the pot i was taking before the episode that set me off? I still do not know 100%

I have heard some people can have a sensitivity to pot esp with mental illness a close mate of mind had a breakdown a few years back much in the same manner as mine we both started young on the pot 13-14

there are people doing research into the pot and psychosis "idea"

I guess some things work for some people and some things don't
btw sorry 4 rambling

^^no need to be sorry:)

Hyrolla i know you said you've no desire to try pot (and i understand why), but given that most of us enjoy experimenting with different drugs are you not curious of the MJ high?
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Admittedly I am kinda jealous that I had, from what on all outset looks like somewhat of a fun drug, ruined for me from the get-go.

Especially considering I love my pills to no end, and quite like acid even though I barely get around to taking it... weed sounds especially good to have on the comedowns etc... not to mention the rave reports I've heard about sex & sexual activity on pot... ;)
Oh yeah - and the creative urges do sound pretty cool as well...!

But at the end of the day I know uppers are definitely my calling. And I guess it's kinda like the theory of Pavlov's dog...even the smell of it is enough to make me uneasy. lol. I guess it just takes me back to spending most of my teens with the stench of it wafting through the house & the shit that ensued... although it does pong pretty badly :\
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not to mention the rave reports I've heard about sex & sexual activity on pot...

Yeah I won't lie, even though I'm not a fan of the drug as a whole, it does make for sensational sex :p Though it has to be with a partner I'm close to and open with, because of the paranoia.
I used to smoke it fairly regularly, not because I was into it personally (only actually purchased a bag of weed for myself twice) but my GF and everyone i partied with was, and I'd take it whenever offered just because hey, free drugs, why turn that down?

It did always make me very paranoid and sketchy though. I'd enjoy very low doses, but any more than half a cone would make me really paranoid, I think I was just a lot more sensitive to it than most people.

Had a full blown panic attack on it at one point, it was when I smoked a much larger than normal amount the day after some pills, thought I was dying, the whole nine yards. Eventually passed out, woke up the next day feeling fine.

Around October last year I broke into really bad depression/anxiety/depersonalization, I think much more as a result of my MDMA and meth abuse than the twice a week weed, but weed would set it off (along with caffeine, funnily enough), so I avoided it since.

I've smoked a few times since then. Once at a party in november, had too much, had a pretty bad panic attack. Once again, a miniscule amount in february, made me kind of edgy, but enjoyed it somewhat.

Also went through a phase a month or two ago where I smoked it for a week or so, at first in low quantities (often cooked into food instead of smoking) and actually really enjoyed it for the first time, but after a week or so of daily smoking the old anxiety came back in a bad way and I stopped again. Will be quite happy to never smoke it again, some people just don't mesh well with certain drugs I guess.

I have a family history of mental illness, no full blown psychosis, but my grandfather was a pretty heavy alcoholic, apparently my grandmother (on the other side) was very weird and very paranoid, I'm pretty sure my mum suffers some form of intermitted depression and my brother has severe depression, so along with my own issues with depression/anxiety/depersonalization, I figure it's just not worth gambling with my mental health for a high I only enjoy half the time anyway.

very similar to me, the only time i smoke pot is in combo with seretonergics (mdma etc) it provides a real tranquil buzz, which is directed in a good mindset - not really paranoing at all
I don't think there would be to many of you guys out their, the majority of people who take drugs usually start off with tobacco, alcohol and weed and then move onto the chems as they get bored or curious... My mum has never touched a drug and yet me and my brother use heaps of them and my sister smokes weed, my mum doesn't know about my sister smoking weed though cause she's the little angel lol. Not like my brother and me, we've been caught out to many times and openly talk about it sneakily in front of her while my sister will just have a deviant smerk on her face.

I use to smoke heaps but now days I can't stand the stuff, I'll smoke it occasionally but it is very rare that I do. I probably buy a stick every 6 months and it last me that long when usually a stick wouldn't even last me an hour, I also can't smoke hydro anymore because it's to much of a head fuck and it's so strong now days that you don't know what they're spraying on it to give it that affect. Only bush for me thanks, it's so much better and cleaner of a high I find and you can actually socialize and move around after you've smoked it...
I also can't smoke hydro anymore because it's to much of a head fuck and it's so strong now days that you don't know what they're spraying on it to give it that affect. Only bush for me thanks, it's so much better and cleaner of a high I find and you can actually socialize and move around after you've smoked it...

Do you know whats sad?
After 3 months of no weed, it took me 15 cones of good hydro over the night to give me the giggles.
And I am quite young still.

Lucky I have steady access to bush and hydro.

And to Hyroller, even though I love weed.. a lot. I think it is really good that you have managed and can continue to manage to stay away from it.
Self control is a good thing to exercise and it isn't worth the risk in your situation. Good work.
/Puts hand up.

I've never smoked anything due to being a chronic asthmatic. :| That said, I've had weed in brownies. ;) Only once, though!
They should of helped with asthma then.
Vapourising it does wonders for some people.
^Unfortunately I only became aware of vaporisers and what they can do fairly recently, and I can't afford one at present. Do you know if they are prevalent in Australia at all, Heisenberg?
And to Hyroller, even though I love weed.. a lot. I think it is really good that you have managed and can continue to manage to stay away from it.
Self control is a good thing to exercise and it isn't worth the risk in your situation. Good work.

Thanks =D
Yeah, my mates have all said they're amazed that someone can go without and has done for all this time. But that probably boils down to me not knowing in the first place. I've had a few 'well-fuck-it-all-then, I-may-as-well-smoke' thoughts during low points on certain stimulants (where ALLLL I have wanted to do so help me is to get to bloody sleep), but thankfully, I chicken out in the end for the fear of doing my own head in even more. lol. benzos all the way ;) he he

*on that note I've heard tales about first-timers ripping cones and falling into a deep sleep pretty much immediately... I swear that would be me... one puff & I'm out... hence that occasional fascination. lol
^Unfortunately I only became aware of vaporisers and what they can do fairly recently, and I can't afford one at present. Do you know if they are prevalent in Australia at all, Heisenberg?

They're legal for safer tobacco use unlike bongs. In the same boat with hookahs and wooden pipes, legal. They also look like a hair dryer and have hidden compartments (on the model i saw), so you could easily pass it off on the road if your car was searched by putting some girly things if you know what i mean around it.
But at the end of the day I know uppers are definitely my calling. And I guess it's kinda like the theory of Pavlov's dog...even the smell of it is enough to make me uneasy. lol. I guess it just takes me back to spending most of my teens with the stench of it wafting through the house & the shit that ensued... although it does pong pretty badly :\

I'm the same, stimulants are for me. I rarely smoke weed because I don't like it. I have found this is not an uncommon opinion amongst stimulant users.

Weed was one of the last drugs I tried, the first being meth and ketamine.
Hyrolla, I do find it unusual that you've never smoked pot, given its prevalence in Aussie drug culture. If you don't enjoy smoking, you can always cook up some brownies. I have a mate who won't smoke anything but he'll munch down a couple of brownies.
I'm the same, stimulants are for me. I rarely smoke weed because I don't like it. I have found this is not an uncommon opinion amongst stimulant users.

Weed was one of the last drugs I tried, the first being meth and ketamine.

That's kinda odd, usually people smoke weed pretty early on and the meth and K come later on.