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Desoxypipradrol - high dose - no sleep for four days now.


Feb 23, 2004
Desoxypipradrol - high dose - no sleep for four days now - edit: 5 days

So someone I know (and really its someone else) was silly enough not to listen to my 35 minute lecture on how powerful Desoxypipradrol is. As a result they have not slept since Thursday, from a single dose.

They've had some tamazpan but that hasn't done much. They aren't freaking out but is there anything, maybe change th PH of their blood? Any sort of antidote?

or as I've read, just to ride it out?
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Sleeping tablets might do the trick if you can get yourself some... Other then that I don't really know anything about this drug so can't really help you out, sorry.

Hopefully somebody with some experience with this substance is able to help you out and point you in the right direction!
Yeh I was going to suggest Stilnox or something similar..however, I don't know how Desoxypipradrol reacts with other drugs?

It may be better to ride it out. I'd assume they are nearing the end?

Make sure they learn from this experience though!
ha - the fools. I told them to put 10mg in a 100unit syringe and use that to measure the dose out, 1ml at a time. Do they listen to me, no of course note. Sigh

What did they do but found out they a) don't have a mg scale, and b) decide to eyeball the dose, and worst of all, and of course c) as i just only found out they decided to redose (much smaller then the first one) the next day.....

Going on the quantity they used, since they're used to meth quantities i.e. a point, it would appear they took 15-25mg. I'm really surpised that except for the excessive anoxeria and urinating that there weren't any other adverse complications.

That said they are coming out out being addicted to bupe for the last 5 years and we're having a hard time with the withdrawals, which they claim are worse then coming off of heroin.

They said the desoxypipradol took the edge off the withdrawal (they were amazed) and secondly are extremely amazed at how much this stuff blows meth out of the water.

Anyway as i've read in the which way is poland thread it would appear the only cure is time......

That said there must be a way like with PCP that in changing the PH of your blood, or making it more acid, that your kidneys would become more effective in removing it from your blood?

calling all doctors on said crackpot idea?
you can checkout any time you like,
but you can never leave!

welcome to the hotel desoxy
such a lovely place
such a lovely face...

great story to tell the grand kiddies!
I've just read up some info on this drug and it seems it would help with concentration on some things, ie. a study aid supposedly... Anyways is this drug illegal or scheduled or anything or do you simply just need to get yourself a script to be able to get some?
so for those with a perverse desire to see whats happened.

thus we reached last night and i discovered.

a) they had about 5 match heads. They injected it intramuscular.
b) After not feeling anyhting they dosed again!
c) the next day, they dosed a third time!

i think i have yet to read of anyone taking so much!

so yes 5 days of no sleep. They called a hospital and spoke to the ER and the ER doctors have never heard of desoxypipradrol. They suggested benzo which they've tried to no avail.

None of the medical establishment want to know or care.......

Seriously mods, dr plats, anyone?
they should turn up to the ER department in person and discuss this with the doctors in person, of alternatively call the poisons information line. they need to get there asap IMO as the longer they are up the longer it will take to recover. the longer they go the more potential for harm there is for ongoing issues especially if they are not looking after themself during this period

Poisons Information Centre Listing

Poisons Information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 13 1126.

The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Locked Bag 4001
Westmead NSW 2145
Tel: 13 11 26

Austin Hospital
Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
Tel: 13 11 26

Poisons Information Centre
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Hospital Ave
Nedlands WA 6009
Tel: 13 11 26

Royal Children's Hospital
Royal Children's Hospital
Herston QLD 4006
Tel: 13 11 26
thank you madmick...that said they finally got to sleep,

no thanks to:

1. the ER of concord and balmain who advised them they had no idea what to do and suggested benzos. When they were told that eaten several racks of tamazpan they literally said they had no idea what do.
2. the drug and alcohol unit for concord said go to ER.
3. the poisons line had never heard of it and suggested ER
4. two GP's have never heard of it and refused to come and visit them.

you have to remember they were in an agiatated state. they've had overdoses before (smack) and knew full well that medical staff in emergency rooms are complete and utter bastards when it comes to drug users. In fact i've found in my experience its almost better to die then to go to ER. They treat you with utter disdain and hatred that i'd rather deal with it myself, just how my friends were.

so my friends full well know that unless your incoherent or being bundled up by the cops that ER departments don't give a shit.

Moving on the only group who seemed to care and was trying to help were St Vincent (i think). They have a special unit for people who have taken uppers. Unfortunately they weren't immediately available.

So yeah......i guess that's the risk with research chemicals in a society that doesn't care.
I personally think that all medical staff should have this site in there training manuals and told to visit it once a week to find out and keep up to date with the latest drugs... That way they would have a better idea of what new drugs around and what types of dangerous drugs are floating around and how to treat patience correctly.
So yeah......i guess that's the risk with research chemicals in a society that doesn't care.

Do you think it's very realistic to expect ER doctors to know anything about research chemicals?

I think there's a certain expectation that if you play with such drugs, you take the necessary precautions to make sure you dose properly and know what you're doing to your body.

If your friend wants to treat himself like a human guinea pig, good for him, but it's people like him that cause all drug users to viewed by society and many in the medical profession as a bunch of careless, irresponsible idiots.
If your friend wants to treat himself like a human guinea pig, good for him, but it's people like him that cause all drug users to viewed by society and many in the medical profession as a bunch of careless, irresponsible idiots.

a few points

a) my friend was polite and respectful at all times. No aggression whatsoever

b) B]didn't know [/B]it was a RC ... consequently he treated it a bit like meth and dosed accordingly. Yes he was foolish not to listen to me but that is the nature of relationships and complexities of something called circumstances.

c) To find the ER of two major hospitals, and GPs, drug and rehab centres, basically the medical establishment across a quarter of Sydney did not CARE to even bother looking any further is astounding. They literally shrugged their shoulders when they found out benzo's did nothing.

Yes Desoxypipradrol is not well known but pipradrol and its cohorts aren't exactly rare. What happens when people have overdosed on those drugs?

I only found recently but its hepatic. What about an inhibitor to stop your the liver from metabolising the desoxypipradrol?

Fuck me, these people go to medical school for 6+ years, have mountains of resources behind them and still the problem was not a lack of knowledge but a inability to engage, to investigate, to care.

If he had lied and said that his drink had been spiked, or that it was a complete accident then would that have changed the level of care? If it had I'd been astounded.

The fact of the matter it was a charity organisation, not the government taxpayer funded establishments, that cared more to actually engage them.

d) and my my final point. If your a doctor or nurse and you have absolute contempt for people who have hurt themselves, well fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on.

I argue with people all day long and yet I always give them the time of day. I never fuck off idiots who have no idea what they're doing, and hell my job doesn't involve life or death decision.

My point; the day i can't be half-assed because i have contempt for "idiots" then I will leave.

Fuck i hate Sydney hospitals, especially the nursing staff. That said i'll leave that to another thread.
Just make sure your friend doesn't do any more... if he ends up seriously sleep deprived (over 4-5 days or so) keep a close eye on him too. At least it was only a single dose, so he didn't build up a blood level of the stuff... it should wear off and he'll be OK. The half-life is 16-20 hours (Wikipedia).

P.S. to the general reader -- Anyone who does high dose desoxypipradrol, particularly over longer periods, gets to visit the ninth circle of hell personally. Happened here a couple years ago. Note that if you go insane on it (you will) they won't test for it and you'll be assumed "insane" and locked up with all the rest. Don't F' around with this stuff!
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post script:

So into about day 6 they started getting broken sleep. The biggest problem was that they are coming out of taking Buprenorphine (Subutex), about 5mg every day (IV, 4-5shots a day) for several years.

Thus the insomina, anorexia, panic, pyschosis caused by the high high dose of desoxypipdrol probably would have ended sooner and would not have been as bad as going cold turkey on a such a high dose of Buprenorphine.

Thus when they finally admitted themselves to ER, a nine hour wait (of course), they were giving something to help them with the bupe withdrawals.

so about day 6-7 they finally had a full nights sleep.

We probably know more about Desoxypipradol then anyone else in this state, perhaps the country. Hell we ended up speaking to the manufacturer about it.

Though that said they weren't much help.

The key on on Desoxypipradol overdose is about finding an inhibitor since its hepatic - reduce the bio-availability of the drug i.e. don't metabolise it.

Oh well. And yes they learnt their lesson three days into this......they'll never go near it again etc.
Nuts after 3 days of being up u into the madness brain fried world. I know i stay up for 5 days for heaps weeks in a row. I recall doing 2 week no sleep with just ritalin, caffeine and dex amphetamine. I would love to know what this stuff is like for study and to try some.
I got many downers to come down from anti psychotics, ...zines, pines, benzos(valium, clonaz, xanax, hypnodorm), endep, doxipin, anti hsimtaines, thorazine etc.
whats the best things to stop this trip? anyone had sucess in ending the drug and/or getting sleep?
What is the half life?
whats the legal status in australia?
PM me if ya can't say whatever here. I keen to try this or order it as part of my smart drugs noootrpic diet.
So is this stim more of a head fuck than other stims like how is ya mental state compared to meth, ice, ritaline etc. staying awake.
can anyone give some comparisons between other more common stims eg. meth, modafinil, amphetamine etc.

Bupe doesn't work after a while and junkies just keep on shooting it it doesn't take long to disloves all there veins. the drug doesn even get ya high if u use it often i mean i know people shooting 8 x 8mg a day and probably not nodding out at all.
Also seems to make people madder and more violent than other benzos i have noticed.
all ya seein with that citris shit they put in subutex and suboxone and with suboxone i don't see point in shooting it cause its got naltrexone in there and works good enough just under the tongue

How does sex go with this drug compared to other stims?