• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Things you'd never wear...


these too :p ick
Hahahahaa "mom jeans"!! I lol'd =D
I didn't know what they were either kytn, but I had an idea that's what they'd be.
Too funny :D
I am still not sure I understand. Are they designed differently? Or are they just worn at the wrong height, or the wrong size?
^ the style is like this: high waisted, relaxed fit and tapered.
The original Crocs are ugly, but they make some pairs that are really cute...

i have these:


I totally want these!!

My Mom gave me a pair of crocs when I was living downtown Chicago and I immediately gave them away-I was one of those that would "never" wear them. Now that I spent a lot of time on wet, slippery rocks I want a pair so bad. Those are really cute :D
:) They are great...you can't even tell they are crocs when you look at them but they are super comfy just like the original ones.
I totally want these!!

My Mom gave me a pair of crocs when I was living downtown Chicago and I immediately gave them away-I was one of those that would "never" wear them. Now that I spent a lot of time on wet, slippery rocks I want a pair so bad. Those are really cute :D

You could just get some regular reef-type sandals?? They're still a bit dorky but they're cooler than crocs haha :)


Or something along those lines...
Those black flats still have the Crociness look to them that I don't like.

Also another one for the list: Jeans without pockets on the back!
^ not to push the issue, but I think if you saw them under jeans or something you wouldn't even know they were Crocs. They really just look like ballet flats you'd get anywhere.

I feel like Crocs should give me commission or something :\
lol, I don't really like ballet flats either! To each their own. :)
The original Crocs are ugly, but they make some pairs that are really cute...

i have these:


I want that! I'd never wear those regular crocs, but I gotta admit, they look very cute on young kids.
OK, the mom jeans are awful. They didn't look good in 1982 and they don't look good now. It's a safe bet no one's thong is showing over the top of them in the back but that doesn't make it right.

So , I'd never wear-

1. mom jeans
2. thong showing over the top of the pants
3. sweatpants or straight up pajamas in public

I'm surprised no one else mentioned #3, I see women out in their PJs all the time and I can't stand it. I have felt pretty lazy in my life, especially if I was dopesick but I would never leave the house without getting dressed. I don't mean going to and from the gym or out for a run/walk, I'm talking about the lady in the supermarket/bank/gas station wearing her slippers and PJs. And if your thong shows in the back, that thong doesn't go with those pants, change one of them or just leave out the panties altogether.
I used to be that way about #3, but now I basically live my life is sweats.

I don't wear PJ pants (like with cartoon characters or polka dots or anything like that), but Adidas track pants are a staple.

Jeans just feel so uncomfortable to me now.
I'm guilty of wearing track pants in public. And no shoes, I hardly ever wear shoes on the weekend =D

I will never wear a high-waisted skirt:

Not a good look on anyone who isn't as thin or thinner than ^that^ model 8)
n3opy7e--those look annoying to put on. lol maybe i've just been pregnant for way too long now that the thought of bending over is something i never want to do again haha. I like that with the crocs they are slip on, slip off.
i definitely dont get the high waisted trend for anything. i don't ever want to look dis-proportionate and that skirt in particular would make me look ridiculous.