The Modfag Game AKA BlueLight 101 with Professor TLB.

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Deecee moderates the cesspool of shit that is known as Aus Social & Events. The only posts I have ever seen him make are ones telling everyone how drunk or hungover he is, or showing pictures of his girlfriend who looks 20-30+ years older then him.

Don't even get me started about EndlessEulogy.
The only thing worse than the Senior Staff is fucking Aussie Social Moderators. There forum is nothing but a stagnating swamp of fucking fail and its about exciting as a fucking dead bloated Koala.

Whats so funny about that you fucking Modfag? "Huuuur Lmao"

Fucking punk.
Dtergent doesn't really belong here. All that can be said really is that she enjoys rum with Pepto Bismol and a sprig.

Get lost, Guido. "The Nile" lol
The only thing worse than the Senior Staff is fucking Aussie Social Moderators. There forum is nothing but a stagnating swamp of fucking fail and its about exciting as a fucking dead bloated Koala.

Not if I'd been made moderator it wouldn't.
Oh, so in other words, you're the testament to all that is useless in the world. Gotcha.

Your opinion is shit because you hail from the useless urban shit hole known as Detroit.

If it was'nt for posters like me, you Moderators would be out a job. You need fuckers need me, don't deny it.
Vegemite is a massive fail. I am ashamed it's Australian. Who the fuck eats salty black yeast?
I fucking do that's who.

The issue is not vegemite. I still wouldn't allow any threads about vegemite. That's not the point.

Fuck I mean didn't I already make my point?
Your opinion is shit because you hail from the useless urban shit hole known as Detroit.

If it was'nt for posters like me, you Moderators would be out a job. You need fuckers need me, don't deny it.

We'd be out of a job if it wasn't for posters like you? No, we'd just have a much easier job.

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