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Psychedelic Cannabis Experiences


Moderator: TDS
Staff member
Jul 2, 2008
I hear that it's possible to have a psychedelic experience on cannabis.

from my understanding a mild trip could occur when smoking budder (not cannabutter) or eating enough cannabis laced food

feel free to answer any of these questions:

who here has actually had an experience that feels similar to a trip on a psychedelic that accts on seratonin such as shrooms or acid?

how is it like/dislike a shroom/acid trip?

would you prefer it to an acid/shroom trip? why?

is the effect smililar to other druggs such as opiates?
Weed is to psychedelics what caffeine is to stimulants. Yes, it has psychedelic properties, but they're very mild. I never noticed them before I actually started using LSD and mushrooms, which leads me to think that marijuana can cause previous trippers to recall parts of the psychedelic experience. I would never call a weed high a "trip," however.
Just look on the erowid trip reports, LOADS of people have had high-dose cannabis trips, complete with OEVs, CEVs, the mind-fuck, etc.

I have never really had a full-on trip, but I ALWAYS have mild CEVs/OEVs whenever I am high. If I just lay down in my bed and meditate in the dark, the visuals, introspection/mindfuck can get pretty intense.
Psychedelic?... Yes

I haven't yet had a chance to try the more "classic" psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin, my experience is more with med-high doses of ethnobotanical psychedelics such as Morning Glories, Cohoba snuff, HBWR, etc, also have some experience with the milder opiates + kratom and poppy pod/seed tea.

I've had some very intense experiences with high grade bud (and a nostalgically lower tolerance) which definitely have cosmetic similarities to phenethylamine/tryptamine chemicals. Thing is, though, the feeling is similar, and alot of the visual effects, especially CEV's, have something in common, but the mental effects (particularly the random free associations combined with the constant 8-20 sec. short term memory loss) is so iconic of pot that I don't think that they could be at all confused, unless you were working with threshold doses wherein effects haven't manifested completely.

[Just for reference, I had a few psychedelic experiences before I smoked pot, and almost every time smoking, I always get medium-strong CEV and often distinct OEV's auditory hallucinations (music or poetry in my head that i can simply start saying as though reading off a script), and so on. I've even been able to do thing like sit at a table with people talking around me, and make myself believe that the entire room is upside down so much so that I feel like all the blood is rushing to my head, and everything is hanging down from the ceiling, very realistic, and great fun on amtrak :) ]

Also, pot is nothing like opiates, even at the higher doses, the body high is very different, as is the mood effects. opiates sink you up to your ears in a subcutaneous jacuzzi and all your day to day concerns become less significant. With pot, I find that I can't really use it for escapism (and I try not to use most drugs for that reason anyway). With pot, you can feel like your floating, sinking, light, heavy, being contorted, stretching, etc, but it doesn't tickle the same contentment node as opiates, (although very pleasant, nonetheless)

I would smoke pot more for recreation or sociability w/ good friends, and use psychedelics more for introspection and as an occasional sanity-supplement to keep a healthy perspective. Pot is like tuning into the higher-consciousness information network without a relevancy filter, while psychedelics are more structured, more meaningful, and less cloudy and apathetic. Still, they all have their place.
IAmJacksUserName said:
Weed is to psychedelics what caffeine is to stimulants.

This is an effective analogy. Weed is psychedelic, but the psychedelic experience goes beyond what you will experience after you smoke a blunt.
BurnOneDown said:
This is an effective analogy. Weed is psychedelic, but the psychedelic experience goes beyond what you will experience after you smoke a blunt.


I don't really compare the two. Cannabis gives me a small taste of the psychedelic experience everyday, for a little while. LSD gives me an intense psychedelic adventure that I can't experience very often (Sadly). It's also not anything like opiates, from what I've experienced.
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Ho- see what I wrote here:

Pot is kind of like opiates in that if you're in pain or enjoy a body buzz and if you smoke an Indica strain, or eat pot you won't be in as much pain anymore and you'll get the body high too but it's not comparable to just how opiates make you feel and how opiates make you itch, feel euphoric, and can make you feel sick.

I've gotten both CEVs (closed eyed visuals) and OEVs (Open Eyed visuals) but they're nothing like you get from either LSD or mushrooms. They're rather unique and it's not so much that reality changes like it can on LSD/mushrooms but it's more like Cannabis is a filter that lets you view reality differently. I've also had people's voices change on Cannabis. Like the phone would ring and I thought it was someone else but it wasn't.

I wouldn't say that I'd prefer a psychedelic Cannabis experience to LSD or mushrooms and it's not like I really prefer LSD or psilocybin over the other one. All of these drugs have their good points and bad points and while I don't use any illegal drugs at all now I don't regret using any of them and you can't really compare any of them because they're all different drugs and everyone reacts to drugs differently.

For example I remember the first time I smoked out a bud of mine he'd never smoked pot before at all, I was getting very psychedelic effects from smoking but I'd eaten some shrooms a few days beforehand, and my friend just said how he felt like he'd just had a few drinks.

Certain strains like Sativas are more psychedelic but I've had Indicas give me psychedelic effects too. Also if you eat pot that can make it more psychedelic too but YMMV.
k-opioid said:
Just look on the erowid trip reports, LOADS of people have had high-dose cannabis trips, complete with OEVs, CEVs, the mind-fuck, etc.

You should take some of the more farfetched Erowid stories with a grain of salt. This "trip report," for instance, titled "Strangest Day of My Life":

I flicked on my discman (chemical brothers: dig your own hole. the ONLY choice when being drugbent), and closed my eyes. I felt as though as I was spinning around at a million miles an hour, and when I opened my eyes and turned off the discman (about half an hour later), my friends were joking around, saying stuff like 'hey, Mr *teacher*, I think *me* is trippin' out.' he took it as a joke, but I suddenly felt EXTREMELY paranoid.

It might make sense if he were describing meth or cocaine, but the only substance he took was a cup of a coffee.
Today I was getting light visuals (bumps on the wall running up, lines on the wooden table moveing, and the carpet looking like a real endless sea) and I just smoked a bunch. It wasn't really super strong, but it was more than just the regular weed high.
I've definitely had mild psychedelic experiences on cannabis. No doubt about it, and it's a beautiful thing.

I never got them until I had my first truly revelatory acid trip though. Cannabis was actually a rather boring drug to me until then - I think the LSD allowed me to reach these psychedelic states of mind more easily.

Cannabis is nothing like the real deal, though. You have to eat acid for a truly incredible psychedelic experience.

But yeah, I've had stoned moments where I burst out laughing at the beauty of existence. <3
Cannabis is definitely a unique drug in the sense that it has the properties of a psychedelic, but isn't fully psychedelic; it has some of the qualities of a depressant, but can also be stimulating depending on the strain. Taken in moderation, each experience with cannabis can be like its own "mild trip" with differing subtleties...who can really say that of coke, meth or heroin?

I've had some mildly mind altering-experiences with cannabis. Of course the only other hallucinogen I've done is shrooms, which was TOO intense for me. Smoking the same weed day after day takes away some of the psychedelic "magic" for me and just tends to get dull, so I stick to 2-3 times a month (or whenever it's around).

Yay weed!
Trust me, have enough weed and it is nothing but psychedelic, I haven't gone too high but my friend has gotten UBER visuals, extreme enhancement of senses, he says for much of the 10 hours trip he wasn't even in the room but off somewhere else. He ate a fair bit of cannabis :p
I hear that it's possible to have a psychedelic experience on cannabis.

from my understanding a mild trip could occur when smoking budder (not cannabutter) or eating enough cannabis laced food

feel free to answer any of these questions:

who here has actually had an experience that feels similar to a trip on a psychedelic that accts on seratonin such as shrooms or acid?

how is it like/dislike a shroom/acid trip?

would you prefer it to an acid/shroom trip? why?

is the effect smililar to other druggs such as opiates?

All right, I have full out tripped balls after smoking Orange Crush out of a waterfall :-D (it was not laced, just to clarify).

how is it like a shroom/acid trip?
The color changes, waviness, and mindfuck of lsd was definately there! There were a couple of visuals, but not constant. I saw purple everywhere, the sky looked a purplish tint, the outline of people looked purple, trees looked purple and had purple flowers glowing on them.

how is it dislike a shroom/acid trip?
It wore off very quick (unlike shrooms and lsd), I could still concentrate (as far as cannabis goes), my emotions did not fluctuate, I was fully aware that I was tripping on cannabis (I didn't lose memory of anything previous).

would you prefer it to an acid/shroom trip? why?
This is hard to answer, it's all the mood. I love being buzzed from weed, I love being high or stoned from weed, tripping from weed was pretty sick, but I don't want to trip everytime I smoke! So would I prefer it to LSD? In a way yes, the trippy effects wear off soon (cannabis) and leave you with a nice high... LSD does not wear off anything that I can relate to the word soon. But if I had in mind tripping off of LSD then that is what I would want, if I just wanted to be high I would smoke weed (I hope this wasn't too confusing).

is the effect smililar to other druggs such as opiates?
When I tripped, it was nothing like opiates. I have had some shit (one time a 100% pure indica strain that was identical to morphine). But not on the occasion that I am talking about.

I hope this helps!
I've tripped once from cannabis. My gf and I cooked an eighth into a batch of brownies, it was her first time with weed, and I hadn't smoked in almost a year. Turned out, the brownies with cannabis flavor were delicious, and I ate 12 of the 16 over the course of about 8 hours.
It was like a shroom/acid trip in that everything was somehow different. I had feelings that I had been at that apartment earlier in my life (which I def hadn't) or in another life or something. Music was incredible, it changed the mood dramatically depending on what was on.
It wasn't much like an acid/shroom trip at all really. I didn't get very strong visuals, although there were some occasionally. It lasted close to 3 days, and I could sleep no problem. It took forever to come up, probably 4-6 hours and was still on my way up. also, acid/shrooms are much more intense.
In some ways. The come up was much more peaceful and smooth than shrooms, like getting high with no end in sight. I would definitely try it again, although not smoking for a year might be tough :D
It was nothing like opiates or anything i've tried really. was awesome though.
Ho- see what I wrote here:

I've gotten both CEVs (closed eyed visuals) and OEVs (Open Eyed visuals) but they're nothing like you get from either LSD or mushrooms. They're rather unique and it's not so much that reality changes like it can on LSD/mushrooms but it's more like Cannabis is a filter that lets you view reality differently.

This is an excellent description of cannabis as a lens or filter through which to view the world. That really rings true to all of my experiences, as they were all inventive distortions of recognizable (albeit w/ effort) reality.
Psychadelic experiences are more than possible :O

*At one point, after having an immensely massive session, sitting outside with 5 or so friends, suddenly the crickets were talking to me, were telling me something important, but i forgot everything they said the second my attention changed (felt like i was 'in' for ages, but never checked the time to see how my perception was altered :p)

*Being convinced i was some machine / product that was on an assembly line, being painted, hot-air dried, pounded, packaged, the whole deal. It was amazing, yet terrifying. I didn't move or say a word the entire time however, and no one really noticed me :S

*Becoming incredibly whacked out of my mind, seeing all kinds of odd indiscernable shapes, all i really remember is seeing the classic 'technicolor' daisies holding hands and circling me, (CEV) whilst singing something to me. Once again, enthralling yet terrifying!

edit: to answer the other questions, I've but dipped my feet into the pond in the way of mushrooms / acid / general psychedelics, but am quite familiar with Cannabis. I'd say that the psychedelic experiences I've had with Cannabis are far removed to that of the other drugs mentioned.
edit2: all my extreme trips have been whilst smoking however.
I havnt read any of the answers to you question, but if this helps at all, I had had very psychodelic experiences with cannabis and so have many other people I know. Some I have witnessed, some have told stories.

This usually occurs with people who have an extremely low tolerance and a high to very high dose of cannabis. When I first became a heavy smoker about 4 or 5 years ago, I would smoke 3 blunts with 2 other people and be so fucking high I would definitely have OEV's and constant CEV's, some audio hallucinations as well.

I remember this specific occasion where I swore I witnessed my little sister turn into the little girl cowgirl from Toy Story 2, and my bestfriend morphed right into the horse. I was laughing so hard for so long that I almost passed out, and it wasn't even that funny. I was pretty much just shocked at how high I had gotten.

Also, this kid smoked with me a few months ago, and he had only previously smoked once, about 4 or 5 hits of some regs. Anyway, he comes over and my sister and I are loading the bong over and over and he just kept ripping it...which I told him was a bad idea.

After that, in the car we were listening to Daft Punk's Alive album on the way to grab some food and he starts screaming about how he's at the daft punk concert right now and he's dancing everywhere and being extremely crazy. Lol! When we arrive he starts expaining how he was crowd surfing in a sea of paper people in a pop-up book at a daft punk concert. Hahahhaah pretty trippy

When we got into the fast food restaurant, it was dead quiet and there were about 5 people in line ahead of us. Then Terrell comes in haha.
He comes over and stands in line next to be, obviously speaking much much louder than anyone else, practically screaming when everyone starts to stare. Once everyone looks over he attempts to "whisper" something to me and it came out as: "these black people hate me!!!". Nowhere near a whisper, actually closer to yelling just about. He's black by the way. Hahahaha!

Much more stories but you get the idea.
Don't underestimate da budsss
the most psychedelic experience i had was that i was convinced by myself at school that i was living in a dream that was not my own, and i would die when the person who is dreaming wakes up.

but i mean, i had been sober for about 4 months and then on april 19 that year at school my friend showed me some claydope, it was that really sticky tacky shit. i was higher than id ever been, had more mindfucks, auditory hallucinations, obe on two and a half bowls. i was foolish to take so many hits after being sober.

eventually i gave up and about an hour and a half after smoking i step out of my class because i decided to find a spot to lay down because i couldnt hear anything anybody was saying. the maddest string quartet had my brain waves.

i was so high that even after i was high i still felt the fear of living in someone else's dream was real.
The one time i was lucky enough to take a rip of HP13.

I sat in a chair and stared at my reflection in the window until I had split into 3 of myself. One was red, the other blue, and the last one green. All of them arranged in a triangle staring back at me, watching.

The weirdest part was I had never felt so one with myself and the universe. It was like I could change perspectives from me, to red me, to blue me, to green me with all 3 of my other 'aspects' still visible, positioned in a triangle.