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The Most Gentle Psychedelics Thread

low to medium dose 5-MeO-DIPT

OMG how could you find that stuff gentle? My bowels & stomach would most wholeheartedly disagree with that choice!

Like I said though, most gentle is heavily dependant on whrther you're a PEA or tryptamine sort of person (obviously I'm in the PEA camp! =D)
fastandbulbous said:
OMG how could you find that stuff gentle? My bowels & stomach would most wholeheartedly disagree with that choice!

Like I said though, most gentle is heavily dependant on whrther you're a PEA or tryptamine sort of person (obviously I'm in the PEA camp! =D)

I'm with F&B, 5-meo-dipt was never really that friendly with me.
theWorldWithin said:
How can so many poster recomend RC's for a first psychedelic? This is kind of outrageous, there are far more risks associated with RC's and all synthetics in general. LSD, MDMA, MDA, and possibly 2CB I can understand since there is substantial research on these conpounds but I still would not personally recomend them.

A first psychedelic thats gentle and rewarding IMO is either low dose mushrooms or mescaline.

So you'd disagree with an AMT recommendation? Despite there being a load of clinical testing done in the USSR before it was introduced as the antidepressant, Indopan?

Just because you haven't found research on a compounds toxicity profile & tests doesn't mean they dont exist. There's been toxicology research on 2C-D because of it's use in experimental psychotherapy in Germany (but it's under it's German designation code, which I can't being to mind at the moment and even if I could, the paper was in German & my skill with that language are pretty rusty - not that they were brilliant in the first place)
That code is LE-25 for 2C-D. 5-MeO-DiPT was rather rough for me as well. I was spared the bowel problems and nausea, but it had a horrendous bodyload. But it was also pretty damn intense. On 8mg, I ended up wigging out pretty damn hard at a Dylan concert. It was indoors in a non-smoking place, and I was so cramped that I really freaked hard. Same kind of freak LSD causes. Potent stuff. Even 6mg had me nearly at a +3. However potency aside, it lacked any real content. I just found it all-around lame...no real insight or mind-expanding properties. Just a big stoned state with some minor visuals and annoying auditory distortions.
willow11 said:
2ci is gentle, so is nitrous.... to some of course, one mate has been uncomfortable on both, but fine onlarge dose k, of which somefind a low dose gentle.

Eeek! LOL that's interesting how you say 2C-I! For me personally, that was the most awful experience I have had, and that was on both occasions that I have tried it... I've posted about it several times on Bluelight...

It was FAR from gentle (for me)... I found it be to be quite 'violent'... in that the entire trip was very strange... had an element of uncertainty... the visuals themselves were absolutely mindblowing... the most intense hallucinations (eg: calendar on toilet door seemed to be 'floating' and moved clockwise whilst the toilet door moved anticlockwise)... but all this was accompanied with an excruciating headache (tight band around the head feeling)... nausea and vomiting... and you know when you kinda tilt your head/squint/frown when you're really confused/unsure... I felt like I was doing that the entire time...

Others don't react like that to 2C-I and love the stuff... which is cool if that's what floats their boat! :)

Personally I'd say MY most gentle psych would be a nice low dose of philosopher's stone shrooms in chocolate... you don't get too crazy visuals, I reckon it's more a 'wash' of colour over everything, and it comes in bursts when you're admiring the trees or a sunny sky... a low dose also doesn't leave you with a huge body load...
^Philosophers stone are really 'weak' psilocybn mushrooms (from what i gather they are p.mexicana, p.tampanesis or according to some, mycellium), a low dose of p.subaerignosa would be comparable, and that stuff freaks me out a bit! Strange,,,, what was your dose of 2cI ultra, the sweet spot for me ws 18mg as wll as the highest.

Low LSD dose, and many psychedlics when on benzo's are gentle....
thirty-three said:
i am looking towards research chems and dmt, but am i asking too much?

DMT can become gentle with time, actively relaxing you muscles. Some people find the effects 'speedy' though.
willow11 said:
Strange,,,, what was your dose of 2cI ultra, the sweet spot for me ws 18mg as wll as the highest.

From what I recall - my first dose was 16mg... and I think my second try was with 12mg, which I didn't find it to be all that different, probably because I was trying to cope with the nasty side-effects I get rather than enjoy it!

I found having a low dose of liquid (LSD) was gentle... first time I ever tried liquid I had a tiny bit from a drop on somebody's hand... and it wasn't really full-on... extremely pleasant and non-dirty... compared to just recently having an entire big drop of liquid which I'd say was the most intense acid experience I've had to date... very - woah... :p

I *may* try 2C-I again someday... some of the ppl I know who use it often say that even a dose as low as if you lick the back of a spoon coated with 2C-I you can feel the effects... anybody done this?
Mushrooms are gentle too if you surrender to them and allow them to manipulate your body into the positions they want you in.
That can be said of any psychedelic. But some people just don't 'vibe' well with mushrooms, and they are not constructive. I am one of them, and I have experience with more than two dozen different psychedelics over a 15 year period. I've just never found them useful, certainly not for lack of letting go. I rather love things like 5-MeO-DMT...where letting go is VITAL to benifiting from it.
Not instructive??? Gosh, maybe we are taking different mushrooms? I get entity contact even off low doses, they teach me insect yoga and then have their way with me in a very strange (but loving) psychosexual manner. I guess everyone is different but I have always found that psilocybin/DMT are the most predictable substances in terms of entity contact, I have seen the same insects with the same personality on both substances. Although it did take me many years to learn how to tune into the entities. I have never had a substance touch, heal and instruct me in the way p. subaeruginosa's have.
some of the ppl I know who use it often say that even a dose as low as if you lick the back of a spoon coated with 2C-I you can feel the effects... anybody done this?

That's like saying,'hands up anybody who's ever been stupid enough to lick an unknown dose of a psychedelic off a surface'. Do it enough times and you'll eventually ket your arse well and truely kicked with an intense trip that you'll never forget. Enough people have accidentally ended up dosing themselves (yes me included) without people intentionally being irresponsible with psychedelics.
ive always found shrooms to be the best to start off with, but im talking my local shrooms - psilocybe aucklandii
at a low dose these r just like extra-trippy weed, IMO - theres certainly not too much of a body load except for some nausea (inevitable with most psychedelics ive tried)
i'd say a small dosage of Psilocybe cubensis would be the most gentle. although lsa is gentle, hawaiian baby woodrose would do for a small psychedelic trip. In regards to the nausea, citric acid is always good or just smoke a joint while consuming the seeds, that'd heal you right up.
P.cubensis are bloody crap i keep taking doses people assure me will get me "well tripped out" and sit there going "erm, we'll have the same again" and it'll be OK ~ fucking slight perception change ~ one saving grace is if one hits the pipe then it definitely kinda potentiates it !
Tryptamines ~ any stomach promlems are usually cured by a drug called merbentyl (could be brand name actually) used for IBS !
Mushrooms are anything but gentle above 7 g.
2CI is the most gentle psychedelic I have encountered.
That and 4-OH-MIPT.
zophen said:
P.cubensis are bloody crap i keep taking doses people assure me will get me "well tripped out" and sit there going "erm, we'll have the same again" and it'll be OK ~ fucking slight perception change ~ one saving grace is if one hits the pipe then it definitely kinda potentiates it !

You complaining again? =D They wanted a gentle psychedelic and you've given them your opinion tha P. cubensis isn't striong so you've given a valid answer.

I don't know, some people are never happy! =D =D =D