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Opioids Using Kratom to lower Opiate Tolerance


Dec 13, 2023
Could one theoretically use Kratom to reduce their tolerance to Opiates?
Say I am physically addicted to 60MGs of Oxy a day. If I took the next 2-4 weeks taking an extremely low dose of Kratom (5Gs) to stray off WDs would that also reduce my tolerance to Opiates overall?
Surely 5Gs of Kratom pale in comparison to 60MGs of Oxy when it comes to the amount of Mu receptors being occupied?

Kratom recently "clicked" with me. I see what it is useful for now but I also do need my pills for when I want to let loose or when the pain is unbearable. If I can use it to stay off of pills unless for social events / emergencies that would be amazing.
It's hard to say.

I found kratom can disproportionately fuck with tolerance to other opioids relative to its seemingly weak effects. I've had instances where I had been taking what I thought were fairly low doses of kratom, like 15g a day, and was surprised with how much just that small amount had raised my tolerance when I went to go on to consume a "real opioid" (i.e., full agonists) -- like morphine or other more unconventional/multi-faceted ones, like o-desmethyltramadol or tianeptine etc.

That said, if you can really keep it to just 5g a day total of kratom, which is a very low dose, I would imagine 60mg of oxycodone would do alot after that. But again, kratom seems to increase tolerance to opioids in a manner that disproportionate to the perceived narcotic effects. Mitragynine, 7-OHM and mitragynine pseudoindoxyl achieve pretty high occupancy due to the high affinity for the MOR, but are relatively low efficacy (i.e., they don't fully activate the receptor). This might explain the surprisingly significant tolerance increasing effects despite producing fairly mild narcotic effects (compared to full agonists).

But 5g/day is very low, so if you can actually achieve this then I think your plan has a decent chance of producing the desired results. Personally though, I'd feel like shit if I was dependent on 60mg/day of oxycodone and then switched to just 5g a day of kratom, wouldn't cover the withdrawal symptoms for me.
using kratom will render opiates useless from my experience ....absolutely sky rocketed my tolerance fast....will only use Kratom in an emergency and might not use then...but that's just me
It's hard to say.

I found kratom can disproportionately fuck with tolerance to other opioids relative to its seemingly weak effects. I've had instances where I had been taking what I thought were fairly low doses of kratom, like 15g a day, and was surprised with how much just that small amount had raised my tolerance when I went to go on to consume a "real opioid" (i.e., full agonists) -- like morphine or other more unconventional/multi-faceted ones, like o-desmethyltramadol or tianeptine etc.

That said, if you can really keep it to just 5g a day total of kratom, which is a very low dose, I would imagine 60mg of oxycodone would do alot after that. But again, kratom seems to increase tolerance to opioids in a manner that disproportionate to the perceived narcotic effects. Mitragynine, 7-OHM and mitragynine pseudoindoxyl achieve pretty high occupancy due to the high affinity for the MOR, but are relatively low efficacy (i.e., they don't fully activate the receptor). This might explain the surprisingly significant tolerance increasing effects despite producing fairly mild narcotic effects (compared to full agonists).

But 5g/day is very low, so if you can actually achieve this then I think your plan has a decent chance of producing the desired results. Personally though, I'd feel like shit if I was dependent on 60mg/day of oxycodone and then switched to just 5g a day of kratom, wouldn't cover the withdrawal symptoms for me.
It was a slow taper, initially started with 10Gs and weaned off until 5Gs and stayed on that since for a couple weeks.
How is your tolerance now with opiates?
using kratom will render opiates useless from my experience ....absolutely sky rocketed my tolerance fast....will only use Kratom in an emergency and might not use then...but that's just me
Such a shame. Upon quitting have you found your tolerance to decrease? Or was there a permanent effect from the Kratom?
I found kratom can disproportionately fuck with tolerance to other opioids relative to its seemingly weak effects. I've had instances where I had been taking what I thought were fairly low doses of kratom, like 15g a day, and was surprised with how much just that small amount had raised my tolerance when I went to go on to consume a "real opioid" (i.e., full agonists) -- like morphine or other more unconventional/multi-faceted ones, like o-desmethyltramadol or tianeptine etc.
Yep same here, I experience this as well
If I take regular kratom leaf powered in capsules it’s not as bad. But when I take a lot & start mixing it with the extracts & those 7-hydroxymitragynine tablets for a couple weeks straight my opiate tolerance is shot. There’s been times I went from using the capsules of leaf, extracts & 7-OH tabs every day for a couple weeks straight … & by the time I got my pain meds I’ve had to take like double or triple the amount I normally would & still not felt them as much for a couple days
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I've been off Kratom for over a week now and my tolerence is starting to come back..Kratom should not be under estimated ...very powerful imo and will render opiates almost useless if taken before the opiate or even days prior in my experience . I was taking about 2 extract capsules a day and that was enough to destroy my opiate tolerance. Stay off the Kratom if you want to use opiates IMO
If I take regular kratom leaf powered in capsules it’s not as bad. But when I take a lot & start mixing it with the extracts & those 7-hydroxymitragynine tablets for a couple weeks straight my opiate tolerance is shot. There’s been times I went from using the capsules of leaf, extracts & 7-OH tabs every day for a couple weeks straight … & by the time I got my pain meds I’ve had to take like double or triple the amount I normally would & still not felt them as much for a couple days
Do you ever find your tolerance eventually subsiding though? Time heals all right?
I've been off Kratom for over a week now and my tolerence is starting to come back..Kratom should not be under estimated ...very powerful imo and will render opiates almost useless if taken before the opiate or even days prior in my experience . I was taking about 2 extract capsules a day and that was enough to destroy my opiate tolerance. Stay off the Kratom if you want to use opiates IMO
I've never tried the extracts before. Is it harder hitting than the powders?
How is your tolerance when you say it's starting to come back?
I heard they figured out how to get that epikak stuff through the BBB.... I think it's an opioid though.... long time.

Personally I would just use sub and stay at midline for a few days and go back at it. Everything in moderation and whatnot. BLTC
I've never tried the extracts before. Is it harder hitting than the powders?
How is your tolerance when you say it's starting to come back?
yes extract hit harder then leaf and it took about a week for my oxycodone tolerance to lower back to where I take about 60mg a day instead of 120mg a day after I took the Kratom and it sky rocketed my tolerance ...I felt like it was blocking the effects of oxycodone
yes extract hit harder then leaf and it took about a week for my oxycodone tolerance to lower back to where I take about 60mg a day instead of 120mg a day after I took the Kratom and it sky rocketed my tolerance ...I felt like it was blocking the effects of oxycodone
Hey just curious, when you said it took about a week for your oxycodone tolerance to lower back … was that a week of no kratom & just taking the oxy or was it a whole week of not taking both kratom & oxy? Just curious, I’m still trying to find a balance myself
I was able to go from 2 years of pain management post back surgery to kratom. Last month I was in a very minor automobile incident which sent me into excruciating pain. Doc gave me a 5mg oxy script and it was like taking a sugar pill. Had been off of them for 7 months. I do not trust much of anything that doctors tell me anymore.
Hey just curious, when you said it took about a week for your oxycodone tolerance to lower back … was that a week of no kratom & just taking the oxy or was it a whole week of not taking both kratom & oxy? Just curious, I’m still trying to find a balance myself
I just stopped taking the Kratom and cut my oxy intake to less than half of what I was taking and about 8-10 days my normal tolerence came back where 60mg would get me thru the day ...when I took the kratom I had days I took 140mg oxy and wasn't doing much....just need to def stay off the kratom if u want to get any pleasure from opiates imo
the transition wasn't easy either went almost 2 days without anything as I refused to take Kratom and then got my oxy script and just started back on it at a much lower level 60mg a day compared to the 140mg a day I was taking days after I took kratom...takes awhile for that Kratom to get out of the way if that makes sense...this is just my experience so take it for what its worth...but I can say for 100% certainty that Kratom sky rockets tolerance quickly
I was able to go from 2 years of pain management post back surgery to kratom. Last month I was in a very minor automobile incident which sent me into excruciating pain. Doc gave me a 5mg oxy script and it was like taking a sugar pill. Had been off of them for 7 months. I do not trust much of anything that doctors tell me anymore.
Well I do think 5MG is way too little of a dose to expect euphoria. I started off with 15MGs and cant imagine I would have felt a 5MG.
the transition wasn't easy either went almost 2 days without anything as I refused to take Kratom and then got my oxy script and just started back on it at a much lower level 60mg a day compared to the 140mg a day I was taking days after I took kratom...takes awhile for that Kratom to get out of the way if that makes sense...this is just my experience so take it for what its worth...but I can say for 100% certainty that Kratom sky rockets tolerance quickly
Haha this is basically me right now. I've stopped everything since Sunday. It definitely sucks but I can push through until Friday.
And regarding your 60MG dose, is it spread out through the day or is it taken at once?
If it it spread throughout the day how much do you dose at a time? When I was dependent on 60MGs I would split them into 2x 30s. So I can't really say I was dependent on 60 when the 2nd 30 barely even did anything after the first 30.