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heard of anyone that has purposely injured themselves to get opioids medically given?


May 23, 2013
I saw those stupid commercials acting like breaking your own arm or crashing head on into a wall on purpose just to get opioids given or prescribed is a normal thing.

see as how its anti drug bullshit I don't know it to be that common, but I'm sure someone has done it. Any stores or extreme cases you've heard of.

Stealing or commiting some other crime (prostitution) seems more reasonable that shattering your femur
When I went into the hospital over broken ribs I overheard a nurse talking about how they thought this girl had thrown herself down stairs to get drugs. She'd apparently been in several times in the last month with different "injuries".
I've rarely heard of people who have done this, i've thought about it myself but never acted on it. I thought about doing this before i ever heard about it in media
I knew a guy that shot himself in the foot to get pills, people get desperate..

Also at the Go-Kart track I worked at as a kid, some lady purposely crashed then wouldn't get out screaming for people to call an ambulance and that she needed pain killers..

On the sweet side, my girl once smashed her foot trying to get me pain pills cuz she saw how much pain I was in withdrawaling.. Just remembered that, I love that girl..

I saw one (an ad) the other day where a buddy was going to drop a car on top of a guy so he could get drugs. Now that is fucking desperation! I actually heard of a girl who slammed a car door on her hand, so it does happen.
There was thread in "other drugs" where a guy wanted to pour boiling water on his arm to get opioids.

I dont think self-injuring in order to get meds is a normal thing, unless you're mentally ill. After all some people cut themselfs (among other things) just for pleasure and/or to get some anxiety relief.
Sadly, ive seen it more than once. My wife is an ER social worker..some of the stories she has told me could and would make even the worst of junkies sick to their stomachs. At this point nothing surprises me as far as this topic goes..funny/not soo funny
Man, some of these stories are amazing. That's some "commitment".....or self-loathing.

I didn't even want pain pills when offered the last time I was at the ER with a slightly crushed thumb. My avoidance of opioids is real.
um ok

When I went into the hospital over broken ribs I overheard a nurse talking about how they thought this girl had thrown herself down stairs to get drugs. She'd apparently been in several times in the last month with different "injuries".

Did they never consider that she was being abused or harmed?
The way they said injuries led me to believe it was the whole kidney stones, intestinal issues kind of "Injuries".
Not proud of it but I’ve done it several times

I gave myself bulging disc’s 4 times by jumping off of 6-7ft high ledges and didn’t bend my knees when I hit the ground in my life and herniated 2 discs the 5th time I did it

I’ve also smashed my hand with a big rock once and broke my hand and pinky

I’ve also slammed my fingers/hand in a car door 3 times in one sitting cuz I ain’t hurting myself that much unless I know for sure they will prescribe me pain meds

I’ve also smashed my fingers/knuckles with a hammer

It’s a hell of a disease as far as what drugs will make you do it’s truly sad
Not proud of it but I’ve done it several times

I gave myself bulging disc’s 4 times by jumping off of 6-7ft high ledges and didn’t bend my knees when I hit the ground in my life and herniated 2 discs the 5th time I did it

I’ve also smashed my hand with a big rock once and broke my hand and pinky

I’ve also slammed my fingers/hand in a car door 3 times in one sitting cuz I ain’t hurting myself that much unless I know for sure they will prescribe me pain meds

I’ve also smashed my fingers/knuckles with a hammer

It’s a hell of a disease as far as what drugs will make you do it’s truly sad
And the ironic thing here is…opiates don’t work so well on nerve pain. I’ve had a couple of herniated discs since 2012, had a micro discectomy but discs re-herniated. The number of times I’ve taken an excess of opioids/opiates to try to address this and all I got from it was sick. So now I’m nauseous on top of everything.

Gabapentin works well for this but only up to a point. And jfc, people forget that these bodies we abuse are ones that have to make it through a lifetime, if you’re lucky. We need to treat them with a little more care or the second half of your life will really suck
I saw those stupid commercials acting like breaking your own arm or crashing head on into a wall on purpose just to get opioids given or prescribed is a normal thing.

see as how its anti drug bullshit I don't know it to be that common, but I'm sure someone has done it. Any stores or extreme cases you've heard of.

Stealing or commiting some other crime (prostitution) seems more reasonable that shattering your femur

Yes. I deliberately smashed my finger with...a hammer, I think.
Yes. I deliberately smashed my finger with...a hammer, I think.
I don’t understand was heroin not available or something?

The time and possible cost to get a few 5 mg Vicodin that you won’t even get off on vs just getting dope at your nearest corner and actually getting some gear that can get you off. It’s gotta be cheaper and faster and you don’t get hurt
I don’t understand was heroin not available or something?

The time and possible cost to get a few 5 mg Vicodin that you won’t even get off on vs just getting dope at your nearest corner and actually getting some gear that can get you off. It’s gotta be cheaper and faster and you don’t get hurt

While I have used heroin, it's very rare as my addiction is to prescription meds. I have ran out and had to cold turkey and by day 3 I was in such hell (and knowing my script wasn't due for another 3 days) I was incredibly desperate. It was worth it though, as they gave me two morphine injections while I was there and a pack of 28 x 30mg codeine to take home.
Not proud of it but I’ve done it several times

I gave myself bulging disc’s 4 times by jumping off of 6-7ft high ledges and didn’t bend my knees when I hit the ground in my life and herniated 2 discs the 5th time I did it

I’ve also smashed my hand with a big rock once and broke my hand and pinky

I’ve also slammed my fingers/hand in a car door 3 times in one sitting cuz I ain’t hurting myself that much unless I know for sure they will prescribe me pain meds

I’ve also smashed my fingers/knuckles with a hammer

It’s a hell of a disease as far as what drugs will make you do it’s truly sad

Did you at least get some opioids out of these efforts? The first one especially 🤯

I've never injured myself for opioids but I've briefly considered it out of desperation many years ago. Seemed like a lost cause though since my tolerance was so high back then that whatever they would have prescribed wouldn't have been nearly enough.

I did more seriously consider faking kidney stones but doing the trick where you add a drop of blood into your urine sample to give the illusion that you actually have a stone, but again it didn't seem worth it, and I believe they are on to this trick these days and won't fall for it anymore.