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Misc Various supplements


Aug 11, 2019
Can anyone please advise on various supplements and nootropics I currently have? I have chronic fatigue syndrome so am trying to boost energy but also anxiety so need something for panic attacks. I feel this is because of PTSD which I have been diagnosed with.

So currently I am taking mucuna dopa which has 15% l dopa every second day (also with lions mane which is meant to have slight MAOi properties). I also have piracetam for energy for when I need to do something but am not taking it at the same time as the l-dopa in case it interacts. Could it interact or could they be taken together?

Also I bought some powdered kava yesterday which seems good quality. Is that addictive in any way?

Also I have phenibut but I heard not to take it more than once a week as I know it is very habit-forming/addictive and can mess you up. I only take 250mg of it when I do so a very low dose.

Thank you for reading.
Phenibut can be useful for anxiety, and you are correct that it can be habit-forming when used often. However, I personally would not suggest it for panic attacks due to it's notoriously long onset (up to 2 hours in my experiences). Given the suddenness of a panic attack, a faster-acting drug would likely be more beneficial.
Phenibut can be useful for anxiety, and you are correct that it can be habit-forming when used often. However, I personally would not suggest it for panic attacks due to it's notoriously long onset (up to 2 hours in my experiences). Given the suddenness of a panic attack, a faster-acting drug would likely be more beneficial.
Up to 5 hours
Phenibut can be useful for anxiety, and you are correct that it can be habit-forming when used often. However, I personally would not suggest it for panic attacks due to it's notoriously long onset (up to 2 hours in my experiences). Given the suddenness of a panic attack, a faster-acting drug would likely be more beneficial.
Thank you for your good advice and letting me know. On second consideration I was thinking of using it in a social situation that I would normally shy away from that is planned out already. With all the different supplements I have (including ones I haven't mentioned like and energy and hair supplement with iodine) I have decided to try one energy supplement at a time and give it a go rather than take different things different days otherwise I won't know what is doing what. I also find I feel very weird after the phenibut but not sure if it's that or something else like the piracetam so I am going to space everything out.
I also find I feel very weird after the phenibut but not sure if it's that or something else
Can you describe "very weird"? It's not uncommon for gabapentinoids to produce a hangover when taken in large doses, but you did say your dose was relatively small.
Can anyone please advise on various supplements and nootropics I currently have? I have chronic fatigue syndrome so am trying to boost energy but also anxiety so need something for panic attacks. I feel this is because of PTSD which I have been diagnosed with.

So currently I am taking mucuna dopa which has 15% l dopa every second day (also with lions mane which is meant to have slight MAOi properties). I also have piracetam for energy for when I need to do something but am not taking it at the same time as the l-dopa in case it interacts. Could it interact or could they be taken together?

Also I bought some powdered kava yesterday which seems good quality. Is that addictive in any way?

Also I have phenibut but I heard not to take it more than once a week as I know it is very habit-forming/addictive and can mess you up. I only take 250mg of it when I do so a very low dose.

Thank you for reading.
I don’t have much to add here, but I just wanted to say that I know how debilitating CFS/ME can be. I have fibromyalgia myself and it just sucks the life out of me during a flare. And I have friends with CFS/ME. It’s a sadly under-researched and overlooked condition!

For me, personally, part of the key to managing my symptoms well is to make sure I am not lacking in essential nutrients and electrolytes. I like the LMNT supplement that you can mix into your water. But, I also have POTS and usually a flare of one thing brings along a flare of the other 😕
Can you describe "very weird"? It's not uncommon for gabapentinoids to produce a hangover when taken in large doses, but you did say your dose was relatively small.
Thank you for your reply. Yes kind of like a hungover feeling but it was hard to tell if it was from the phenibut or an after-effect from piracetam which I was taking also. So I decided to space them out and not take them at the same time. I also saw a review of phenibut on youtube which was interesting where he said he paid for it with feeling bad for a few days after taking it and I wondered if that's what it was.

Have you taken phenibut? What is your experience with it?
I don’t have much to add here, but I just wanted to say that I know how debilitating CFS/ME can be. I have fibromyalgia myself and it just sucks the life out of me during a flare. And I have friends with CFS/ME. It’s a sadly under-researched and overlooked condition!

For me, personally, part of the key to managing my symptoms well is to make sure I am not lacking in essential nutrients and electrolytes. I like the LMNT supplement that you can mix into your water. But, I also have POTS and usually a flare of one thing brings along a flare of the other 😕
Thank you for your reply and sorry to hear you also suffer from fibromyalgia. I appreciate the support your words have given.

I also have a big tub of a sports electrolyte powder which I sometimes take. I probably should take it daily as my diet is not great. I try to eat more fruit and veg to get the vitamins and minerals naturally. I looked up LMNT and it seems similar to this powder I have. Thanks for reminding me about it.

I also started taking another "energy/sports" supplement I had called Shred by Body War. I think this is my second bottle of capsules of it and I remember when I repurchased this one it had different ingredients to the one I had but I bought it anyway as it was good. Anyway I looked it up again to see if I could still get it if I ran out and the ingredient list on the front is different again to what I have now so they must change their formula constantly.

The label on the front says it has Acetyl L-Carnitine / olive leaf extract / cissus quadrangularis / green coffee bean / 5-htp / white kidney bean / banana leaf / stimulant free / maximum strength formula. The serving size according to the label is 3 capsules so I started out with one and then two for a while and today I took the 3 so I will see how I go with it. It says 3 capsules twice a day but I only take it once. So that with the Life Botanics Energy and Hair formula should be okay to combine as they are both just supplements.

Sorry to go on. I hope you can get some relief soon.
Last night I had a cocktail of 600mg Phenibut, 100mg Gabapentin, and 150mg Pregabalin. I felt great last night and I felt great when I woke up from a nice sleep this morning.

That's the way to take Phenibut, smaller doses and maybe as a synergistic cocktail. Smaller doses are dependable.
A little bit of a few different things can often give a nice buzz with minimal side effects.
Last night I had a cocktail of 600mg Phenibut, 100mg Gabapentin, and 150mg Pregabalin. I felt great last night and I felt great when I woke up from a nice sleep this morning.

That's the way to take Phenibut, smaller doses and maybe as a synergistic cocktail. Smaller doses are dependable.
A little bit of a few different things can often give a nice buzz with minimal side effects.
Wow interesting! Thank you for letting me know and I'm glad you found a good combination. I found I couldn't sleep on the 2 x 250mg of phenibut when I took it but it was the first time in years since I had taken it so it might have been an anxiety reaction to not knowing the effects. I was freaking out a bit as I wondered if I took too much. I think now I know how much to take and that 2 is fine I might enjoy it more and relax.

Last night I also took 225mg (3 x 75mg) of pregabalin to sleep as I struggled. I can get plenty of pregabalin from my doctor but he is not so generous with diazepam so I can't take it much. I do also have some (old) gabapentin I think so I could try this. I get confused by the names as I know them as Lyrica and neurontin but I checked the box to get it right. I know they are similar kind of. How often would you take a combo like that?
Wow interesting! Thank you for letting me know and I'm glad you found a good combination. I found I couldn't sleep on the 2 x 250mg of phenibut when I took it but it was the first time in years since I had taken it so it might have been an anxiety reaction to not knowing the effects. I was freaking out a bit as I wondered if I took too much. I think now I know how much to take and that 2 is fine I might enjoy it more and relax.

Last night I also took 225mg (3 x 75mg) of pregabalin to sleep as I struggled. I can get plenty of pregabalin from my doctor but he is not so generous with diazepam so I can't take it much. I do also have some (old) gabapentin I think so I could try this. I get confused by the names as I know them as Lyrica and neurontin but I checked the box to get it right. I know they are similar kind of. How often would you take a combo like that?
No more than once a week if you don't want to quickly develop a tolerance. Less is better.

Lyrica and Neurontin also develop tolerance quickly and also are addicting. Phenibut is worse on all those counts since it lasts so long. Anything longer lasting will develop tolerance more and be harder to kick. (THCO, Methadone, etc.)
No more than once a week if you don't want to quickly develop a tolerance. Less is better.

Lyrica and Neurontin also develop tolerance quickly and also are addicting. Phenibut is worse on all those counts since it lasts so long. Anything longer lasting will develop tolerance more and be harder to kick. (THCO, Methadone, etc.)
Thank you so much for letting me know. That makes sense. I won't take it very often. I don't take the lyrica every night but once or twice a week. Occasionally I will resort to diazepam but only once every two weeks if I can stretch it that long.

I've also got these melatonin gummies I take and am trying to use up as I have like 3 bottles left of them lol. They don't to much though.
I occasionally take this supplement which has an effect (for me) of being similar to Xanax. You might want to look into it. I got this as a sample, perhaps you can get a sample size and see how it works for you?

Be careful what you combine it with as it DOES have 5-HTP, but it’s pretty decent.

Edit: sorry for the shitty quality of the second photo. My hands shake
I occasionally take this supplement which has an effect (for me) of being similar to Xanax. You might want to look into it. I got this as a sample, perhaps you can get a sample size and see how it works for you?

Be careful what you combine it with as it DOES have 5-HTP, but it’s pretty decent.

Edit: sorry for the shitty quality of the second photo. My hands shake

Thank you so much for letting me know. I will look it up and see if I can get some if they ship to Australia and I can afford it. It's interesting how this tranquil blend has 5-htp and also the "energy" one I take ALSO has 5-htp. It doesn't even give a mg dose on the back but just says 4.08%.

The other thing I sometimes take is kava. I bought a sachet of powder and take that sometimes. It is relaxing but tastes pretty awful to drink it mixed in water.
I occasionally take this supplement which has an effect (for me) of being similar to Xanax. You might want to look into it. I got this as a sample, perhaps you can get a sample size and see how it works for you?

Thank you so much for letting me know. I will look it up and see if I can get some if they ship to Australia and I can afford it. It's interesting how this tranquil blend has 5-htp and also the "energy" one I take ALSO has 5-htp. It doesn't even give a mg dose on the back but just says 4.08%.

The other thing I sometimes take is kava. I bought a sachet of powder and take that sometimes. It is relaxing but tastes pretty awful to drink it mixed in water.
Kava is good for relaxation. I have heard that it can be hard on the liver, so I don’t take it with acetaminophen. My best friend takes it for her anxiety. I take a lot of kratom (for pain) so I don’t use kava at the same time as that, either. But I’ve heard kratom is hard to come by in Australia?
I occasionally take this supplement which has an effect (for me) of being similar to Xanax. You might want to look into it. I got this as a sample, perhaps you can get a sample size and see how it works for you?

Be careful what you combine it with as it DOES have 5-HTP, but it’s pretty decent.

Edit: sorry for the shitty quality of the second photo. My hands shake

That looks like it has a lot of good supplements in it. Unfortunately, 5-HTP makes me violently ill for some reason.

Back around 1998 I took something like that called Gary Null's Chill Pills, and I'd swear that those things had some kind of drugs in them. They would knock me out, I'd sleep like a baby and wake up feeling like a million bucks. I haven't seen them in decades.