Support The General Catch-All Side Effect Thread v. Psych Meds (NSFW)

Jerry Atrick

Bluelight Crew
Oct 25, 2009
Hey everyone, this thread is inspired by some of the target threads focusing on individual medications or classes of psychiatric meds (anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, etc). Consider this thread a spin-off where we can share detailed stories of previous side effects experienced, current issues, and tales of recovery (or lack thereof).

The main reason this thread has been started is because often certain side effect discussions can cause a target thread to veer off topic. So please, unload your problems here with no fear of judgment and no fear of derailing a thread off topic. After all, side effects are the topic of this thread.

One other thing, some content may be deemed inappropriate or Not Safe For Work (NSFW) based on certain subject matter or specific problems someone may be having. If you don't mind, when discussing something that is NSFW, please either type NSFW at the top of your post or hide the content behind a spoiler tag:
Like this :)

As always, let's be respectful of everyone's opinions and experiences. Like is often repeated, each of us has different subjective experiences with different medications. So what causes awful side effects for one person may not be an issue for another. And what is mild for one person may be debilitating for someone else.

Thanks, y'all!
Posted by @Merek in the Invega thread:
Quick disclaimer: this post involves some sexual things so If you don’t wana read about it don’t read what I’m about to post below,

My libido is rushing back like crazy today, 4 months off invega my sexual dysfunction went away and my libido returned partially but not 100% now almost 6 months off invega & it feels like my libido is back 95% I think it will be 100% in 2-4 weeks, I’m on a 30 day nofap streak rn and still experiencing wds from no PMO (Porn, Masterbation, Orgasm), I had very intense cravings today and almost relasped but thank fuck I didn’t my libido is decreased from porn withdrawal to begin with so the fact it’s coming back this much is a very good sign I’m very interested in porn fantasies right now but I’m not gonna give in if I abstain from my porn addiction for a long enough time my libido comes back in a healthy way and I will want real relationships for anyone who’s in the same boat as me with porn addiction or any addiction whenever you are having intense cravings think about the despair and depression that comes with relaspe not the short term pleasure, all of that aside almost 6 months off my libido is basically fully recovered 🙏.
Beware, NSFW content below. (Graphic)

Xeplion caused me severe sexual side effects among other side effects of course, but I'll focus on the sexual side of things in this post.

I came home back from the psych ward after I got injected with booster shots (150mg and a week later another 150mg) exactly a year ago.

I was on 49 days of semen retention.
When I decided to jerk off to porn again, I noticed that my semen was very watery.
Notice that my dick sensitivity back then was excellent, I reached climax easily and I was very aroused, like my normal self would be, I wasn't affected from thr drug quite yet, (only the semen volume and the thickness of it was off).
I wasn't sure why that was, only later finding out that it's the freakin medication which caused it.
Who would have thought I'll lose my desire for sex and the sensitivity of my ding dong, which occured in later shots.
I experienced penis shrinkage too, everything about my sexual function was odd, but I knew right away it's the shots that caused it.

It came to a point, during later shots, that when I was trying to jerk off, and eventually reaching climax, only a few watery drops of what suppose to be semen would come out.

Thankfully, some months after the last injection, the semen volume have improved and I no longed ejaculate only few drops but a few chunks of semen, still watery tho.

Lately I was trying to jerk off after doing semen retention of 5 days and the sensitivity of my dick was great (Not great as before but still), at first a load of watery semen came out and then on the second load, an actual thick sperm came out like a normal sperm would look like. I was happy man, I was waiting for it so long, but still, the volume was low and it was after retaining my semen so no wonder.
I don't know if to call it an improvement.

I hope that by the end of this year, I'll win my sexual function back, that and other aspects of me who was weakened or manipulated by this evil drug.

Godspeed everyone.
Beware, NSFW content below. (Graphic)

Xeplion caused me severe sexual side effects among other side effects of course, but I'll focus on the sexual side of things in this post.

I came home back from the psych ward after I got injected with booster shots (150mg and a week later another 150mg) exactly a year ago.

I was on 49 days of semen retention.
When I decided to jerk off to porn again, I noticed that my semen was very watery.
Notice that my dick sensitivity back then was excellent, I reached climax easily and I was very aroused, like my normal self would be, I wasn't affected from thr drug quite yet, (only the semen volume and the thickness of it was off).
I wasn't sure why that was, only later finding out that it's the freakin medication which caused it.
Who would have thought I'll lose my desire for sex and the sensitivity of my ding dong, which occured in later shots.
I experienced penis shrinkage too, everything about my sexual function was odd, but I knew right away it's the shots that caused it.

It came to a point, during later shots, that when I was trying to jerk off, and eventually reaching climax, only a few watery drops of what suppose to be semen would come out.

Thankfully, some months after the last injection, the semen volume have improved and I no longed ejaculate only few drops but a few chunks of semen, still watery tho.

Lately I was trying to jerk off after doing semen retention of 5 days and the sensitivity of my dick was great (Not great as before but still), at first a load of watery semen came out and then on the second load, an actual thick sperm came out like a normal sperm would look like. I was happy man, I was waiting for it so long, but still, the volume was low and it was after retaining my semen so no wonder.
I don't know if to call it an improvement.

I hope that by the end of this year, I'll win my sexual function back, that and other aspects of me who was weakened or manipulated by this evil drug.

Godspeed everyone.
Hey man, thanks for sharing. I'm sorry this has been going on.


I know you guys know I was never injected with Invega but I was injected with several doses of Risperdal, which they say metabolizes into Invega in the liver. Anyways, after getting home from the state hospital, at first I could barely get hard at all. It was like my dick was numb. When I was finally able to masturbate, I could orgasm but I wouldn't even get any semen coming out. I had a physical exam at the hospital where a doctor inspected my nuts for testicular cancer and I honestly thought he damaged them and I would be sterile the rest of my life. It was weird that it felt similar to previous orgasms but no fluid was expelled. I forgot how long it took but eventually I was able to ejaculate though just like you, it came out real thin and watery. Took a few more months but my loads did go back to normal after a while. Hopefully everything works out for you, I think it will get better.
Hey man, thanks for sharing. I'm sorry this has been going on.


I know you guys know I was never injected with Invega but I was injected with several doses of Risperdal, which they say metabolizes into Invega in the liver. Anyways, after getting home from the state hospital, at first I could barely get hard at all. It was like my dick was numb. When I was finally able to masturbate, I could orgasm but I wouldn't even get any semen coming out. I had a physical exam at the hospital where a doctor inspected my nuts for testicular cancer and I honestly thought he damaged them and I would be sterile the rest of my life. It was weird that it felt similar to previous orgasms but no fluid was expelled. I forgot how long it took but eventually I was able to ejaculate though just like you, it came out real thin and watery. Took a few more months but my loads did go back to normal after a while. Hopefully everything works out for you, I think it will get better.
Finally a forum I can vent my problems in great detail without worrying about it ;).
I'm happy it got better for you.
I hope it will improve to a degree that my libido comes back like it was before, I was highly sexual before so I don't see why not haha.

Another weird thing I got from the shots, which subsided almost completely, is that my balls, especially the area above my penis was itchy as fuck.
I was finding myself scratching it a lot, and for some reason it was hard to relieve the itchiness.
Maybe it's hormonal imbalance caused by the shots.

Is this familiar to anybody?
I’m on a 33 day nofap streak and I’m feeling the benefits for sure but not as good as pre invega and the full benefits don’t usually set in for me until day 50 I’ve been have PMO cravings like crazy lately I heard this is when your brain is making the most changes I haven’t given in i’m staying strong I can get rock hard erections again, since I’m on nofap I can’t tell how my semen volume is but at month 4.5 it was thick white semen and looking pretty healthy I’m sure it’s even better by now the penis shrinkage has gone away 100% and my penis is the size it was pre invega.
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NSFW big time, so beware.

A weird side effect that I got from Xeplion is with my digestion, more specifically, waste elimination.
Before the shots, my poop used to get out in big chunks, and I actually felt release of waste from my digestive tract, which also felt good.
Now, after the shots, my poop is coming out in small chunks infrequently, and I go to toilet once in 2 - 3 days, and it doesn't feel like I'm releasing everything like before.

Did this happen to you too?
Do you guys know why this is?
Sorry for being graphic, but this shit (no pun intended) as to be addressed.
NSFW big time, so beware.

A weird side effect that I got from Xeplion is with my digestion, more specifically, waste elimination.
Before the shots, my poop used to get out in big chunks, and I actually felt release of waste from my digestive tract, which also felt good.
Now, after the shots, my poop is coming out in small chunks infrequently, and I go to toilet once in 2 - 3 days, and it doesn't feel like I'm releasing everything like before.

Did this happen to you too?
Do you guys know why this is?
Sorry for being graphic, but this shit (no pun intended) as to be addressed.
Has this been reported to your primary care physician?

I'm not a doctor but I would recommend drinking a ton of water and maybe try a stool softener. A stool softener is not a laxative but may help smooth things out for you. Then again, ask your doc if some type of laxative might be necessary. They are not all the same and some are milder/stronger than others.
NSFW big time, so beware.

A weird side effect that I got from Xeplion is with my digestion, more specifically, waste elimination.
Before the shots, my poop used to get out in big chunks, and I actually felt release of waste from my digestive tract, which also felt good.
Now, after the shots, my poop is coming out in small chunks infrequently, and I go to toilet once in 2 - 3 days, and it doesn't feel like I'm releasing everything like before.

Did this happen to you too?
Do you guys know why this is?
Sorry for being graphic, but this shit (no pun intended) as to be addressed.
If you don't feel like consulting your doc about this, you can first try magnesium citrate OTC which is very cheap and effective laxitive
Has this been reported to your primary care physician?

I'm not a doctor but I would recommend drinking a ton of water and maybe try a stool softener. A stool softener is not a laxative but may help smooth things out for you. Then again, ask your doc if some type of laxative might be necessary. They are not all the same and some are milder/stronger than others.
If you don't feel like consulting your doc about this, you can first try magnesium citrate OTC which is very cheap and effective laxitive
I never had digestive or stool issues before I got injected.
It got better tbh, but I still not eliminate my feces like before, it feels more stubborn, not that I'm suffering from constipation.
I'm taking a multi mineral supplement, and I eat a lot of vitamin C in my diet so it definitely helps.

At the hospital after being there 3 horrible months with nothing my shrink finally had me injected with invega. At first i didnt care about my dick being numb at all as i was just glad i didnt think i was dead anymore. But at the hospital this chick who i later found out had hypersexuality and something else i forget grabbed my dick out of nowhere. As she was actually pretty hot and like half my age i wasent upset or anything lol. I laughed it off but no way on earth could i have gotten a hard on then. Had i been able to id be in the bathroom with her right quick.

After i got sick of this side effect and anhedonia i went to my doc i complained again and he switched me to abilify at first which was every bit as bad as invega. After like putting up with abilify injections and a totally numb dick for like a year i complained again and got latuda and my sex drive came back and my anhedonia went away. Unfortunately i also had akisthisia from it and it just didnt work well. Now i am on zyprexa and the only side effect i can bitch about is the munchies. My sex drive is at lke 100% for sure and the anhedonia is gone. So im happy with it for now and im watching my weight by cutting out carbs and lifting weights.

At the hospital after being there 3 horrible months with nothing my shrink finally had me injected with invega. At first i didnt care about my dick being numb at all as i was just glad i didnt think i was dead anymore. But at the hospital this chick who i later found out had hypersexuality and something else i forget grabbed my dick out of nowhere. As she was actually pretty hot and like half my age i wasent upset or anything lol. I laughed it off but no way on earth could i have gotten a hard on then. Had i been able to id be in the bathroom with her right quick.

After i got sick of this side effect and anhedonia i went to my doc i complained again and he switched me to abilify at first which was every bit as bad as invega. After like putting up with abilify injections and a totally numb dick for like a year i complained again and got latuda and my sex drive came back and my anhedonia went away. Unfortunately i also had akisthisia from it and it just didnt work well. Now i am on zyprexa and the only side effect i can bitch about is the munchies. My sex drive is at lke 100% for sure and the anhedonia is gone. So im happy with it for now and im watching my weight by cutting out carbs and lifting weights.
I was always a skinny guy, could sit and play video games all day, binging food and I remained skinny. That until they put me on Zyprexa for a month, my belly became huge and I gianed a lot of weight all around my body. It did the impossible.
Even if all you eat is spinach and rice, you'll get fat, this drug is horrible, and the munchies is crazy too for sure.
I was always a skinny guy, could sit and play video games all day, binging food and I remained skinny. That until they put me on Zyprexa for a month, my belly became huge and I gianed a lot of weight all around my body. It did the impossible.

Ya im trying to avoid having ore then 100 carbs a day as im just trying to maintain weight. Rice has a fair bit of carbs though
Ya im trying to avoid having ore then 100 carbs a day as im just trying to maintain weight. Rice has a fair bit of carbs though
I don't think it matters so much that you're watching your diet (Still a great thing to do), because this drug messes your metabolism up and you become sluggish too...
I don't think it matters so much that you're watching your diet (Still a great thing to do), because this drug messes your metabolism up and you become sluggish too...

I am not feeling sluggish at all. In fact i spent the morning lifting weights. I am not doing cardio yet though fuck that. I am determined not to put on a gut again
NSFW below.

I just realized why I didn't have nocturnal emission last time I was on semen retention after the injections.
Even though I've had a wet dream, cum didn't came out during sleep because my balls wasn't full yet.
The injections have hindered my semen production so it fills in slower than before.

I gonna give semen retention a try again, because I thought my balls will explode since they don't empty semen during wet dreams but then again, there's nothing to worry about I believe...
NSFW below.

Sexual function has significantly improved.
Semen volume increased, sensitivity is better, especially when I'm retaining my semen for 2 - 3 days, I already feel the difference and I'm horny as fuck. I'm producing way more sperm now!
It's actually pleasurable to masturbate again, not the same as it was before yet.
Recovery is definitely happening.
Now semen retention is similar in its difficulty has before.
I'll keep you guys updated.

Just relapsed today after only 2 days of retention, and lemme tell you, the semen was thick. Was looking pretty promising for the amount of days I went without PMO.
The orgasm and the sensations I got only from looking at porn without touching were pretty intense. These sensations of looking at a naked girl after 5 days were insane, it was pleasurable without even jerking off, so I definitely feel the lust.
Boners aren't strong like they were before yet, but I actually believe in sexual recovery. Not sure about the rest tho, like anhedonia, it will probably be the last thing to improve.
I'm quite surprised to be 85% recovered sexually at month 7. It was pretty much shitty most of the months off, only recently I gained significant improvements.

I hope to be 100% recovered sexually by the time the summer comes in.

Why is everyone so fixated on not fapping? I don't get it i finally knew i was recovered when i could actually fap. Now i can fap like 5 times a day again