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Meth How To Measure 50mg of Meth?


Jul 23, 2015
Hey guys, I received a baggie with 1g of meth and was recommended to me a 50mg dosage.

I don't have a digital scale so I can't precisely measure it.

Is there any way to eyeball 50mg or so?

I mean, you don't see meth heads carrying precision digital scales around when they are smoking/snorting the stuff.
I would definitely advice to invest in a milligram scale as these are found on eBay for even below 20$ and are pretty accurate as long as you don't need single digit mg resolution. Such one comes handy for any drug user. Eyeballing has a huge error margin to both sides.
I want to use it "now", not order a scale and wait for it to arrive...

Someone told me that 50mg of meth is about the size of a match tip, does that sound good?
I would just titrate up, I have to admit that I've eyeballed my share of substances and sometimes heavily misjudged the amounts but size of a match tip sounds good. Still could be anything from 25-100mg imo.
Must be some good meth, enjoy. Yeah if you're snorting it you could start with a match head sized bump after crushing. Don't think you can fit 100mg of powder in a match head but could be wrong
Hey guys thanks for the inputs.

Ok so how do you usually crush the crystals? The ones in the baggie are quite large, there are 4 of them.

Do I just use something flat and heavy on top of the baggie? Seems like the best way to turn it into powder without spilling everywhere.

Besides the match head sized dose, someone told me that if I just lick the tippy top of my finger and gently touch the meth should do the trick.
Yeah crush it in the bag with a spoon or something as long as the crystals aren't too had as that will rip the baggie.
Alternatively pour the crystals out into some glossy paper like a magazine cover and fold it to crush, run the spoon over it until it's totally powdered, then tip into the bag.

A "tippy top" of a finger isn't really a good measurement as it can vary massively from person to person. Plus once it's stuck on your finger the only thing you can really do is eat it.
A match head amount it likely too little but you can always take more after 30-45 mins if not enough, or if you're eating it wait an hour.
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1g is a pretty decent size, you want to really sort of consider this from a mathematical perspective.

1g halve to 500mg.

500mg halve to 250mg.

And so on. Until you get to 50mg or thereabouts.

All this after crushing of course.

Please invest in a scale, or get your dealer to bag it up according to what you'll use. I get my guy to bag it up seperately as my scale broke.
Great, thanks for the inputs guys. I will end up ordering a scale this week... Just having a hard time controlling myself, I wanna try it really bad lol.

Does it have an effect similar to cocaine, but lasts way longer? I mean, should I put a couple of six packs in the freezer and buy some cigarrettes?

For example, when I do coke I feel like smoking and drinking like crazy.
Yeah meth will make you wanna smoke and give you god-like drinking ability, but that will make the comedown horrible if you're hungover and you can't breathe.
The reason drinking makes coke feel even better is cos your body makes cocaethylene, but it's really bad for your heart and liver.
Meth doesn't do this, but it still feels good to drink with it, just try not to go crazy with the alcohol or you'll regret it the next day.
Alcohol also dramatically slows down cocaine metabolism so it lasts longer in the body.

Im gonna have to be that guy to say wait til you get a scale. If you do anything, the halfing method is the best way to eyeball but 50mg is a tricky amount from 1g unless your well experienced at eying up bags.

In my opinion Cocaine and meth are worlds apart. There’s no drug even close to cocaine except maybe MDA/MDMA but still not very. Meth is still euphoric and fun (or at least was… I’m a believer now that the shit has changed) but more of a functional high.

When I’m on cocaine all I wanna do is be at home fucking and doing more cocaine. The high from that first line of quality shit after a good break is like god shining down on me for a brief moment. With meth I actually want to like go do things. Dancing is fun, festivals and socializing is fun, helps spruce up a roll real nice, etc. Doesn’t hit me as hard but also that can be useful in making it more functional.

Ok so how do you usually crush the crystals? The ones in the baggie are quite large, there are 4 of them.
You can use anything, like taking a glass or an ashtray and press and roll it over the crystals while they are still inside the baggy. Or a hammer first if necessary and then a glass. Use tin foil to wrap the stuff if the crystals cut through the baggie. Or of course a mortar and pestle if you have one.

Yeah, stims make you want to smoke usually. I would recommend not to drink, you won't feel the alcohol anyways. Listen to some music, go for a walk and enjoy the euphoria.

Chances are that you might also enjoy lower dosages, like 25mg. When sticking to these, you should be able to sleep after the day is over.
Cool, I think I am gonna take it real early in the morning so I have good chance of sleeping at night.

Gonna have a good filling breakfast and then finish with some meth lol
I used 100 mg capsules from the drug store to measure out 50 mg amounts of mda before a festival. Crush up your stuff to where it's basically powder fill cap half way.

Obviously a scale works better
Alcohol also dramatically slows down cocaine metabolism so it lasts longer in the body.

Im gonna have to be that guy to say wait til you get a scale. If you do anything, the halfing method is the best way to eyeball but 50mg is a tricky amount from 1g unless your well experienced at eying up bags.

In my opinion Cocaine and meth are worlds apart. There’s no drug even close to cocaine except maybe MDA/MDMA but still not very. Meth is still euphoric and fun (or at least was… I’m a believer now that the shit has changed) but more of a functional high.

When I’m on cocaine all I wanna do is be at home fucking and doing more cocaine. The high from that first line of quality shit after a good break is like god shining down on me for a brief moment. With meth I actually want to like go do things. Dancing is fun, festivals and socializing is fun, helps spruce up a roll real nice, etc. Doesn’t hit me as hard but also that can be useful in making it more functional.


From what I have read in some darkweb market forums, some people were complaining about the quality of meth saying that they wanted the one made from ephedrine, which apparently is the good one. Maybe you are getting meth made from other stuff, can't remember the name now.