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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: aLL aBoArD tHe MoThErShiP 👽🛸

Some of the ones that really interest me is 1cP-AL-LAD and 1cP-ETH-LAD, the parent compounds is so good and im curious about how the 1cP substitution will alter the experience. For instance 1cP-LSD has been described as being more potent then regular acid and and great qualitatively, also read the same about 1V but ive never done either of those so its just speculation. Personally when i took 1p-LSD i found it to be such a clean acid trip and something id absolutly love to do frequently.

Right now one of my sources had regular AL-LAD blotters that i wanna scoop up, but also these 1p-LSD geltabs dosed at 105ugs that im thinking i will get first for my next psychedelic purchase . Mainly cuz i feel like the geltabs will be stable for a long time and i wont need to be in a rush to eat them all if kept outside the freezer. Thinking that i will get twenty of those bad boys to start off and put them into an amber vial for safe keeping.

Maybe i will write to vendor and see if i can get a bigger price break if i would buy fifty of them for instance...

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I keep meaning to try it. Sometimes I wake up in the early morning in the midst of a dream and hit my vape and usually I fall back into very vivid dreams. But haven't tried the patch, just heard from multiple people that it's wild
Do you vape everyday @Xorkoth

Recently i just quit buying more and i threw away my device, it was so difficult. Sometimes i hit other peoples now once in awhile, nicotine is one of the most mentally addicting drugs ever probably.
I've been thinking about doing this. How long has it been since you've thrown away your device? I've quit nicotine many times in the past but always come back to it after a month or two. I would always attempt a sort of taper but im starting to think that a cold turkey attempt is probably the only thing that'll work for me. I'm usually pretty big on tapering, but with nicotine it's rather difficult.

How long after throwing it out did it take before things mellowed out a bit? I imagine the first 1-3 weeks are rather intense.
I've been thinking about doing this. How long has it been since you've thrown away your device? I've quit nicotine many times in the past but always come back to it after a month or two. I would always attempt a sort of taper but im starting to think that a cold turkey attempt is probably the only thing that'll work for me. I'm usually pretty big on tapering, but with nicotine it's rather difficult.

How long after throwing it out did it take before things mellowed out a bit? I imagine the first 1-3 weeks are rather intense.

Its been almost a month since i got rid of it, the first few days are fucking brutal. Like serious mental torture, been after about a week its not so bad. One of the worst parts about vaping is you can do it anywhere on the sneak tip so i found myself taking three big pulls every twenty mins. My habit was pretty bad, i was spending like 40 bucks a week on pods.

Since then i have hit friends vapes maybe 5 times if that, so im doing pretty good. Dont plan on buying anymore so it keeps me from doing it often. I mean i dont wanna seem like a bum so im not gonna bother people to use it all the time.

Im really glad i gave it up, i started getting these headaches and im sure it was that. Cus within a week of stopping they went away and the same thing happened to me a few years ago vaping, and i quit then for the same reason.

But im kinda hardheaded so i gave it another whirl thinking it would be different 😒
Its been almost a month since i got rid of it, the first few days are fucking brutal. Like serious mental torture, been after about a week its not so bad. One of the worst parts about vaping is you can do it anywhere on the sneak tip so i found myself taking three big pulls every twenty mins. My habit was pretty bad, i was spending like 40 bucks a week on pods.

Since then i have hit friends vapes maybe 5 times if that, so im doing pretty good. Dont plan on buying anymore so it keeps me from doing it often. I mean i dont wanna seem like a bum so im not gonna bother people to use it all the time.

Im really glad i gave it up, i started getting these headaches and im sure it was that. Cus within a week of stopping they went away and the same thing happened to me a few years ago vaping, and i quit then for the same reason.

But im kinda hardheaded so i gave it another whirl thinking it would be different 😒
Thank you for the thorough response 🙂 I appreciate it a lot!

Thats about where I'm at, $40 a week on pods which is a lot for a habit that brings me zero pleasure. I also relate a lot to the headaches. My heart also seems a bit more on edge than it did before. Not to mention the effect on my respiratory health.

I did recently start taking Wellbutrin again. It has the lovely effect of not really helping reduce my cravings, but taking away the reinforcing effect of the nicotine, so now I get no buzz at all. Still, I'm helping that it'll help ease the withdrawal somewhat if I cold turkey.

Thank you very much 🙂 After I'm through with these pods maybe I'll try powering through a cold turkey. God knows I've survived much worse and have come out a much better person for it. Still, I may buy some pods now and again when I see my girlfriend since she vapes and I'll likely hit hers and I feel bad about using up all of her nicotine. Maybe I'll just keep my device at her place so it's just something I use while I'm there.
Yeah, I vape every day, for sure.

I've been thinking about doing this. How long has it been since you've thrown away your device? I've quit nicotine many times in the past but always come back to it after a month or two. I would always attempt a sort of taper but im starting to think that a cold turkey attempt is probably the only thing that'll work for me. I'm usually pretty big on tapering, but with nicotine it's rather difficult.

How long after throwing it out did it take before things mellowed out a bit? I imagine the first 1-3 weeks are rather intense.

I've thrown away my vape many times. I, too, always come back to it after a few months. Nicotine is such a weird drug. I have never gotten physically addicted to it. But the mental addiction is very strong. "Withdrawal" for me consists of nearly constant, strong cravings, but nothing physical, or even remotely so. Which is weird because a lot of people I know say they get a bad physical withdrawal. But I vape heavily 24/7, and it's just never happened. But despite that, I still keep wanting it, even though it does nothing for me except fulfill an oral fixation. I even hate the actual effects of nicotine... I don't feel anything from vaping anymore, unless I vape a really strong liquid, and then I hate the light headed/slightly sick feeling it gives me. It's so weird. Every other drug I do, I do it because it makes me feel good. Every other drug, if I dislike the effects, I only tried it once or twice and said nah, this drug isn't for me. But nicotine, I still want it even though I don't like it. It's creepy.

Vaping is more addictive than smoking, though. It's because you can do it all the time, anywhere. So instead of taking a "break" every so often to go outside and smoke a cigarette, and then feeling nasty and smelling bad afterwards, I can just sit there at work and hit my vape every few minutes.

For me, the first week of quitting nicotine is the worst, I think about it nearly all the time unless I'm doing something that requires my full attention. And even then the thoughts creep in. After the first week, it gets a lot better, but I still have random cravings for a while.

My habit was pretty bad, i was spending like 40 bucks a week on pods.

To anyone buying pods, those are a massive rip-off. I have the Neat brand vape, it has refillable pods so you just have to buy vape juice. So much cheaper. I still spend $20 on a bottle of high quality nicotine salts vape juice that is made locally and doesn't have a bunch of crap in it, and that lasts me 8 to 10 days. But I COULD be buying bottles of vape juice for $6-7. Also my friend told me my vape shop is ripping me off ad he gets the same brand for $12 at his vape shop.
I've been having some crazy dreams lately wearing a patch at night.
But despite that, I still keep wanting it, even though it does nothing for me except fulfill an oral fixation.
My partner found that switching to 0 nicotine vape juice and just pretending that it is still nicotine helps a ton, since it still fills that habit and oral fixation.
I even find myself hitting their 0 nicotine vape somewhat often despite never having had a nicotine addiction myself.
Yeah I have thought about doing that. It probably wouldn't make any difference for me, honestly. Maybe I'll give that a shot. Vaping fills a certain role for me, it's the same role smoking does, but squared. It's basically a tiny little break/reward throughout the day, some little moment to look forward to. That's the addictive part, for me anyway.
If i don't find a new place to live within a month im at risk of been homeless. I pray to the universe I find a place to live. I have money yet the housing crisis has got so bad here there is no where to lives.
Just a couple songs from one of my favorite bands that I wanted to share with my friends at bluelight.

First one says it simply: Don't say no to pills / an Ativan won't kill
(But it the interest of harm reduction, yes, it might)

2nd song is about when they took acid. Listen to the lyrics

I've had a good handful of trips with this music at the center. Saw them live three times. Once with 2ce, once with 2cb, and once with just weed - on their farewell tour :(
Oh yeah, nicotine patch dreams were crazy! Unfortunately, they were so stimulating (I'm a very light smoker) that it was almost impossible for me to fall asleep while wearing one.
saw a report on shilajit tested for heavy metals. I been consuming that stuff for over a year. Turns out it had high levels of aresnic, copper and lead and a bunch of other heavy metals. I wonder if i done any damage to myself lol
So I'm here for this edm show tonight at the club a half an hour early.

I had 2mg DOC before I caught the bus here and chewed an x pill on the bus. I'm starting to feel pretty awesome.

I hope this show is fun tonight. Waiting on my buddy to show up.

Starting to flip. I've been up for two days doing 4f-mph already. Woo-hoo!!
Dropped 120mgs of Memantine at 7am, starting to feel it take effect as we speak. My girlfriend is gonna be here at 3pm so i will be fully peaking at that point. She is bringing a 100 carts of n2O with her so i will be able to see how they combine so im looking forward that. Should be a pretty nice day off, im back to working 6 days a week again so i need some time to decompress.