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Destruction is coming Hail lord shiva.


May 6, 2019
The impending destruction of the current state of our world is coming soon. A great war is coming

SHIVA will destory this world to create anew.

Its gonna be bloody and dark.

NO Light and love. Pure and utter destruction without mercy.

Light is just another gradient of darknes.

Darkness is just another gradient of light.

Middle of the spectrum is infinity.

Brahma is embodiment of the "darkness is just another gradient of light".

Vishnu is embodiment of "infinity of gradients".

Shiva is embodiment of "light is just another gradient of darknes".

For one three are needed.

Yugas are 4 and are interchanging in the inconceivable moment, then conceivable, then sensory and all the way to imense timespans. Kali Yuga that lasts 432,000 (human body) years is full of Dvapara Yugas that last 26,000 years, Treta Yugas that last 12 years and Satya Yugas that last a day. They are all here and now all the time and accessible based on state of ones awareness. In the most dark hour of Kali Yuga an enlightened being, while still with its material human body being in Kali Yuga, can be, exist and perceive the cleanest aspects of Satya Yuga. Such beings are rare in human society today as perfect Vidya is needed, but there is no separation in The Truth.

May the Great Lord Shiva destroy all that is not condusive to life so material for someting new and better is brought about. May his dance be no more painful than it has to be. May all that seek find.

Om Namah Shivaya!
The impending destruction of the current state of our world is coming soon. A great war is coming

SHIVA will destory this world to create anew.

Its gonna be bloody and dark.

NO Light and love. Pure and utter destruction without mercy.

I was looking forward to another one of these.
You're still crazy, but you are on the money about a great war (stop naming Gods though, that's blasphemy. If they are truly Gods they should be utterly incomprehensible for humans. No names no faces)

Now is the time to do as much good in the world as you can.
(stop naming Gods though, that's blasphemy. If they are truly Gods they should be utterly incomprehensible for humans. No names no faces)
Shiva is not The God, he is powerfull incarnation of that which can not be named. You could call him semi-god as he is one of 3 main principles that govern universe. But he is still mortal. Positive one being Brahma, neutral Vishnu and negative Shiva (+0-). Also Shiva is not a singular person but a "position in universal managment". There are, were and will be many Shivas to perform the role of death, destruction, dissipation...in order that things can be destroyed when not working and that from that destroyed material something bew can be made. From maneur the pkants grow and Shiva is responsible for the creation of life giving maneur.

Disclaimer: there are many schools of thought and I am giving response based on a school that seems very campatable with scientific discoveries and life processes as I see them.

Have a great day you all.
Shiva is not The God, he is powerfull incarnation of that which can not be named. You could call him semi-god as he is one of 3 main principles that govern universe. But he is still mortal. Positive one being Brahma, neutral Vishnu and negative Shiva (+0-). Also Shiva is not a singular person but a "position in universal managment". There are, were and will be many Shivas to perform the role of death, destruction, dissipation...in order that things can be destroyed when not working and that from that destroyed material something bew can be made. From maneur the pkants grow and Shiva is responsible for the creation of life giving maneur.

Disclaimer: there are many schools of thought and I am giving response based on a school that seems very campatable with scientific discoveries and life processes as I see them.

Have a great day you all.
I was raised oldschool Pagan since I'm Bav and we have kept a lot of our old religion, even after the Romans conquered us, and here we say that the Vikings failed because they started naming the Gods and started giving them a face and a story. Even using names like Brahma and Vishnu, they're all insults towards the Gods. I understand Hindu religion, and I'm fully aware they are supposed to be aspects, still, they are aspects of God. Anything of God or Gods is incomprehensible to humanity, therefore understanding it is pretending to understand it, or interpreting your own story from your own viewpoint. So as a human, pretending to understand anything about the Gods or God is blasphemy, no matter which religion, since it's all the same.

It's not so much a "don't do this, or i'm gonna be mad" from me, just a heads up that if we can understand it, it's not God :)

These times are a testing period, not only of whether we can see through the "narrative", using our intelligence and finding time to investigate and discern truth, but also to see whether we can self-reflect, thus acknowledging our progress or alternatively our descent into depravity. If the roots of the problems can be recognized, we can turn everything around.

But if we stubbornly say that we have got nothing to do with it all, there is no hope. This is why those who self-reflect will survive, while those who do not, will not.

Just a perspective of a narrative that is . . . what is it that drives one to survive. Some have that will. Usually is how some survive and others do not.
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If we assume we "know" someone, we have already lost, for this means encaging them according to one's own perceptions. If someone appears to be coming from a different direction than ourselves, with contradictory ideas, this is our perception. In order to further understand (instead of remaining stagnant in the pond of one's own limited knowing), it is necessary to listen, to understand their experiences, their feelings, their motivations, and the sources of knowledge which inspire them.
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If 'God' exists, humans cannot even begin to comprehend it - so much damage has been caused with the insistance that we can - we're up our own assholes as a species

We can't even comprehend massive numbers, let alone 'God'
The impending destruction of the current state of our world is coming soon. A great war is coming

SHIVA will destory this world to create anew.

Its gonna be bloody and dark.

NO Light and love. Pure and utter destruction without mercy.


Reminder, this is the Judaeo-Luciferian eschatological gameplan - https://odysee.com/@MysteryOfIniquityExposed:1/NARR010:3. They intend on manufacturing a collapse, followed by a civil war type situation. Just remember, they control both sides. Movies and TV programming have been broadcasting/promoting the plan for decades. In specific they intend to utilize a generation of cyber-libertarian/anarcho hacktivist type assets to attack the electrical infrastructure and computer systems via hacking or EMP. They intend on hitting everything, inc healthcare systems (which is why people on essential drug treatments or therepies are in serious danger). The various subcultures they will be employing have been created through years of media programming (think The Matrix, Fight Club, Mr Robot) and so on. All of it is Luciferian ideological propaganda of the theosophist variety (allot of proto-hinduism) but its all essentially just Jewish mysticism, actual Hindus (or whats left of them) dont like these assholes anymore than i do. By real hindus i mean those deep in the Indian suncontinent whos practices/beliefs have been largely unpertrubed by the globo-luciferian network (this rules out most western Hindus and anyone who was introduced to it through a New Age vector - or any organization that speaks english come to think of it).

So there are the cyberterrorists working overtime to damage the current monetary system (and who will be used in some form of massive attack on infrastructure). There are the various criminal gangs of the world (who are under the control of the same hidden hand). There are numerous societies, NGOs, paramilitaries - everything connected via the same secret societies. Each component of the process has been promised wealth and good times in the new dispensation, compartmentalization is how they craft the best incentives tho. To the somewhat naive hacker kids the promise is to end the worlds debt (Year Zero Fight Club) - to any other disenfranchised group this or that is promised (decriminalization of all drugs ?) - not before everyone on earth has their meds removed and the population gets thinned out even more of course. Allot of it monetary tho, they all bank on crypto and get rich if they can collapse the system. Sure it will a genocide, countless thousands or millions will be killed - but a brave new world awaits. I mean it might hurt, and no patient wants to be operated on - but the world needs to be repaired/brought into the messianic era https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikkun_olam

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I was raised oldschool Pagan since I'm Bav and we have kept a lot of our old religion, even after the Romans conquered us, and here we say that the Vikings failed because they started naming the Gods and started giving them a face and a story. Even using names like Brahma and Vishnu, they're all insults towards the Gods. I understand Hindu religion, and I'm fully aware they are supposed to be aspects, still, they are aspects of God. Anything of God or Gods is incomprehensible to humanity, therefore understanding it is pretending to understand it, or interpreting your own story from your own viewpoint. So as a human, pretending to understand anything about the Gods or God is blasphemy, no matter which religion, since it's all the same.

It's not so much a "don't do this, or i'm gonna be mad" from me, just a heads up that if we can understand it, it's not God :)
Just a further explanation needed. If there is The God aren't we all aspects of him/her/it? Isn't everything an aspect of all pervasive God(s)? And if that is the case we shouldnt name things. Any things. At all. And yet we have words and personal names. So if I call anything I am insulting The God or The Gods... Or is my logic off?

And I am aware that I don't know what I don't know. Since I am aware I know tiny margin, or better say believe that I know, I am very aware that I can not comprehend God/Whole/Eternity. I can't even have insight in functioning of my brain. But I like to play and not take things too seriously. So I play with words and concepts knowing only that none of them are correct/right.

If we assume we "know" someone, we have already lost, for this means encaging them according to one's own perceptions. If someone appears to be coming from a different direction than ourselves, with contradictory ideas, this is our perception. In order to further understand (instead of remaining stagnant in the pond of one's own limited knowing), it is necessary to listen, to understand their experiences, their feelings, their motivations, and the sources of knowledge which inspire them.
Speaking like a true studend of Jiddu Krishnamurti. 😀
Light is just another gradient of darknes.

Darkness is just another gradient of light.

Middle of the spectrum is infinity.

Brahma is embodiment of the "darkness is just another gradient of light".

Vishnu is embodiment of "infinity of gradients".

Shiva is embodiment of "light is just another gradient of darknes".

For one three are needed.

Yugas are 4 and are interchanging in the inconceivable moment, then conceivable, then sensory and all the way to imense timespans. Kali Yuga that lasts 432,000 (human body) years is full of Dvapara Yugas that last 26,000 years, Treta Yugas that last 12 years and Satya Yugas that last a day. They are all here and now all the time and accessible based on state of ones awareness. In the most dark hour of Kali Yuga an enlightened being, while still with its material human body being in Kali Yuga, can be, exist and perceive the cleanest aspects of Satya Yuga. Such beings are rare in human society today as perfect Vidya is needed, but there is no separation in The Truth.

May the Great Lord Shiva destroy all that is not condusive to life so material for someting new and better is brought about. May his dance be no more painful than it has to be. May all that seek find.

Om Namah Shivaya!

If everything is just one then we are no more than bacteria. With no independent arbiter of value or universal truth than what is the point of anything ? No gradients of value, no judgments and no attatchments (should we abandon those in need and sit atop the hill ?). In truth there is darkness and there is evil, objective universal evil - and because we are human and by the grace of God we recognize it. The best aspect of ourselves imbued in us by the higher power which exists within and beyond has given us recognition. From the sludge of creation we put upon it meaning and gradients, which are truth because we (and he who was before us) hath inspired us to do such. Your creed is one of Nihilism, lying enchantments of the Naga. Man is to regain his estate, and is not undifferentiated chaff

Just a further explanation needed. If there is The God aren't we all aspects of him/her/it? Isn't everything an aspect of all pervasive God(s)? And if that is the case we shouldnt name things. Any things. At all. And yet we have words and personal names. So if I call anything I am insulting The God or The Gods... Or is my logic off?

And I am aware that I don't know what I don't know. Since I am aware I know tiny margin, or better say believe that I know, I am very aware that I can not comprehend God/Whole/Eternity. I can't even have insight in functioning of my brain. But I like to play and not take things too seriously. So I play with words and concepts knowing only that none of them are correct/right.

Where is the correlation? You're using human logic
Why would we all be aspects of God? We're mortal, we're limited.

Our true selves spanning multiple identities might be of the Gods, but those are also unknown to us
So no, you can absolutely name anything you want, you can have an idea of what a God is,
and you have a word for God, but you can have no true understanding of what it truly means.

In our form of Paganism, all we have are the Idisi. The Idisi are what you might call the messengers of the Gods, and the ones who decide the faiths. But no further. All else is unknown. God, Goddess, Gods, maybe it is the entire universe? Who truly knows. All we need is the earth beneath us, and the sun and moon above us. Those are what is to be worshipped, as they are the garants of our lives. That's why all of our Pagan festivals are harvest and solstice festivals. The Oktoberfest is a very famous example, however there are hundreds of these festivals, it's just the most famous one
In our form of Paganism, all we have are the Idisi. The Idisi are what you might call the messengers of the Gods, and the ones who decide the faiths.
I look at Shiva or forces of universe (electromagnetism and such) the same way you describe Idisi. And as I already expressed my view about volume of my knowledge I guess it is pretty clear that I can't start to comprehend whatever God is.

But on the other hand I am not a follower of any belief structure, not even my own cause I am too messed up to understand myself, I use words more loosely and lightly. Although I am aware of the power they have. Spells are cast by spelling after all. 🙃
I look at Shiva or forces of universe (electromagnetism and such) the same way you describe Idisi. And as I already expressed my view about volume of my knowledge I guess it is pretty clear that I can't start to comprehend whatever God is.

But on the other hand I am not a follower of any belief structure, not even my own cause I am too messed up to understand myself, I use words more loosely and lightly. Although I am aware of the power they have. Spells are cast by spelling after all. 🙃
see, and if you came to the conclusion that this physical world is all you need for your physical and spiritual growth, you're a Pagan. Simple as that :)

See we just do stuff like that

appreciating our nature, our harvests, the sun, the water, that's what it means to be Pagan,
to realize that the only thing that counts is this world, this universe.
You will meet God or the Gods in due time, no need to break our feeble heads thinking about it

this way, by not trying to determine what and who God is, we insult no Gods, what or whoever they may be. We appreciate the creation of the physical world, and everything that gives us life
see, and if you came to the conclusion that this physical world is all you need for your physical and spiritual growth, you're a Pagan. Simple as that :)

See we just do stuff like that

appreciating our nature, our harvests, the sun, the water, that's what it means to be Pagan,
to realize that the only thing that counts is this world, this universe.
You will meet God or the Gods in due time, no need to break our feeble heads thinking about it

this way, by not trying to determine what and who God is, we insult no Gods, what or whoever they may be. We appreciate the creation of the physical world, and everything that gives us life

I do things like that. Sometimes with mashrooms on top 😀

See, we get along and it all started with me doing what you called a bad thing. So many ways to express our similar human experience. 🙂
I do things like that. Sometimes with mashrooms on top 😀

See, we get along and it all started with me doing what you called a bad thing. So many ways to express our similar human experience. 🙂
an old Bav Shaman here does these walks up the mountains, up to a lodge there, where you do a natural sauna. All of this you do on a mescaline trip, or mushrooms, very eery experience. He's like the trip sitter who doesn't take anything and just watches you so you don't do stupid things. He also taught me the correlation between fire and the Gods, and why he sings to fire every evening.

Well it's not necessarily bad, it's just a quick conclusion that we should rid ourselves of. This world is bombarding you with different religions, and different identities of God, and all of this is a test by the Gods, or so I believe. We are so tempted to define what is so high above us that our thoughts couldn't possibly grasp even a single infinitesimal fragment of the Gods.
NO Light and love. Pure and utter destruction without mercy.
Nah i'll pass on dis one.
Trying to scatter a few good seed that have been dropped on my and taken root.
Mercy...? Depends.....
If I find a mf with a child in lets say in a compromising position the may be no mercy.
If he/she/whatever rips me for a yard I aint gonna kill em, fuck. So mercy is dealt as needed imo/e but aint no "god" gonna kill me lol
Bring that shit on death is asacared :rofl: