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The funniest drug


Oct 29, 2018
One of my main delights in taking drugs, well psychedelics really, is laughing my bollocks off in a laughing fit. Probably the hardest I've ever laughed is on mushrooms, with acid a very close second, and oral DMT/4-aco-dmt another very close second. Have you ever noticed this or are you all sat there po-faced trying to contact fucking aliens? :)
In the early days Hash would make me very happy and giggly. That was definitely a social thing though.

GBL is probably the drug that puts me in the most fun and uninhibited types of moods of all. But there have been loads of mood lifting drugs like Kratom, ODT, speed; any of them made things more fun and funnier.

I've only tripped maybe 5-10 times. One time on mushrooms I bumped into someone else who I knew was tripping that night, and he had the silliest, daftest, happiest grin on his face and it instantly put me in the same mood. For a while. But things usually ended up going down the introspective and serious route for me on psychedelics.

I guess this is why some people love them, and some people don't.
The first time I smoked weed, I turned on the television and saw Tom Green beating a man named Glenn with loaves of bread attached to rope. When one loaf of bread broke off from the rope, he picked up another loaf of bread on a rope, from a pile of bread loaves with rope tied around them, and continued the beating.

He was swinging the loaves of bread on rope at Glenn while the audience chanted "Beat Glenn with a loaf of bread, beat Glenn with a loaf of bread!"

I'm not sure why, but I'm fairly certain that I laughed so hard I rendered myself unconscious.. I don't remember anything after that.
In the early days Hash would make me very happy and giggly. That was definitely a social thing though.

GBL is probably the drug that puts me in the most fun and uninhibited types of moods of all. But there have been loads of mood lifting drugs like Kratom, ODT, speed; any of them made things more fun and funnier.

I've only tripped maybe 5-10 times. One time on mushrooms I bumped into someone else who I knew was tripping that night, and he had the silliest, daftest, happiest grin on his face and it instantly put me in the same mood. For a while. But things usually ended up going down the introspective and serious route for me on psychedelics.

I guess this is why some people love them, and some people don't.

You can train yourself out of the introspection on psychedelics tho Bleaney - I got into mushrooms just after my dad died young so the first couple of years there were a lot of tears but one day as I was going down the sadness route I said to myself "Fuck this - my life is sad enough already, I don't need sadness on fucking trips too" and soon enough I was laughing.
I remember the first time I smoked hash as a teenager was with some girls in a tent , dont think I ever laughed that hysterically again.

Lsd gives me this big perma-grin but drugs dont really make me laugh anymore. I think I laugh more sober .
The most serious laughing fit I've ever had (oh dear, into oxymorons already!), was with a mixture of smoking weed and salvia. I thought I'd rip a muscle, I was laughing so hard.
LSD hands down. Walked into the smoking area of a rave once, everyone had a mustache, no bullshit
Then my mates heads all got really big, we where just sitting there talking and they all had these huge heads it was hilarious
some huge laughing fits on cannabis in the early days, and on psyches.

had a 30 minute laugh just the other week on 200ug lsd

but the most I've ever laughed on drugs was as a young partyfiend when we'd had multiple hotknives of "Paki Black" and then inhaled proper medical poppers.... my mates landlord knocked and entered the room and we just continued literally, hysterically and unstoppably screaming with laughter as he stood, all ashen-faced, wide-eyed in the doorway :)
some huge laughing fits on cannabis in the early days, and on psyches.

had a 30 minute laugh just the other week on 200ug lsd

but the most I've ever laughed on drugs was as a young partyfiend when we'd had multiple hotknives of "Paki Black" and then inhaled proper medical poppers.... my mates landlord knocked and entered the room and we just continued literally, hysterically and unstoppably screaming with laughter as he stood, all ashen-faced, wide-eyed in the doorway :)

Oh aye, pharmaceutical amyl nitrite is THE tits.

Conversely, sex shop 'poppers' are headache inducing shite.

But yeh, probably mushrooms...
You nailed it in the OP @Ismene2

Mushrooms, then acid, and probably a fag paper between them.

Weed when you're new to it. My ex-gf genuinely pissed herself first time stoned.

Actually, space cakes right up there with mushrooms and acid.
Yeah I'm just gonna repeat everyone else and say weed when it was still magic, and shrooms. I remember the first time I had shrooms, me and my friends were just sitting there, our hilarity feeding off the fact that we were all laughing at nothing.... We must have looked like maniacs.

I'm also gonna throw mephedrone into the assortment, as that made us all talktalktalktalk and a lot of the time funniness ensued.
also LSD, (and i had taken allot of other drugs before hand)
walking to new Brazilian mates house who gave us the LSD
i dubbed him ''the spirit guide''
large trucks start to go by
i find the way they sound strangely sinister
something about those trucks
they are huge
more pass
the fuck

my inner voice - chill dude your on LSD its just the LSD
breathe, breathe
I become calm

the rest of the trip goes smoothly
we get back to dudes house
sit in the back yard having tea
the plants all come alive
i dont know how to feel about this
i just walked in and these plants dont know me
they are aware of me...i feel awkward

then i become calm, and listen as my new Brazilian friends tell me about how shit their lives working minimum wage jobs are despite being university educated degree holders ect. one was a solicitor working as a bargirl. They complained about allot of people treating them like shit as the plants swirled around and emanated from them

for a moment they looked like the faces of those indian tribal people hidden in some forest (they where mostly of European descent, like upper middle class Brazilians and very pissed off about being at the bottom of the rug

super interesting experience
Yeah, that sounds like a real laugh fest..

i dont know why that stood out, they where in a great mood most of the time and where also fucked up on drugs. Nice crowd. They actually ran the rave we met them at and insisted we come back to their place afterwards. Allot of so called raves are shitholes but they had put real effort into this setup, allot of glowing murals spray painted onto the walls, very impressive grafart - huge Buddha and all this tibetan script. Not overcrowded either, i think it might have just been for brazilians or something, cant remember how the fuck we ended up there but they wernt letting more than a certain amount in and there was plenty of space. Didnt stick around at their place, just had tea in the yard with mate - pleasant end to a good night, tea as the sun came up and then we left. I will always remember the dude explaining how the jobs sucked tho, and how they where mostly from middle class/educated backgrounds in Brazil. They where obviously running those raves (and other stuff) to supplement income ect.
Yeah, that sounds like a real laugh fest..

Wait are you implicating me in whatever problems this guy was having because i dont sound sympathetic enough ? (despite me expressing clear sympathy)

I know all about shit jobs and the exploitation that happens kid

Or was my comment explaining a trip hallucination envisaging them as native american indians (some of them had a bit of that look) not politically correct ?

Do explain as i am unfamiliar with this fad called wokeism

fucking woke thought police
Have you ever noticed this or are you all sat there po-faced trying to contact fucking aliens?


I actually laugh more on meth than anything else. This may just be due to sleep dep and realising how absurd everything really is. Which is similar to being on psychedelics anyway 😎
Wait are you implicating me in whatever problems this guy was having because i dont sound sympathetic enough ? (despite me expressing clear sympathy)

I know all about shit jobs and the exploitation that happens kid

Or was my comment explaining a trip hallucination envisaging them as native american indians (some of them had a bit of that look) not politically correct ?

Do explain as i am unfamiliar with this fad called wokeism

fucking woke thought police

That was taking things out of context to the next level wtf.
Wait are you implicating me in whatever problems this guy was having because i dont sound sympathetic enough ? (despite me expressing clear sympathy)

I know all about shit jobs and the exploitation that happens kid

Or was my comment explaining a trip hallucination envisaging them as native american indians (some of them had a bit of that look) not politically correct ?

Do explain as i am unfamiliar with this fad called wokeism

fucking woke thought police
Dude, I was trying to make you laugh (see: thread title).. but yeah, read into into my seven word post as a politically motivated assault on your values 😂
