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Prophecies of "end times' and "last days" Vs Does the book have to be fulfilled?

Can we do nothing or make a change?

  • I believe we can stop doomsday if we wanted to

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Nothing can be done it is already written

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • No clue what you are on about this time

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Who really GAF

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
Please don't make fool of us all with that consideration. If you had read about christian mysticism of christian philosophy, (Spinoza, for example) you'll realize that intelligent christians consider God a personal force among other things, so it cannot be called "a person" without being figurative or incomplete, it's ultra-personal, the same way it's ultra-spiritual or ultra-material, it's beyond all our mental and language frontiers.
Humans are a bunch of meat with a glimpse of divinity, through the filter of the brain and language, a glimpse of God is not entirely God.
I understand that there is many interpretations of Christianity and many different sects and groups of people who held different beliefs than the orthodox traditional view. However when one usually calls themselves a Christian in this day and age and tries to follow the Bible they will often refer to god as if he is a person. They will attribute human characteristics to him like jealousy and anger and trying to control other people and they will not acknowledge the aspect of oneness and unity that is truly associated with what we call god or at least closer to the objective truth than what they are claiming. They don’t understand that they are ultimately a part of god and ultimately are god themselves on some level. They don’t have to attribute these low level behaviors to him unless they are insecure about themselves and are trying to project their own fears and insecurities unto the greater universe or unto the idea of what they think god should be.

And it is true that our current state of physical being prevents us from seeing the all encompassing truth of the universe just because of the fact that it is just so vast and complex and requires a significant amount of awareness to accommodate for all of the different frequencies and planes that are present in our reality. However I think it is safe to say that as along as you hold the idea of oneness and unity and interconnectedness in your head then it kind of doesn’t matter how complex and expansiveness this universal information is. It is all connected by god at the end of the day and the only reason why it is so hard for us to understand all of this other metaphysical phenomena that is going on around us all the time is because we view ourselves as separate from the whole and we view ourselves as limited human beings with an ego and a brain that is separate from the universe. If we were to see ourselves as god, which is the ultimate interconnectedness of everything in the universe, then we would automatically understand all of these things that we feel are too complicated to understand in our limited human perspective. Essentially, you would have to become aware of the fact that the human ego is just an illusion that we produce in order to navigate the 3 dimensional reality. It is not as real as we have made it out to be and it is the mentality that is responsible for the majority of human suffering and disconnection within the species. That is why we have access to universal truths when we are on psychedelics but then forget them once the drugs have worn off. Because the boundaries of the ego are dissolved and you basically sink into this greater pool of interconnectedness which is not limited to your singular identity or experience as a human being. That allows your consciousness to expand and are able to become aware of these more advanced spiritual truths that are too big to carry back with you when you come down from acid or shrooms or something. Everything can basically be answered by oneness. Every philosophical question that has ever been asked can basically be explained by the concept of oneness or the idea that everyone and everything in the universe is just one thing or one mind.
I see
Books from the bible, Nostradamus and other texts from other beleifs predict the end of days, end times and other events that are full of doom, damnation, bloodshed and whatnot.
Some say these must come to pass... that we have to fulfill the book.

My question to you: Do you think we have to go through all this suffering or do you think we can actually do something to reverse/negate doom prophesy and negate all these doom sayers?

Personally I feel we have all the creative and destructive powers within us all to do as we wish and the freedoms to do so. In other words; I feel we can forgo all the misery and suffering if we chose to do so and are able to use our "powers" that we own (as opposed to ceding them to those who are "looking after our own good" ).

What do you think about this? Do you think we can stop all the madness that has been prophesied or would anything we do to curb it all just be in vain and possibly prolong global destruction/suffering?
Are we to "go with the flow" as some teach and not resist or be like the salmon and swim against the tides in order to keep our species ongoing?

Best to you all

Again, votes in poll are hidden for the same reasons but can be viewed publicly (just not who voted what).

Thanks for your time.
I see this is another "either/or" proposition.

some might cruelly see it as a bi-polar proposition.

I don't.

Of course.
Thanks for the O.P. and kudos.

On the Bible and other apocalyptic writings of fiction.

When the compilers were asked why they included Revelation, they said they needed a snappy and dramatic end.

Religions are selling a hero. A hero must have an enemy.

If some future condition compels us to label it a worthy foe, someone will be elected to deal with it.

Scriptures via Jesus, urge us to elect a new God/hero.

That methodology, changing labels of course, is how all problems are solved..

What I and most people want is for us all to get the lead out of our collective anal orifices.

I think that the wants of the vast majority of us is the same, in terms of our eco system as a whole.

Many see us as having gone past most tipping points and really want a hero.

When we decide to collectively act, we will elect a new God/Eco Czar to take care of the Earth.

I personally want to kick a lot of people into gear, but alas.

That seems the crux to me ... that we each want a saviour to do the work for us ...

Who here can see the hopelessness in wanting an Other to save the world for us?

To quote Krishnamurti: "It may already be too late ..."
Life will forever go on for infinity. The end is not near.

Destruction of the old world is coming so a New world can be born anew afterwards. This is the dance of shiva. The bible is a false prophecy. There is only one true religion Hinduism.

There is no judgement coming for the earth. LIFE IS LIFE.

What we are seeing is the after effects of karma during actions of the kali yuga.

The next few centuries will be alot better. This is just the transitonary phase.

The weak shall perish as is the law of nature and evolution this will hold true for all weak nations. They will collapse.

Do not fear for this has happened forever in human history. Everything is a cycle. Hold onto your hats, its going to be one hell of rollercoaster and ride.

In the end all things shall return back to source. The cosmic dance of shiva is eternal. Energy can not be destoryed or created.

Something magical is upon the earth. After 2080 the golden age of consciousness is coming to dawn upon mankind.
So you say!
Humanity has always had a death wish. As a species, we are masters of self-destruction. But we are also creative. We seemingly want to do both in order to function.

As for the end times... humans are stuck in a cycle that is never ending. This has all happened before and it will all happen again. There is a tiny bit of progress that is made with each full turn of the wheel, in terms of our evolution and understanding. But each iteration looks more or less like every other iteration.
There will be some who survive and some that won’t. That is more or less set in stone and cannot be avoided. It is happening right now. People are dying everyday and there are more and more horrible things happening in the world. I feel like the prophecies have already been initiated but the amount of time that it takes for these things to play out is somewhat inconceivable to us it seems like. It almost seems like people forget that from a higher perspective, 100 or 1000 years might be considered a relatively short amount of time.

So when people talk about the age of aquarius we become skeptical because we feel like there should be some momentous event that makes it obvious that this particular aeon has initiated. But the truth is that even the cusp or the window of transition from one astrological age to another can take 50-100 years maybe even more than that. So I feel like that ties into the prophecies about death and destruction and annihilation of the human species. It’s already happening and we have always tried to destroy ourselves. It will happen so slowly and gradually that we won’t even know that it is happening when it is happening. In some sense we do kind of have to ride the wave so to speak and just figure out ways to raise your vibration so that you are not a match to destruction and death. But that would include integrating your shadow aspects with the conscious self and integrating emotional pain and anger and fear.

But the plan has already been set. It has already been decided by higher forces that the aftermath of this reality split or so called Armageddon will usher in a new world and a new age where we are renewed and we evolve interdimensionally and we become one with the spiritual and metaphysical world. As a result, we will attain a higher consciousness as a collective species and disease and mental illness and suffering will be eradicated or at least greatly reduced or alleviated. We will be able to communicate telepathically and we will all be connected through thought and through love and genuine connection and seeing the human species as one giant family as opposed to the lifeless interactions and associations that that we express with eachother now.

The ones who suffer will be the ones who resist the light of truth that will become apparent at the edge of civilization. Things will become obvious to us at a certain point; what’s the right thing to do, what’s the right decision to make, what is more in alignment with love and unity and healing… all of those things will become clear to us whether you are a good person or a bad person. The dilemma that arises however is peoples unwillingness to accept these universal truths that will help guide us out of the mess we have created for ourselves. They will deny these things because it will conflict with their personal egos and all of the fake thoughts and dreams that they built up for themselves throughout their lives. It will be very difficult for them but that is how the creator made it. The essence of god is complete truth and reality and authenticity and oneness. Anything that goes against that is ultimately fake and inauthentic and so it will cause a contradiction to our being and that is when suffering or bad experiences arises and that is what leads to death and destruction.

Christian’s and other religions think god is a person or something but all god is is true authenticity and the true naked nature of reality that connects all things in existence to one another. However these religions have provided a rudimentary understanding of this so called astrological age or aeon. They will not admit that astrology and extraterrestrials play a significant role in these natural changes that occur after long periods of time. They do not understand that Jesus himself was in communication with these higher beings that we now call aliens but the ancients called them angels and devils. And some of them are devils in a way. But they will inevitably be put in their place by the higher beings when the end times come and the humans who were complicit and participatory in their projects and endeavors will suffer along with them and will have to repeat the cycle of karma that they have created for themselves.

But I do believe that we can tap into the energies of nature and create a big enough change to where the amount of suffering that occurs is greatly reduced. But my personal feeling is that people have to become more open to spiritual thinking instead of relying on physical means like science or technology or something like that. I don’t believe that they have the capacity to create the change that you are mentioning. At least not their own. I feel like people who are really skeptical minded and reductionist minded will have a hard time understanding how many of the ailments and diseases of society can be greatly alleviated or cured by becoming aware of this aspect of the universe that is constantly trying to flow through you and trying to get your attention. If we were to go in the direction of that flow of nature then we would just naturally heal and we would naturally know what is reality and what is the right thing to do. It can provide confidence and a broader perspective which might help people with severe mental illness like schizophrenia or psychotic illnesses to recognize that they are not victims to their minds. They have the power to take control of their lives and it is a lot harder to realize that when you just accept that you need to continuously go to doctors and psychiatrists who tell you that you are broken and that you need chemicals in your body to be fixed. The secular mind does not understand the fallacy of that whole system or way of going about it.

Don’t they realize that if they invited these universal energies into their lives and into their minds then they would be able to make more scientific discoveries at a faster rate and be able to come up with better solutions on how to handle certain social issues?? Do they not realize that the puzzle of dark matter and dark energy and gravity would be solved if they let the universe itself reveal the answer to them?? They are completely flawed in their thinking and have no idea how much they are missing out on and how much it can help them move forward in their professions and how it can benefit that particular field that they are in.
What I want to know is how come you're not listed in High Times Magazines Top 40 Gurus? You're not a fraud are you?
I like the Zen aphorism: "He who says does not know. He who knows does not say".

Oh, and just for the record, the indigenous north american warrior and shaman Crazy Horse saw past and present as a circle before his minds eye. He said he could see the world's end. Spooky, eh?

What I want to know is how come you're not listed in High Times Magazines Top 40 Gurus? You're not a fraud are you?
You can view me as a fraud if you want to if that makes sense in your reality but I can assure you that I speak from my heart and with the intention of finding truth to the best of my ability and the ways that i know how.
You can view me as a fraud if you want to if that makes sense in your reality but I can assure you that I speak from my heart and with the intention of finding truth to the best of my ability and the ways that i know how.
Oh. From the heart. And finding Truth ... OK.

Good Luck!
I said "no clue what you're on about" because it was funny and because I DON'T KNOW. I don't think the world's going to end anytime soon but I don't think it's going to improve.
Stats show that we are improving quite a bit.

We are destroying global poverty and most crimes of violence and war are at the best levels that we have ever enjoyed.

Prof Pinker is a good source.

Stats show that we are improving quite a bit.

We are destroying global poverty and most crimes of violence and war are at the best levels that we have ever enjoyed.

Prof Pinker is a good source.


Well I still don't know but I'm going in the other direction I think. I wish they'd just get it over with or better yet, give us an approximate date so I can plan my demise lol. Saw this on Twitter earlier:

Evolving perfection is how I term it.

Given our history, the world is the best it can possibly be at all points in time.

One of the Jesus' taught that. The Gnostic Jesus.


I saw some other thing from my "spiritual" people about it dying and being reborn like the Phoenix.. But really all I can do is laugh.
"Embrace the Chaos" is what I'm meant to do. I woke up one day and that phrase was repeating itself in my head while I was half asleep/half awake. Tell that to someone with horrendous anxiety caused by a mother whose routine (order) you can set your watch by 🙄
So after much thought on this I have concluded that we have everything at our disposal to scrap all fear mongering/slave indoctrination and turn everything around.
It is my opinion that we must all be on board with this for it to happen. Will it happen or will we we just continue to wage war over plastic aspirations and our need to be right and greedy?
Well I still don't know but I'm going in the other direction I think. I wish they'd just get it over with or better yet, give us an approximate date so I can plan my demise lol. Saw this on Twitter earlier:

This negative blip in history is almost over.

It seems that even the enslaved Muslims are starting to protest and die in Iran.

The numbers of people who are willing to die for liberty is growing now that most know that freedom is a joke word when it comes to humans.

Socratic teachings are finally penetrating.

I saw some other thing from my "spiritual" people about it dying and being reborn like the Phoenix.. But really all I can do is laugh.
They apply to the physical what their teachers want them to apply to the mental.

It is our minds and spirits that get reborn. Not our Physical existence and earth.

Most Christians are misdirected by their lying preachers.

"Embrace the Chaos" is what I'm meant to do. I woke up one day and that phrase was repeating itself in my head while I was half asleep/half awake. Tell that to someone with horrendous anxiety caused by a mother whose routine (order) you can set your watch by 🙄
My moment was more of a, they will hate your, but you owe it to them.
